What are the benefits of the treatment of extrasystole?

Author Ольга Кияница


In one of the forms of arrhythmia, namely extrasystoles, not all drugs can be used. The best option is the appointment of a cardiologist, but even the most sick should be aware of what drugs can be taken with cardiac arrhythmia. As a result, a more thorough treatment course will be achieved.

Cardiac arrhythmia refers to cardiovascular diseases, which are characterized by impaired conductivity of the pulse. More often there is an extrasystole, which is often determined even in clinically healthy people. The heart rate may increase or, conversely, decrease, but in any case, the heart muscle suffers, and as a consequence, the body as a whole, so it is extremely important to know which arrhythmia tablets should be taken.

With any questions regarding arrhythmia, especially for its treatment, you should contact a cardiologist. In some cases, there is no doctor in the polyclinic with this specialty, then the therapist performs his functions.

Before the appointment of any therapy, diagnostics is mandatory. This is done to determine the cause of the disease, because otherwise it will not be possible to appoint an effective therapy. For this purpose, electrocardiography, ultrasound of the heart, holter monitoring is performed. Especially important are the results of the ECG, since it is with its help that virtually all forms of arrhythmia are determined. In the future, the doctor already accurately indicates which pills from cardiac arrhythmia need to be taken. If necessary, the time spent monitoring the therapy.

Video Tablet. Arrhythmia. Ether from 04/05/2016. HD version

Drug groups used in the treatment of extrasystole

Depending on the severity of the symptoms, the causes of the development of rhythm disturbance and a number of other factors can be used drugs from the following therapeutic groups:

  • Antiarrhythmic drugs.
  • Sedatives.
  • Tranquilizers.
  • Homeopathic remedies.
  • Recipes of traditional medicine.

Most often used antiarrhythmic drugs (AAP), a group of which includes different classes of a variety of different drugs. In accordance with the course of the disease, the doctor indicates which pills to drink when arrhythmia of the heart and in what dosage.

Classification of antiarrhythmics by Vaughan Williams:

  • The blockers of sodium channels belong to the first class of AAP.
  • Beta-adrenoblockers are the second class of AAP.
  • The drugs that increase the refractory period are the third grade.
  • Calcium channel blockers are IV class.

The first class includes novocainamide, quinidine, lidocaine. Morazizin is also used, which, like the first one, helps to reduce the heart rate, stabilize the membranes of cardiomyocytes, and lower the threshold of excitability of the heart cells.

Beta-blockers are especially often used today, because they have relatively fewer contraindications, and side effects in comparison with other drugs are not so often caused. Of this group, AAP is most often used atenolol, propranolol, metoprolol, etc.

Representatives of the third class are: tosylate, bretilin, ibutilide, sotalol. This includes amiodarone, but it not only prolongs the refractory period, but also has an alpha-blocking effect. Among the drugs of all groups is the strongest, but side effects are quite diverse and unpleasant.

The fourth class includes verapamil and diltiazem. By blocking the transport of calcium, the heart rate is reduced, but if misused, serious complications can result.

It is important to know that if there is a clinically pronounced arrhythmia, what to treat and what tablets to appoint only the doctor knows. Self-medication in this situation is unacceptable because of the high risk of complications.

Frequently prescribed medications for arrhythmia

In most cases, drugs for arrhythmia are required for elderly people and the average age group of patients. Often, several drugs are prescribed, which allows to achieve the best result from treatment.

Drugs often used in arrhythmia:

  • Verapamil - has antiarrhythmic, antihypertensive and antianginal action.
  • Adenosine - eliminates rhythm disturbance by improving metabolism in the heart muscle.
  • Phenylline is an anticoagulant that improves the rheological properties of the blood.
  • Kinidine durules - is mainly prescribed for atrial fibrillation.
  • Warfarin - refers to anticoagulants and is part of a comprehensive therapy of atrial fibrillation.
  • Vitamin E - is a tool that strengthens the heart muscle and therefore is part of a complex therapy of arrhythmia.

Tablets for rapid arrest of an attack

With frequent development of arrhythmia, a doctor can prescribe pills, which the patient can take to quickly stop the attack. Such means include the following, selected in accordance with the type of violation:

  • With tachycardias, especially ventricular, and extrasystoles, lidocaine, amiodarone (cordarone) is used.
  • Atrial tachycardias are verapamil or ATP.
  • At the extremely expressed bradycardia appoint atropine, dopamine, in a serious case - adrenaline.

The first arrhythmia that has arisen can not be stopped without the knowledge of the doctor, because the cause of the rhythm disturbance must first be revealed. Therefore, with a pronounced clinic, you need to call an ambulance first. In more mild cases it is worth not delaying to apply to a polyclinic at the place of residence.

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2 responses to “What are the benefits of the treatment of extrasystole?”

  1. Елена says:

    Здравствуйте! Огромное Вам, спасибо за информацию о тяжёлых заболеваниях, в свободном доступе. Спасибо, за то, что каждый, у кого в семье есть заболеваемый, с данными болезнями – может ознакомиться и прояснить для себя информацию по синдромам, диагнозам,и формам лечения, наблюдения о своем близком родственнике и т.д. Когда родные задают вопросы и интересуются болезнью их процентов, для врачей это большое подспорье в их каждодневном, не лёгком труде. А ваша общая информация о проблеме, намного снижает риски больного и бездеятельность врачей в трудной ситуации.
    Спасибо Вам, ещё раз! С уважением, семья Батура, г. Минск.

  2. arrhythmia says:

    Не за что, Елена.
    Такая информация всегда должна быть в свободном и быстром доступе что бы люди могли ориентироваться, что и как можно применять и.т.д

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