Treatment of intercostal tachycardia

Author Ольга Кияница


Breaking the rhythm is a complication of such a disease as intercostal neuralgia. This disease is very "masked" for heart pain, so it is extremely important to diagnose the pathology. After the determination is prescribed treatment not only tachycardia, but also the main illness.

Intercostal tachycardia is a purely clinical definition that indicates the development of a rapid heartbeat on the background of intercostal neuralgia. The last disease is considered the main one, therefore its treatment is firstly performed.

Occurrence of intercostal tachycardia is often not considered a dangerous disease. Despite this, it is important to undergo appropriate treatment, especially if the patient has organic heart lesions.

Diagnosis of rhythm disturbance is not a special task. Patients are more concerned about the severe pain that is characteristic of intercostal neuralgia. If it is possible to cope with it quickly, then without problems will be eliminated the rapid heartbeat.

Video Doctor Sports Heart Pain? Intercostal Neuralgia

General recommendations

During the development of intercostal neuralgia, the nerves that pass along the upper edge of the ribs are squeezed.This happens for various reasons - injury, infectious disease, but most often it is a sharp muscular spasm, which mainly occurs due to a draft. In the face of severe pain, overexcitation of the autonomic nervous system occurs and as a consequence, a tachycardia appears. Therefore, it is first and foremost important to eliminate or reduce the effect of the provoking factor.

Intercostal neuralgia, complicated by tachycardia, often does not cause concern, therefore the treatment is carried out at home, subject to strict bed rest.

In some cases, intercostal neuralgia may develop due to compression of the nerve roots in the thoracic and cervical department, and then the following treatments will be useful:

  • Manual therapy - a specialist is undergoing massage and physical procedures, which help to relieve pressure on the clenched roots and thus eliminate the pain sensations.
  • Osteopathy is a complex of physical effects on various parts of the body, which restores their normal position from an anatomical point of view. Positive action is on the cardiovascular system through the normalization of the lymphatic outflow and the restoration of the circulatory system.
  • Reflexotherapy is an effective method for relieving pain. It is often used in intercostal neuralgia, as it helps with the minimum effort to restore the activity of the heart and nervous system.


If necessary, a therapeutic physical education is prescribed, which helps to quickly return to normal lifestyle. Courses are selected individually, since it is important to take into account the clinical picture and the features of the patient.

Medicinal treatment of ischemic tachycardia

Based on the use of painkillers that are needed to relieve pain. As a result, tension from the autonomic nervous system is removed and cardiac activity improves.

The most common painkillers and drugs used in intercostal neuralgia:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are a vast group of drugs that are most commonly used such as ketorolac, ketoprofen, ibuprofen, nimesulide. Do not use orthophen and diclofenac as they can cause stomach ulcer disease.
  • Center-acting muscle relaxants are used for severe pain that is not removed by NSAIDs. Provides analgesic action by removing skeletal muscle spasm and eliminating stagnation. As a result, swelling of the nerve root is removed and pain is reduced. Of this pharmacological group, neurologists are often prescribed midcalm and sirdalud.

Presented drugs can be prescribed for the course. There are also medicines for single use - it's spazhan, trigan, baralgin, based on analgin. Long-term use is not recommended, as agranulocytosis may develop.

In some cases, vitamins, for example miligam, are added to pain medications. The result of their intramuscular administration can be expected by the end of the week, so they are used for general strengthening therapy.



Treatment of intercostal tachycardia at home

The disease is most commonly treated at home. To do this, in the first hours of the onset of the disease, it is important to have a warming effect. Usually, needles are used on the chest or back, depending on the localization of pains. The only thing you can not put mustard makers into the area of the heart. When the procedure with mustard is over, you need to tie the chest with a woolen handkerchief.

The patient should be in a comfortable position. For this purpose, it is better to replace a soft bed with a hard one. The bed rest is observed for at least four days, despite the presence or absence of pain.

For home use, various medicines are recommended in the form of ointments: Warming ointments are applied between procedures with needles, while massage should not be done, but only slightly applied on clean skin. It is also important to follow the advice of a doctor and for the period of treatment to reduce physical activity.

Video Treating tachycardia at home

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