Treatment for flickering arrhythmia

Author Ольга Кияница


Among all arrhythmias, this form of rhythm disturbance occurs most often. It is dangerous for a number of life-threatening complications, therefore it is highly desirable to begin treatment of flickering arrhythmias in a timely manner. For this purpose medical and surgical methods are used.

Intrusive arrhythmia is characterized by the appearance of chaotic atrial contractions, therefore this pathology is also called atrial fibrillation. It can be constant, persistent or paroxysmal, to develop on the background of other cardiac pathologies or to be an independent disease.From all these factors, the tactics of the treatment of flickering arrhythmias depend.

At the time of the atrial fibrillation, the atrium starts to decrease with a frequency of 350 to 700 times per minute, which increases the risk of thrombotic formation and occlusion of large vessels of the brain and other organs.

Modern medicine allows to solve as much as possible quickly and qualitatively the issue with flickering atrium. Many clinics in Kiev, Germany, Israel provide services in the treatment of flickering arrhythmia, so today, each patient with the desire and ability can once and for all solve the problem with irregular cardiac activity for a long time.

An Israeli doctor told how to get rid of heart arrhythmia forever

Video Treatment of atrial fibrillation in Israel

Video Flickering Arrhythmia of the Heart Modern Approach

Medicinal treatment of flickering arrhythmia

Begins with the assessment of the general condition of the patient and the need to stop the attack. In some cases, especially in the development of paroxysmal form of flicker, heart failure occurs independently. But most often, restoration of sinus rhythm and its further maintenance are required, in connection with which the appropriate treatment tactics are used.

Burning an attack of flickering arrhythmia

Tablets are used in a solution for intravenous administration.

  • Initially, novocaminamide is introduced at 10%, which can be reentered after 3-5 minutes with no effect and so in a total amount no more than 4 times.
  • Often, when combining atrial fibrillation with left ventricular insufficiency, the use of novocainamide is inadequate, therefore, additionally, a drop of strophanthin is given at a rate of 0.05%.
  • Sometimes novacaminamide is replaced by aimalin, which has a similar effect. When administered intravenously, the drug shows an average of 85%.
  • Potassium salts are often used to relieve an attack of flickering arrhythmia. Also, the remedy is suitable for the prevention of paroxysms.
  • The ineffectiveness of medication treatment is an indication of cardioversion. This method is performed unconditionally when combining flickering with myocardial infarction.


During paroxysmal blocking, it is important to prevent the development of Tela (thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery), for this purpose blood-thinning preparations are used.

Long-term treatment of flickering arrhythmia

Based on the choice of one of two types of strategy:

  1. Control of heart rhythm - in order to restore normal cardiac activity, cardioversion is used, after which the relapse of the disease is prevented with the help of drugs.
  2. Control of heart rate - flickering is preserved, but the heart rate is reduced by the use of medicines.

Cardioversion can be carried out with the participation of an electrical discharge or pharmacological agents. In the latter case, antiarrhythmic drugs are used. If the patient has a tachysystolic form of flicker, then the heart rate is trimmed to normal or near-normal age. For this, metaprolol or warfarin is taken.

Basic drugs and drugs for the treatment of flickering arrhythmias at the stage of pharmacological cardioversion:

  • Prokainamide - administered intravenously drip or jet. Relatively cheap, therefore, despite the exception in Europe in 2010 from the group of preparations suitable for cardioversion, domestic doctors are widely used. May cause a decrease in pressure, headache, dizziness and a feeling of weakness.
  • Nibentan is administered intravenously, it is possible to use it several times at intervals of 15 minutes. The drug is only used in intensive care because it requires daily monitoring of the ECG.
  • Amiodarone - often used in organic pathology of the heart. It is given intravenously drip or jet. After applying the drug sinus rhythm is restored on average after 4 hours.


Long-term rhythm control with antiarrhythmic drugs is practiced in extreme cases, as their use is associated with a large number of side effects. The drugs of choice include the same amiodarone, as well as etimozin, etatzizin, dronedarone, allapinin.

Control of heart rate is practiced in cases where there is evidence for any type of cardioversion. To reduce heart rate in adults, up to 110 beats per minute are used such groups of drugs as calcium channel blockers, beta-blockers, cardiac glycosides.

The strategies for treating flickering arrhythmias help to reduce the severity of clinical symptoms, but do not stop the progression of the disease. Surgical treatments are used to solve the flickering problem fundamentally.

Surgical treatment of flickering arrhythmia

The main type of radical treatment of atrial fibrillation is radiofrequency ablation (RFA). This method is based on the use of two catheters: diagnostic and therapeutic. One is determined by pathological foci in the atrium myocardium, the other with the help of a laser is their moxibustion. As a result, the main reason for the development of flicker is eliminated and the patient can lead a better way of life.

Common surgical methods of flicker therapy:

  • WATCHMAN technology - Helps to live with arrhythmia without fear of thromboembolism of the brain vessels.
  • Destruction of the atrioventricular compound.
  • Installing a pacemaker, which together with powerful drugs that slow down the rhythm, keeps the heart rate within normal limits.


Treatment of flickering arrhythmia by means of folk remedies

There is an opinion based on various studies that the control strategy has no significant advantages over the non-intervention approach. Therefore, some methods of treatment are based on competent treatment, dietary nutrition and proper physical exercise. But it is also important to carry out anti-thrombolytic treatment. To this end, optimally use phytotherapy:

  • decoction of hawthorn berries;
  • decoction of berries of Kalina;
  • broth from dill seeds;
  • anthrax infusion

Video Arrhythmia Treatment. How to treat arrhythmia of heart by folk methods.

Inertial arrhythmias are being treated in different ways today and each one is selected in accordance with strictly established standards, which pursue three main goals. First of all, they try to normalize the work of the heart, then reduce the risk of thrombotic formation and treat the underlying disease, which caused the development of arrhythmia.

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