Arrhythmia and osteochondrosis

Author Ольга Кияница


Violation of the normal structure of the spine often leads to various diseases, including arrhythmias. It turns out that one disease is complicated by others, not less pleasant, and the patient has to deal with two pathologies. Therefore, it is extremely important to know the relationship between arrhythmia and osteochondrosis and modern ways to improve the condition.

Arrhythmia and osteochondrosis - are two common in frequency of disease development. But if osteochondrosis does not depend on the occurrence of arrhythmia, then the violation of the rhythm may occur as against the background of osteochondrosis, as well as other pathological conditions. Therefore, it is extremely important to understand the causes of the development of arrhythmia in a timely manner to prescribe proper treatment.

Treatment of arrhythmia with osteochondrosis deals not so much with a cardiologist as a neuropathologist or vertebrologist, only doctors of the latter specialty are far from all clinics.

Prior to the administration of medicines, a number of different studies are used to help clarify the cause of the disease.After the treatment process, not only medicines, but also other methods of treatment from the category of physiotherapy and therapeutic physical education are used. But in some cases, it's important to give the first aid right.

Video Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine: arrhythmia. First aid

Why arises osteochondrosis and arrhythmia

Clarifying the cause of the disease is the first step towards a highly effective treatment. Different methods and technological possibilities are used for its definition, but most often - radiography and MRI with osteochondrosis, electrocardiography and ultrasound of the heart with arrhythmia. With the help of these studies, it is possible to establish the predisposing factors.

Causes of osteochondrosis

Among the degenerative diseases of the spinal column, osteochondrosis was the most common. The pathological disorder is most often determined in the thoracic and cervical spine. It is from here that the nerve fibers, innervating the work of the heart, leave. If for some reason (inflammation, destruction, dystrophy) the nerve fibers are damaged, it indirectly affects the working capacity of the heart muscle.

Frequent causes of osteochondrosis:

  • disc herniation, although in some cases the disease occurs at the stage of protrusion;
  • frequent loads on the spine;
  • damage to the anterior crust that contributes to "distracting" the central nervous system from control over the activity of the heart.

In the determination of osteochondrosis, it is very important to begin the appropriate treatment in a timely manner, otherwise the disease is characterized by progression, which can significantly affect the quality of life of the patient.

Causes of arrhythmia

The disease can occur on the background of various organic heart disease. It is most often associated with ischemic disorders, myocardial infarction, arterial hypertension, heart defects and inflammatory processes. At the same time, in the myocardium of the ventricles or atrium, ectopic foci are formed which do not allow normal propagation of the impulse wave. On the other hand, the pathological focus of excitation generates extraordinary impulses, resulting in extrasystoles.

In some cases, a violation of the conducting system of the heart is diagnosed when the main driver of the rhythm or the like of secondary order begins to give the wrong impulses. Then the heart is also contracted incorrectly. In some cases, blockages develop and the electropulse can not normally spread normally. For this reason, the risk of sudden death is quite high.

In osteochondrosis, arrhythmias are often a functional cardiac disorder. The disease in rare cases has the basis in the form of organic pathology of the heart, therefore, often with a violation of the nerve regulation, there are various forms of arrhythmia.

How do diseases appear?

The layering of arrhythmia on osteochondrosis results in oily symptomatology, which makes it quite difficult to precisely determine which diseases are present in the patient. More often than not, when they come to the doctor, they come with complaints of rebound pain. After instrumental examination, as a rule, the form of arrhythmia and degree of severity of osteochondrosis are accurately observed.

In osteochondrosis, extrasystoles often occur, which are characterized by varying degrees of severity:

  • easy - for no more than a dozen extraordinary cuts are fixed;
  • average - over a period of days, several hundred or more abnormal counts may occur;
  • high - there are several thousand pathological indicators.

For osteochondrosis, there are symptoms such as pronounced painful sensations that often occur at night, while lying on the back, with head movement.

When combining osteochondrosis and arrhythmias, significant changes in the patient's state of health are often observed. For example, every morning in the area of blades, there is a lot of stress, while heart frustration is manifested by strong, sudden jerks. Also, signs of arrhythmia can be determined in a state of rest, especially in the evening, at night, or just during relaxation. If the person moves, on the contrary, there are no signs of a violation of the rhythm, although, when spontaneously distracting from the present disease, the pathology immediately gives itself an idea.

Video Extrasystole with osteochondrosis

Possible treatments

To eliminate arrhythmias, an effective treatment for osteochondrosis should be performed. Today, various ways of treating spinal disease are offered, among which conservative effects are often used. At the first stage of its conduct, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used. On the second one can connect painkillers, on the third - muscle relaxants, helping to remove muscle spasm.

In the presence of extrasystole in the context of osteochondrosis, conservative treatment is allowed only with a moderate and high degree of severity of the pathology.

Physiotherapeutic procedures are an important part of the treatment of osteochondrosis and arrhythmia. For the spine they are often more beneficial than medications, but the only physiotherapy procedures should be prescribed and conducted under medical supervision. In a valid state, massage and medical physical education may be performed, but here it is important not to hurt, for what it is worth them to deal with with the consent of the doctor.

It is important to remember that self-treatment is unacceptable, as the condition may deteriorate. In particular, with the self-regulation of intervertebral discs, persistent neuralgia and other disorders of the nervous system often develop. Hot baths and heaters also promote the swelling of the intervertebral discs, resulting in pain sensations only intensifying.

Risk of running states

Even quite favorable foresight conditions can worsen with untimely initiated treatment. Osteochondrosis, even with an asymptomatic course, develops slowly and confidently, so with the time the clinic will still manifest, but in such cases, it is much more complicated and longer duration of therapy.

Accession to the existing arrhythmia and osteochondrosis of any organic heart disease significantly affects the patient's well-being. This is often the case when ignoring medical recommendations or untimely access to a doctor.

Video Arrhythmia with osteochondrosis

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