How to reduce the pulse

Author Ольга Кияница


Frequent pulse can be determined at any age and if there is no normalization of the state at rest, then it is necessary to lower the pulse in the possible ways. At home, some methods of restoring the heart rhythm can be used, while others require the presence of medical personnel.

The pulse is a jerky oscillation of the walls of the arteries, which depends on the degree of filling of the blood vessels and the pressure inside them.Measuring this indicator, you can get information about the functioning of the cardiovascular system, identify violations in its work, which are often associated with any diseases.

Normally, an adult's heart rate is defined as 60-90 beats per minute, but it may exceed the permissible values and fall below. But most often there is an increase in heart rate and then the question arises how to reduce the pulse.

To determine the pulse value, various methods and tests are used, but the simplest and most accessible is palpation of the pulse on the wrist and its counting for 60 seconds (alternatively, read 30 seconds and then multiply by 2). In some cases, the pulse rises due to a reaction to external stimuli, but sometimes a pathological palpitation occurs, which must be reduced in all possible ways.

Video Council of the Doctor. How to reduce the heart rate (heart rate, reduce heart rate)

How to normalize high heart rate

With a significant increase in heart rate, the heart works with a heavy load. To rule out the risk of developing ischemic or other complications, this condition should be monitored. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • Potentially provoking factor should be eliminated.
  • The patient is located in a calm, both physically and psychologically, environment, while taking a comfortable posture (lying or sitting).
  • You need to do a very deep breathing, then hold it for a few seconds, and then slowly exhale.
  • It is necessary to close eyelids and within 20-30 seconds to press fingers on eyeballs.
  • Calling a vomiting reflex sometimes helps to lower the pulse, for this you need to press two fingers on the root of the tongue.

The above-mentioned methods of exposure can reduce the high pulse and reduce the manifestations of symptoms.They resort to them in self-help.

Every fifth adult person, after reaching the age of forty, encounters such a condition as a high pulse. Anyone who uses a tonometer to determine three-digit heart rate figures should know what to do in such cases.

In addition, in order to prevent the increase in heart rate, one should adhere to certain rules regarding the way of life: control over excess weight, healthy nutrition. Also you need to give up smoking and drinking alcohol. Such simple general recommendations that should become a habit to be fulfilled at all times. This will lead to increased endurance and resistance to possible stresses and external stimuli.

It is important to know that people with a propensity for a depressed mood, with emotional lability, as well as those who are acutely sensitive to changes in the external environment, should use sedatives. Most often it is recommended to take tablets or tincture of valerian, dog rose or hawthorn, tablets of persen, hops. The course of treatment must necessarily be agreed with a specialist.

If there is a frequent occurrence of a high pulse without obvious cause, you should seek medical help from a doctor.Such signs are usually the first "swallows" of a more formidable disease, which without proper treatment can lead to serious complications.

Products that help reduce heart rate

It is known that to lower blood pressure you need to consume less salt. But there are products that help strengthen the blood vessels, which in turn allows you to better control the heart rate.

1. Baked potatoes

This delicious vegetable is rich in magnesium and potassium, two trace elements that are an important part of the DASH diet (a dietary approach to eliminating hypertension or increased body weight). Nutrition, rich in potassium, helps the body to become more effective in washing out excess sodium (similar can increase blood pressure and heart rate).Magnesium maintains healthy blood circulation throughout the body.

2. Sour milk

A glass of sour cream ensures the intake of calcium and vitamin D in the body, as well as other nutrients, which contribute to a 3-10% reduction in heart rate. These figures at first glance are not impressive, but they can translate into a 15 percent reduction in the risk of heart disease. Other studies show that people with low levels of calcium are at greater risk of high blood pressure.

3 eggs

Earlier it was believed that eggs are not useful for the heart and blood vessels, but recent studies have shown that yolks do not increase the risk of heart disease. Also egg whites deserve a place on the list of products to reduce heart rate and blood pressure, according to a study presented at the meeting of the American Chemical Society. As reported in international journals, when rats with high blood pressure were given egg proteins, they experienced an improvement in condition that was comparable to a low dose of captopril reducing blood pressure. While more research is needed, it can already be said that eggs are a reliable source of protein, vitamin D and other nutrients necessary for the body.

4. Broccoli

This cruciferous vegetable is a good source of regulating the circulatory system of minerals: magnesium, calcium and potassium. In fact, a large number of these three trace elements is a control sign of many products to reduce heart rate.Previous studies in animals have shown that a diet high in broccoli can help lower blood pressure and pulse, reduce the likelihood of developing cardiovascular disease and stroke.

5. Beetroot juice

People with a frequent increase in heart rate, who drank about a glass of beet juice, experienced a drop in blood pressure by about 10 mm Hg. as well as the normalization of the heart rate. According to a study published in April 2013 in the American Heart Association, drinking a glass of beetroot juice a day can help maintain the circulatory system at a healthier level.

6. Sesame oil and rice bran

According to research conducted by the Scientific American Heart Association, people who have prepared a mixture of two oils available in health food stores have lowered blood pressure, which is almost comparable to the effect of taking medications. Researchers believe that this result is due to the presence of fatty acids in oils, and antioxidants such as sesamine, sesamol, sesamolin and oryzanol.

7. Bananas

In one banana contains about 420 milligrams of potassium, which reduces the pulse. This is approximately 11% of the 4700 milligrams of potassium recommended by the American Heart Association for taking each day to avoid negative cardiovascular conditions. It's amazing that many vegetables actually contain more potassium than this popular fruit. For example, a cup of Swiss chard boasts 960 milligrams, a glass of cooked white beans has about 1200 milligrams, and avocados - 975 milligrams.

8. Black chocolate

This delicious sweetness is rich in antioxidants, called flavonoids, which make blood vessels more elastic. To get the benefits of chocolate, you need to eat a day not more than half the tiles.

9. White beans

Reducing the pulse, like blood pressure, requires more than just reducing sodium, as indicated in reports. You also need to eat foods with a high content of at least two of the three minerals by type of calcium, magnesium and potassium. White beans contain all three micronutrients at once. Only one glass of beans contains 13% of calcium, 30% of magnesium and 24% of potassium needed for the daily recommended diet.

10. Pomegranate

In 2012, a study was conducted that showed that when healthy adults drank 330 ml of pomegranate juice every day for four weeks, their pulsatile, systolic and diastolic blood pressure decreased. Thus, you can replace your morning orange juice with a half cup of this healthy product for the heart.

Exercises to reduce heart rate

Surprisingly, but the trainer and conditioning specialists say that you can reduce the pulse with the help of a competently matched charging. There are four most important types of exercises that reduce the heart rate. These include:

  1. Strengthening
  2. Stretching
  3. Balancing
  4. Aerobics

Exercises are not only able to reduce the pulse. Harvard Medical School recalls that charging also helps to prevent depression, improve overall well-being, exacerbate abilities and improve sleep.

"When the cardiovascular system is being trained," explains Tyler Spral, a certified force and conditioning specialist and trainer at, "its effectiveness and power are increasing. The result is that the heart can do more work with less effort (pumps more blood throughout the circulatory system, requiring less energy and tension to do so), so the heart rate decreases. "

To reduce the heart rate, the following sports are suitable:

  • Swimming
  • Walking
  • Yoga

It is very important to find the necessary techniques and combine them to avoid a bad mood and make sure that you can work with all parts of the body. Interval training (alternating intensive training with rest periods) is a particularly effective way of normalizing the pulse.

Causes of Frequent Pulse

All the causes that can cause an increase in heart rate, fall into two categories: physiological and pathological. The first do not pose a threat to human health. Most often they are a natural reaction of the organism in the form of a fast heart rhythm to any stimuli. In this case, the pulse stabilizes for a short time.

Physiological effects include:

  • food intake;
  • drinking alcohol, strong coffee, tea, energy;
  • intensive physical activity;
  • physical overwork;
  • the state of stress, when the level of adrenaline rises;
  • stay in a stuffy room;
  • overheating in the sun;
  • elevated body temperature.

At a physiological palpitation after a finding in a quiet status the pulse is restored independently, therefore it is not required to accept medicines to normalize it. The exception is the high temperature, which must be reduced so that the heart rate is stabilized.

If we talk about the pathological causes of high heart rate, then here are all diseases, against which the pulse increases, in particular, this:

  • infectious diseases;
  • damage to the heart muscle;
  • anemia;
  • presence of tumor formation;
  • destruction of the endocrine system.

In cases where the increase in heart rate is caused by any of the listed diseases, additional symptoms are clearly visible, which make it possible to understand what needs to be sought for medical help. Especially do not hesitate if you have:

  • pain in the chest;
  • shortness of breath;
  • shortness of breath;
  • increased sweating;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • swelling of the limbs and face;
  • increased fatigue.

These signs indicate the presence of health problems, so do not neglect them. It is necessary to go to the hospital as soon as possible to the cardiologist or the therapist to undergo a complete examination.

Important! It happens that the heart palpitations occur against the background of drugs. In this situation, treatment should be discontinued and it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Dangerous consequences of rapid heart rate

People with a heart rate of more than 100 beats / min. during rest have a 78% greater risk of developing various heart diseases, including ischemia and myocardial infarction

Long-defined high pulse is often aggravated by pain in the heart, weakness, irritability, restless state, impaired functionality. Because of frequent heart contractions, hemodynamics (nutritional deficiencies) are disturbed, leading to spasms of small vessels in various organs. Hypertension, heart failure, myocardial dysfunction can also be determined.

The most serious complication of a very high heart rate is ventricular fibrillation. Pathology is an uncoordinated reduction of different muscle groups of the heart, whose frequency is more than 300 beats per minute. The heart stops working normally, the body does not get enough oxygen. In such cases, the patient must be resuscitated very quickly, otherwise within 10 minutes a person dies.

Thus, to ignore the often rising pulse or very high pulse, although rarely occurring, is not worth it. Prevention is always more effective than prolonged and less effective treatment.

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