How to prevent cardiovascular disease

Author Ольга Кияница


Prevention of the development of cardiovascular diseases is done by preventive cardiology. To date, various schemes have been developed to prevent such formidable diseases as myocardial infarction, heart rhythm disturbance, stroke, heart failure. Timely measures taken will prolong life.

Prevention of cardiovascular diseases today worries many sick people, scientists, medical workers. If earlier CVD was most often determined in the elderly, today more and more young patients are found for various "senile" pathologies. Children and adolescents are increasingly finding out hypertension, cardiac disorders, vegetative-vascular disorders.

Over the past 10 years, there has been a 10-fold increase in the prevalence of hypertension among adolescents.

Various studies have shown that a number of disorders, determined in childhood, respond to an ischemic heart disease during the adult period. Therefore, it is extremely important to exclude such factors of influence as smoking, physical inactivity, malnutrition and so on. To do this, special methods are used to prevent cardiovascular disease

Video Prevention of cardiovascular diseases: current trends

Balanced diet

There are such foods that adversely affect the activity of the cardiovascular system. First of all, these are fast foods, fatty and salty foods. It should firstly be replaced with vegetables and fruits, as well as fortifying products in the form of yoghurts, raisins, nuts, legumes and whole-grain bakery products.

At the heart of rational nutrition is the calculation of calories consumed, which, for example, fat should not be more than 30% of the total. On average, it can be 60 grams of fat per day.

The excessive amount of cholesterol is firstly adjusted by dietary nutrition. In particular, you need to eat less animal fats, lower the calorie content of the food you eat. In this diet, you need to include more potassium-containing foods. First of all, it is grapes, apples, bananas, melons and watermelons. Such components of the diet should be used abundantly in the summer. In winter, one should not forget about the dried fruits and available in this season of food, rich in potassium (pumpkin, tomato juice).

Sausages, sausages, sausages and other fast food products are rich in various fats, so they are especially not recommended for people who are overweight.

The green contains many different vitamins and minerals useful to the heart and blood vessels, so if possible, it should be added to all dishes, except dessert.

Physical activity

Proper exercise often helps to strengthen the cardiovascular system and thereby prevent the development of certain diseases. If you take into account the advice of the American Association of Cardiologists, you get the following:

  • after 5 years, children should exercise moderate physical activity for 30 minutes each day;
  • two to three times a week, intense physical activity must be performed, also at least 30 minutes;
  • adults, the reduced time of classes can be increased, but it all depends on the general state of health.

To understand what kinds of sports in terms of how long they pull, the following examples of different exercises are offered for the same time (30 minutes):

  • fast walking - about 3 km;
  • bicycle riding - about 8 km;
    dance Sport;
  • basketball, volleyball.

It is important to choose a sporting activity with the help of the attending physician, since in the presence of cardiovascular diseases some types of exercises are not recommended.

Monitoring of important indicators

There are a number of indicators that must be taken into account in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. First of all, this is the level of blood pressure. To control it, you need to have a home blood pressure monitor, which at any time you can measure blood pressure.

Clinical tests should be performed regularly to determine the level of glucose and cholesterol. These indicators are most often involved in the formation of arrhythmias, heart failure, IHD, so it is better to prevent the disease in time than to wait for an ambulance.

Rejection of bad habits

The cardiovascular system is sensitive to alcohol consumption or smoking. These bad habits carry to the body a lot of toxic substances that begin to affect the organs and tissues, making them immune to normal stimulating factors. The more alcohol is consumed or the cigarette is smoked, the more the organism is poisoned and the normal processes of cardiac activity change under the influence of toxic substances.

How Does Smoking Affect the Cardiovascular System?

Nervous stress and frequent experiences can also be attributed to bad habits, as often a person no longer controls himself and begins to get irritated for any reason. If this does not get rid of it in time, then the autonomic nervous system breaks down, and with it the gates for various heart and vascular diseases open. In addition, it is worthwhile to be screened regularly for a cardiologist, so that appropriate measures can be taken in time to prevent and treat cardiovascular diseases.

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One response to “How to prevent cardiovascular disease”

  1. Ksunkka says:

    Вот про физическую активность вы хорошо написали. Я в городе живу, и часто, чтобы не стоить в пробках, выхожу на несколько остановок раньше. Иду пешком, стараюсь быстрым шагом. Для здоровья сердца ем больше овощей, пью зеленый чай. Обязательно эваларовский концентрат рыбьего жира Омега-3 принимаю, способствует нормализации холестерина. Бала недавно на проф осмотре, кардиограмма в норме.

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