Treatment of ventricular bradycardia

Author Ольга Кияница


Among various forms of the slowed-down rhythm, bradycardia with ventricular localization can be distinguished, which may present a considerable risk due to the high risk of cardiac arrest. When it occurs, it is imperative that the attack is timely repaired, which often involves the assistance of a medical emergency team.

Ventricular bradycardia refers to clinical variants of the course of the slowed heartbeat that are not included in the International Classification of Diseases 10 revisions. Such a definition is not widely used, while other variants can be found in the form of a ventricular extrasystole and ideoventricular rhythm.

With the development of ventricular bradycardia, a heart rate of about 50 beats / min or less is observed. It can be combined with the weakness of the sinus node and sinus bradycardia.

The assessment of the patient's condition is carried out using such method as electrocardiography. Depending on the clinic, other diagnostic methods may be used, such as echocardiography, Holter monitoring, stress tests. After accurately determining the cause of the ventricular bradycardia, the treatment tactics are selected and the drugs are selected, which can only be performed by the attending physician.

Video The most important thing: Bradycardia, Greenblad-Strandberg syndrome

General recommendations

Patients with the presented pathology must follow certain rules, then the quality of life will be improved, and the likelihood of life-threatening complications will decrease. In particular, it is necessary to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Less use sweets, optionally replacing ordinary sugar with honey and fruits with high fructose content (raisins, dried apricots, figs, blueberries, apples, bananas, pears, peaches).
  • To move more, but at the same time not to allow physical overload, otherwise there will be another problem - hyperactivity with the exhaustion of the heart muscle.
  • Avoid bad habits, as smoking and drinking alcohol adversely affect the work of the heart.
  • Maintain important clinical parameters within the normal range: cholesterol, glucose, arterial pressure.
  • The nutrition should be saturated with useful substances (microelements, vitamins) for which it is necessary to include dairy products, various varieties of cabbage, oranges, mint, beets, carrots and celery in the diet.

In the presence of a patient with severe subjective abnormalities of the pathological condition, the appearance of frequent dizziness, weakness, urgent medical attention. Especially it is not necessary to delay in case of loss of consciousness.

First aid for ventricular bradycardia

At the pre-hospital stage of medical care, the following actions are performed:

  • The patient is examined, if possible, data on the development of the disease are collected, his condition evaluated and possible life-threatening symptoms are determined.
  • If possible, electrocardiography is recorded, arterial pressure is measured, pulse is measured. It is also important to collect anamnesis of the disease, since this allows us to find out the cause of the development of ventricular bradycardia.
  • Intravenous administration of atropine sulfate in the form of a finished 0.1% solution in a dose of 0.5 ml. If necessary, the introduction is repeated.

Patients with a pronounced clinic of bradycardia, as a rule, are urgently hospitalized in the hospital of the cardiology department.

With ventricular bradycardia, an attack on Morgagni-Edem-Stokes (MES) can be observed, which must necessarily be stopped at the pre-hospital stage. To do this, a cardiopulmonary resuscitation is performed, an atropine is administered intravenously, and in the absence of the effect of its use, euphyllin is administered. If the given medications can not restore cardiac activity, then pacing is performed.

Medicinal treatment of ventricular bradycardia

There are certain indications for the treatment of ventricular bradycardia. The most important are the following:

  • The presence of symptoms characteristic of the circulatory disorder - dizziness, weakness, loss of consciousness.
  • Frequent attacks of a slow heartbeat that do not allow a person to lead a normal way of life.
  • Concomitant diseases in the form of organic heart lesions, which noticeably worsen the predictive value of ventricular bradycardia.
  • Decreased performance.
  • The heart rate is set at 40 beats / min and below.

Depending on the cause of ventricular bradycardia, the following treatment regimens are used:

  1. Overdose of drugs that slow down heart rate - cancellation of medication with subsequent use of antidotes or detoxification agents. For example, when excessive intake of beta-blockers is used glucagon, which helps to prevent the removal of calcium from the body.
  2. Temporary heart failure, determined by monitoring heart rate, is an indication for the administration of beta-stimulants (dopamine, dobutamine).
  3. In poorly expressed signs of bradycardia, preparations of beauty, ginseng or eleutherococci may be used.

In the absence of the effect of medical treatment radical therapy in the form of implantation of an electrical pacemaker is used. In particular, indications for such surgical interventions include heart failure, heart failure for 3 seconds or more, anomalies of the development of the heart muscle.

Folk medicine in the treatment of ventricular bradycardia

With the development of a slow heartbeat, grasses and berries are widely used, from which infusions, tinctures, broths are prepared. If the clinic of bradycardia is not strongly expressed and the attending physician does not show any concerns about the treatment of pathology in folk ways, then some common recipes may be used.

  • Tartar hawthorn is one of the most famous means in folk medicine. There is a variant of acquiring a ready-to-take drug, or you can cook yourself from 100 ml of medical alcohol and 10 dried fruits. Before treatment, the device should be insisted for 10 days, followed by taking 10 drops per glass of water three times a day.
  • Broiler chisel - cooked from two tablespoons of grass, which is filled with a glass of boiling water. After taking about half an hour in the water bath and still pushing for about an hour, the medicine is taken on a table spoon three times a day, with the course of such treatment being one and a half months.
  • Tincture of young needles - for cooking, needles are taken with soft, young needles, about 50 g, which are filled with 300 ml of medical alcohol. After insisting for two weeks, the medicine can be taken in 15 drops at a time and so three times a day. You can also cook a decoction of young needles, for which two tablespoons of twigs in the evening are poured in boiling water and insist until the morning. The next day, take a tablespoon three times.

It is important to understand that treating ventricular bradycardia at home can be done only with a weakly defined clinic, when practically no clinical signs are observed. Otherwise, it is possible to damage the development of more complex conditions, therefore, it is necessary to consult with the attending physician in a timely manner.

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