Vaginal extrasystole during pregnancy

Author Ольга Кияница


During pregnancy, various disorders of the rhythm, including ventricular extrasystoles, can be determined. The disease can represent a danger to fetal development and for the health of the mother. With the help of modern methods of research, the pathology is determined both at the planning stage, however, at the early stages of pregnancy, which allows timely carrying out the necessary therapeutic measures.

Extrasystole is an arrhythmia group and is an extraordinary contraction that occurs due to the activity of ectopic foci. Their location can be determined in the atrium, atrioventricular node.But the least favorable is the ventricular extrasystole during pregnancy, since when it occurs, the risk of other cardiovascular complications increases significantly.

Various forms of rhythm disturbance are detected in 20% of pregnant women. Of these, 30% of cases develop ventricular extrasystoles, and 50% are supraventricular.

Extrasystoles are manifested during pregnancy in the same way as other cases: interruptions in the work of the heart, a feeling of fading of the heart, weakness, irritability, etc. The patient may not find a comfortable position of the body, which does not allow a fully rest. In pronounced subjective sensations, it is important to contact your doctor in time to prevent the development of dangerous complications.

Arrhythmia video for pregnant women

The main causes of extrasystoles during pregnancy

Pregnancy and extrasystoles are a complex combination, as during the bearing of a child, and so increases the load on the heart, and when adding a rhythm disorder, the woman becomes doubly heavier. Therefore, it is extremely important to know the main causes of extrasystoles, which differ little from pregnant women from non-pregnant women, in order to prevent the onset of a pathology if possible.

According to some researchers, in 43% of pregnant women and women, various types of rhythm disorders develop due to functional disorders.

Allocate the following factors of development of extrasystole:

  • Functional (physical and emotional stress, dyshormonal changes in the context of pregnancy and after delivery, the use of certain products in the form of strong coffee, tea, alcohol, nicotine).
  • Organic changes in the heart muscle that lead to ischemia, connective tissue growth, dilatation of the chambers of the heart, hyper-or hypothyroidism of the myocardium.
  • Disorders of the central nervous system in the form of tumors, disruption of blood supply to the brain.
  • Psychogenic arrhythmias, formed on the background of psychopathies, neuroses, stress-hypokalemia.
  • Diseases of the digestive tract, in particular, ulcer disease, dyskinesias of various origins and localization, inflammation of the liver.
  • Endocrine disorders, primarily thyrotoxicosis, to a lesser extent hyperparathyroidism.
  • Electrolyte disturbances associated with a deficiency or excess of important trace elements (potassium, magnesium, calcium).

In some cases, hereditary factors, which for one reason or another during pregnancy or during its planning stage potentiate the development of rhythm disturbance, play an important role.

Diagnosis of extrasystoles during pregnancy

Prior to the appointment of treatment, a patient's examination is mandatory, as this allows us to establish the exact cause of the disease and subsequently apply appropriate drugs.

The first elements of the diagnosis are used at the reception of the doctor, when the patient is examined, blood pressure is measured, palpable pulse on the radiation and carotid artery. Auscultation of the heart is necessary, which allows to reveal some organic lesions of the heart.

Additional research methods:

  • Standard electrocardiography.
  • Daily monitoring of electrocardiography.
  • Echocardiography, which may be transthoracic or transesophageal.
  • Load tests in the form of bicycle ergometry, walking for a time.
  • Electrophysiological examination performed through the esophagus or as intracardiac diagnosis.

Depending on the indications, laboratory tests can be performed. The concentration of electrolytes in the blood is most often determined, the hormonal background is examined and the coagulogram is performed.

Treatment of extrasystoles during pregnancy

It is conducted only in the case when the patient is defined by a pronounced clinic or subjective intolerance of attacks.Also a mandatory indication is the threat to normal fetal development or the health of a woman.

Principles of extrasystole treatment during pregnancy:

  • drug effect on the underlying disease;
  • elimination of the factors of influence or influence on the main cause of arrhythmia development.
  • the use of antiarrhythmic drugs and other remedies that restore the normal functioning of the heart.
  • In complex cases, electrocardiostimulation, electropulse therapy, radiofrequency ablation are used.

With the help of the chosen drugs, the contractility of the myocardium and the general functioning of the heart increases, normal blood circulation (central, peripheral, uterus-placental) is restored. Also during treatment, attention is paid to increasing resistance to stressful situations, normalization of various types of metabolism (especially electrolytic and energetic). When observing vegetative disorders, appropriate therapy is performed.

It is important to know that the use of antiarrhythmic drugs during pregnancy is possible only in extreme cases and in the presence of absolute indications because of the high risk of developing serious complications.

All antiarrhythmic drugs penetrate through the utero-placental barrier, so the appointment of such agents can only be done by a doctor. Often, several doctors of narrow specialties are required to be consulted: a cardiologist, an obstetrician, a pediatrician.

Forecast of extrasystoles during pregnancy

A benign course is observed in the asymptomatic pathology, as well as in the subjective tolerance of seizures. A good prognosis is established with the effectiveness of antiarrhythmic treatment.

Malignant course is characteristic for frequent, early, polythyroid and polymorphic extrasystoles, which are resistant to ongoing therapy or have arisen against other cardiovascular diseases.

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