Vagus arrhythmia

Author Ольга Кияница


There are such cardiac rhythm disorders that are more common in men than in women. In this case, the clinic may not be too pronounced. They include vagal arrhythmia. Whether this disease is dangerous is worth knowing to all the representatives of a strong sex.

Arrhythmias are a group of diseases, the common symptom of which is a violation of the heart rhythm. Normally, a sinus rhythm with a heart rate of 60 to 90 times per minute is determined in humans. With arrhythmia, heart rate may vary to a greater or lesser extent, and the rhythm driver of the sinus is often replaced by pathological.

Arrhythmias are diagnosed in 70% of the population, determined in the elderly and in childhood.

The development of arrhythmias contributes to disorders of the nervous system and hormonal imbalances, organic damage to the heart and a functional illness. But there are such violations of the rhythm, which are characteristic of men more than women. Their occurrence is closely related to the parasympathetic nervous system. Such a pathology is a vagal arrhythmia of the heart, which is such a state will be further described in detail.

Description of vagal arrhythmia

The development of the pathology is closely linked to the parasympathetic nervous system, which, along with the sympathetic, regulates homeostasis in the human body. Her nerve nodes (ganglia) are located in all organs. A vagus nerve plays an especially important role in parasympathetic nerve regulation, which innervates all internal organs, including the heart. Therefore, in case of violation of the activity of the parasympathetic system, an imbalance of work of certain bodies occurs. In particular, vagal arrhythmia may develop.

parasympathetic nervous system


Increasing activity of the parasympathetic department of the nervous system leads to the occurrence of a heart rhythm disorder in some men .

What is the risk of vagal arrhythmia? Any violation of the heart's activity is, to a greater or lesser extent, a threat to a person's normal livelihoods. When observing a patient with a single vagal arrhythmia, there is no need to talk about any health hazards. But, as a rule, this pathology is not unique in the sick, as it develops more often in 40-50 years, when there are certain problems with the functions of organs. Therefore, vagal arrhythmia may, to some extent, aggravate the course of other diseases, especially with their cardiac pathogenesis.

Symptoms of Vaginal Arrhythmia

The disease is ambiguous, therefore, it may manifest itself as a variable symptom. Often it occurs in the form of attacks, paroxysms, which are short-lived, from a few minutes to an hour or two. With this pathology there are no organic lesions of the heart, therefore, it begins and ends without apparent reason.

The main feature of vagal arrhythmia - does not arise with emotional and physical stresses, and mainly - during the period of the night's rest.

In addition to paroxysmal attacks, the patient notes unpleasant sensations in the area of the heart, reduced function, which is due to the impossibility of a normal rest due to nocturnal arrhythmias.

What provokes the development of vagal arrhythmia?

  1. Lying position, especially after eating.
  2. Long stay in a calm condition.
  3. Tight tied tie or tight belt.
  4. Bloating meteorism.

As a rule, sinus tachycardia arises before paroxysms appear. During the vagal arrhythmia, the rhythm in turn is narrowed, that is, bradycardia appears. In more complex cases, combined with myocardial infarction, atrial fibrillation or atrial fibrillation may occur.



Causes of Vaginal Arrhythmia

In the first place is vagotonia - increased activity of the parasympathetic nervous system and in particular the vagus nerve. Factors that provoke the development of vagotonia are often associated with excessive intake of alcohol and thyrotoxicosis.

In some patients, vagotonia is complicated by arrhythmias against the background of a previously developed hypertonic disease. The disease may be due to tumor processes and aneurysm of the aorta; therefore, a comprehensive study of the patient is important in determining the cause of the vagal arrhythmia.

Types of Vaginal Arrhythmia

The disease is not a separate nosological group, therefore this type of violation of the rhythm is conventionally divided into permanent and paroxysmal.

Paroxysmal arrhythmia occurs periodically and lasts for a short time. At the same time it passes, as a rule, independently. If the attack lasted for a week or more, then the violation of the rhythm is defined as permanent and requiring medical intervention.



Diagnosis of vagal arrhythmia

Begins with conducting electrocardiography , with the help of which determines the correctness of the rhythm, the frequency of heart rate, the flow of arrhythmia - paroxysmal or constant.

The paroxysmal type of arrhythmia is best defined by Holter monitoring. Rare paroxysms can be detected with a special device that the patient wears for a day or several days.

If you need to evaluate the contractile function of the ventricles, the thickness of their walls and other parameters, echocardiography is performed. Also, this method allows you to know the emission fraction, which is normally 55-70%.

Laboratory tests may be used from additional diagnostic methods, especially in the study of endocrine gland function.

Treatment and prognosis of vagal arrhythmia

Most often prescribe drugs that have adrenergic and cholinolytic activity. In particular, medicines of class I "A" and I "C" are used. If there is no effect on their application, then amiodarone is added.

The disease itself is not dangerous, but under the influence of adverse factors can contribute to the development of more severe complications. This may be a thromboembolism of the vessels of the brain or a decrease in cardiac output by 25%, which in turn leads to acute heart failure.

Video Arrhythmia Treatment. How to treat arrhythmia of heart by folk methods.

Prevention of Vaginal Arrhythmia

There are several preventive measures recommended for use by patients with vaginal arrhythmia:

  • It is necessary to monitor the work of the gastrointestinal tract, since constipation is able to provoke an attack of vagal arrhythmia.
  • The physical load should be moderate, without any sharp movements and slopes.
  • The diet should be built in such a way that the food can be taken in small portions.
  • Before going to sleep it is better not to eat, so as not to stimulate the work of the vagus nerve.
  • With overweight you need to fight, but only savvy diets that will not cause a sharp drop in kilograms.

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3 responses to “Vagus arrhythmia”

  1. leo says:

    Статья “классная”,то что надо. А врачи такого диагноза не поставили (симптоматика именно такая), хотя лечусь почти 13 лет.Леонид, 77 лет.

  2. Mike Cottingham says:

    Significant (and embarrassing) typos on Vagus Arrhythmia page (
    *Vaginal* arrhythmia referenced 9 times instead of “vagal”

  3. Brian Wynn says:

    Interesting – but are your several references to “Vaginal Stimulation” a schoolboy ‘howler’ or a Freudian slip?:

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