Signs of a heart attack in men

Author Ольга Кияница


From myocardial infarction, tens of thousands of people die every year. At most, this disease concerns the male part of the population. In the case of a timely detection of an attack, the number of fatal outcomes is reduced, so it is useful to know the signs of a heart attack in men, in order to obtain prompt and effective medical care.

Myocardial infarction (MI) is a serious disease that requires maximum attention from both the patient himself and the medical staff. The disease is characterized by the death of cardiomyocytes in a larger or smaller area, as a result of which the heart begins to less efficiently contract and pump blood throughout the body.

Heart attack is most often determined at the age of 41-50 years, while in men it happens five times more often than women. After 51 years, this ratio is 2: 1, and in the elderly it becomes the same, since the number of women at this age prevails.

To determine myocardial infarction in medicine, the standard methods used for all cardiovascular diseases are used.First of all - electrocardiography, and then depending on the course of the disease - laboratory tests, ultrasound of the heart, MRI, CT.

Video: Infarction in men: symptoms, signs, consequences

Why heart attack more often develops in men than in women

Predisposing factors for the occurrence of MI in men are greater than in women. Most often, the attack occurs in young and middle age. This is primarily contributes to the sedentary lifestyle of modern men. Many of them are engaged in office work, smoke and often use alcohol, suffer from obesity or diabetes, so sooner or later they face a heart attack.

Other common causes of myocardial infarction in men, and not in women, are:

  • Propensity to rivalry, confrontation, scandals.
  • More frequent employment by harmful kinds of work.
  • Lack of proper diet.
  • The presence of bad habits.

The more risk factors are determined in a patient, the higher the risk of developing a primary or repeated myocardial infarction.

The first symptoms of a heart attack

The disease is associated with a very sharp violation of the normal operation of the heart, which causes dysfunction in many organs and body systems. Depending on the type of nervous irritation, this or that symptomatology is defined, among which the leading meaning is pain. Most often, it starts with myocardial infarction and a person realizes that something is wrong with it.

Pain with MI can be of several types:

  • Vaginal
  • By type of discomfort or pressure in the region of the heart
  • Pain sensations in other parts of the body.

Vaginal pain

This is the most common symptom of a heart attack in men and women. Most often it develops slowly, starting with mild pain or discomfort. The sudden appearance of serious symptoms is sometimes called the "heart attack of Hollywood", as typical cases of MI are very often depicted in movies and on television. In the traditional version of development, a heart attack is not so common.

Discomfort or chest pressure

The pain can be hard to bear, but it is not necessary. Often there is a feeling of "fullness", squeezing or squeezing. With insufficient awareness, this condition can be mistaken for heartburn. An uncomfortable sensation often occurs in the left or central part of the chest. The feeling can last for several minutes or be prolonged for half an hour or more.

Pain in other parts of the body

Pain or discomfort sometimes has a different location, because with myocardial infarction, there is an incorrect distribution of blood in different organs, most often in the brain. Usually affected are those parts of the body that are above the waist, including the upper abdomen, shoulders, one arm (possibly the left one) or both, back, neck or jaw, sometimes even teeth.

Other symptoms

Shortness of breath, caused by the difficulty of breathing, can be combined with chest pain or manifest without it. This sign is often the first to indicate a developing violation of cardiac activity. Usually dyspnea occurs when the patient performs increased physical activity or even at rest after a dense dinner. Dyspnoea develops due to the accumulation of fluid in the lungs. Also, nearby people who are with the sick can hear a wheezing breath from a distance.

Feeling of expressed fatigue without a cause is another common symptom, in which it is worth taking the appropriate precautions.

Another possible symptom is increased release of cold sweat. In addition, nausea and vomiting may be felt, but these symptoms are more common in women than in men.

The more symptoms are determined, the higher the risk that there is a heart attack. But it is worth knowing that the disease can occur without any symptoms. Such heart attacks are called silent and are more common in elderly patients.

Symptoms of a heart attack that can not be left without attention

There are a number of symptoms of MI, which are not always expressed so clearly to attract the attention of the patient or those around him. But their knowledge is extremely important, because the rapid provision of pre-medical and medical care saves valuable time.

  1. Irradiation of pain (more often in the arm) . Typically, the typical chest pain is not always evident. Unpleasant sensations in the chest can be mild, while the main pain extends into the arm, lower jaw, thoracic spine, etc.
  2. Dizziness . Patients with MI can feel a loss of balance or instant weakness. This condition is often combined with discomfort in the chest or behind the sternum
  3. Pain in the lower jaw or throat . Such a sign most likely does not have a direct connection with the defeat of the heart muscle, but it is necessary to consult a doctor when determining it.
  4. Snoring . Minor snoring does not pose a particular danger. If the snoring becomes protracted, by the type of gasping, then this can indicate sleep apnea.
  5. Cough that does not bring relief . This symptom is not typical for a heart attack, but with frequent occurrence of a dry cough and having a history of heart disease, you need to pay attention to it.
  6. Swollen legs in the ankles and feet . The symptom indicates heart failure, which in some cases develops immediately after MI. It arises against the background of the weakness of the discharge function of the heart, because of which the blood begins to accumulate in the veins of the legs and the liquid part penetrates into nearby tissues, leading to their swelling
  7. Disrupted heart rhythm (arrhythmia) . In severe disease, this symptom should be alerted, which will allow early medical attention to seek medical help. Sometimes arrhythmia occurs due to lack of sleep or caffeine consumption in large numbers. But at the same time such a sign may indicate the presence of atrial fibrillation, which requires an ambulance.

Video: Home doctor Infarctions in men signs, first aid, prevention

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