The latest recommendations of the Ukrainian Association of Cardiology and Nutritionists on a diet with a reduced salt content

Author Ольга Кияница


Professor Sirenko, assistant professor Shvets, doctor of medical sciences Voloshin worked on the development of the recommendation. In the opinion of the authors, a diet with a reduced salt content can be considered as such if the daily intake of a food supplement in the range 3.75 g - 5 g.

In various countries of the world, numerous studies have been conducted, with the help of which the importance of a low-salt diet during the prophylaxis or treatment of hypertension was shown to be important. As a result, it is possible to prevent the development of such dangerous complications as stroke and myocardial infarction. For example, reducing the intake of salt to 5 grams per day can reduce the risk of developing coronary artery disease by 17%, and stroke by 23%. The effect of reducing the amount of salt in the diet of hypertensive patients is now equated with the use of a modern medication that reduces blood pressure.

In addition to hypertension, a decrease in the amount of salt in the menu makes it possible to improve the condition with other systemic diseases: heart failure, osteoporosis, coronary heart disease, neurocirculatory dystonia according to the hypertonic type, chronic renal failure.

Practical recommendations on dietary nutrition with low potassium content:

  1. It is worth eating foods that are not processed and preferably natural.
  2. A lot of salt is contained in products that have been processed (bread, hard cheese, canned food, sausages).
  3. Children are better off offering those foods that contain a minimum of sodium.
  4. There is a list of products that are strongly not recommended for use. First of all, these are the cubes for broth, salted fish, various sauces, Chinese food, olives, pickles and cucumbers, as well as sauerkraut).
  5. Dietary nutrition is better to stick to at home, then the salt level in foods is best controlled.
  6. Seasonings with salt content should be avoided, replacing them with fresh or dried herbs, onions, garlic, celery.
  7. Marinades and sauces can be cooked not only with salt, but also with natural preservatives such as lemon juice, orange juice, lime, pineapple juice, in extreme cases you can use ocet.
  8. For the constant use of highly recommended semi-finished products, frozen by-products and vegetable mixes, as well as instant soups.
  9. If there are no contraindications to the use of potassium, you can replace 100% sodium with 70% sodium chloride, which is combined with 30% potassium chloride.
  10. Sea salt is no different from the usual dining room, so its use is also not worth overdoing.

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One response to “The latest recommendations of the Ukrainian Association of Cardiology and Nutritionists on a diet with a reduced salt content”

  1. Олександр says:

    В країнах світу уже давно винайшли спосіб вирішення цієї проблеми. При приготуванні їжі використовують сіль зі зменшеним вмістом натрію з добавками калію. Таким чином вирішуються декілька проблем, а саме – нормалізується вживання натрію, зменшується дефіцит калію в харчуванні, а також понижується поріг смакової чутливості до натрієвої солі і людина перестає пересолювати їжу.
    Особливо така сіль буде корисною для людей з підвищеним артеріальним тиском. Адже натрій притягує воду та збільшує кількість позаклітинної рідини, яка тисне на стінки судин.

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