Participated pulse at normal pressure

Author Ольга Кияница


Participated pulse can be determined at different states, but what if normal pressure is observed? Could this be a hazard in a similar way or is it a variant of the norm? Much depends on the presence of concomitant diseases, the course of which can be complicated in combination with a rapid pulse, even at normal pressure.

Participated pulse and arterial pressure are two different indicators, each of which characterizes the individual features of the blood-vessel system. Blood pressure combined with cardiac rhythm allows you to present a general picture of human health, therefore, with any objective examination, the first thing to do is to evaluate these two indicators.

Blood pressure is the force of blood passing through the blood vessels and expressed in systolic and diastolic pressure, normally the average is 120/80 mm Hg. Art. Heart rate or heart rate is the number of heart cuts per minute, which in adults is normally in the range of 60-90 beats / min.

The heart rate and arterial pressure do not always increase at the same rate. Pulse growth may not lead to an increase in blood pressure. Despite the fact that the heart beats more often, healthy blood vessels expand (increase), which helps blood to flow more easily through the vessels. When a person is training, the heart also begins to beat more often, which allows the blood to reach the muscles and joints in a larger volume. Sometimes, pulse can increase with relative safety several times, while the arterial pressure responds only to a slight increase or at all remains normal.

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Physiology of pulse

Claudius Galen may have been the first physiologist to describe the pulse. The first person who could accurately measure the pulse rate was Santorio Santori, the inventor of the pulsigloma (thermoscope) in the form of a pendulum, working on the basis of the works of Galileo Galilei. A hundred years later, another doctor, de Lacroix, used a pulsiglioum to assess the cardiac function.

The definition of heart rate is advisable tactical method for determining systolic blood pressure in a trained observer.Diastolic arterial pressure is imperceptibly and unobserved by tactile means, which arises between cardiac contractions.

Bleeding the waves generated by the heart during systole, the vascular walls oscillate. This is quite enough to create a tangible wave of pulse pressure. There are some peculiarities of the pulse:

  • The heart rate may be greater or less than the pulse rate, depending on the physiological state of the person. In this case, the heart rate is determined by auscultation at the top of the heart.
  • The deficiency of the pulse (the difference between heart contractions and pulsation of the vessels on the periphery) is determined by the simultaneous execution of palpation on the artery and auscultation near the heart of the heart.Deficiency can be determined in case of premature attacks or atrial fibrillation.

The pulse rate varies from person to person. The normal pulse rate in an adult's resting state can range from 50 to 85 beats per minute, although the average is between 70 and 72 for men and 78 to 82 for women. In infants, the speed ranges from 110 to 140. The pulse rate decreases with age, so in adolescents it is determined within 80 - 90. The normal rate for elderly people can be from 50 to 70 beats / min.

The best places to measure your pulse rate:

  • Wrists
  • The inner side of the elbow
  • On the neck
  • On the hip


Typically two or three fingers on the ray artery are usually used to determine the pulse, while the thumb supports the hand from the back side. The thumb in the measurement is almost never used, because its own pulse is likely to be confused with that of the patient. Pressure on the vessel should be easy. If the artery is pressed too much, the pulse will completely disappear. The number of strokes in exactly 1 minute (60 seconds) is the rate of pulse rate.


The participation of pulse with normal blood pressure can characterize the physiological state, since any exercise, exercise and physical activity contribute to the acceleration of the heartbeat, and along with this pulse is increasing. If a person is after that in a calm environment, then his condition is normalized. In the absence of active activity and in spite of this, it is determined whether the pulse rate should be considered about the presence of a disease that somehow increases cardiac activity, and along with this the pulse is increasing. At the same time, arterial pressure often remains normal. In these cases, the following causes can be determined:

  1. The first one is hyperthyroidism of the thyroid gland, which is more commonly found in women and usually promotes rapid pulse development. Additionally, excessive sweating, anxiety, hair loss (especially the eyebrows and the anterior part of the head), weight loss, diarrhea, low heat tolerance, and sometimes rapid heart arrhythmias or sinus tachycardia may be observed. The pathological condition can be verified by simple blood tests, and if there are deviations from the norm, a more thorough examination of the thyroid gland will be required.
  2. The other part of the body that needs to be checked is lungs. Some diseases of the lungs, such as asthma, chronic bronchitis and emphysema, can contribute to the development of rapid heart rhythms. Cough, spitting and shortness of breath may also be noted. X-ray of the chest often is normal for asthmatics.
  3. Blood diseases, like anemia, can also be the cause of a rapid heart rate, with blood pressure often within normal range. If there is a suspicion of anemia, then the general analysis of blood is given first.
  4. Heart arrhythmias can cause pulse rate. If the ECG is negative, ask about a 24-hour monitor of your heart. Some abnormal rhythms are discontinuous, and longer monitoring periods are required to "catch" it.

Factors contributing to an increase in the heart rate while maintaining blood pressure in the normal range:

  • Air temperature: when the temperature (and humidity) rises, the heart pumps out to pump more blood, so the heart rate may increase, but usually not above the normal range of 5-10 beats per minute.
  • Body position : rest, sitting or standing, pulse, usually the same. Sometimes, when a person stays within the first 15-20 seconds, the pulse rises slightly, but in a couple of minutes he must normalize.
  • Emotional state : if a person is experiencing stress, anxiety or is unusually happy or, on the contrary, a sad state, then the pulse is also often raised.
  • Body weight: In normal cases, there is no direct relationship between pulse rate and body weight. But in the presence of obesity, a higher pulse may be determined at rest than usual, although most often it does not exceed 100 beats / min.
  • Drug use : drugs that block the production of adrenaline (mainly beta-blockers), lead to a slowing down of heart rate.At the same time, there are a lot of drugs used to treat the thyroid gland, which, when overdose, increase the pulse.

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Participated pulse during pregnancy

The cardiovascular system performs a number of important goals during pregnancy. In addition to supplying the fetus with oxygen and nutrients, the heart also has an effect on the physiological and metabolic functions of the mother.However, depending on the stage of pregnancy, the work of the heart of a woman also changes.

First trimester

During the first trimester, normal heart rate increases by 15-20 beats / min. The increase in pulse during this trimester is usually due to an increase in the number of hormones, in particular, progesterone and estrogen.

Second trimester

At this stage, the general relaxation of the smooth muscles of the uterus and other organs occurs

along with the expansion of the arteries, which allows you to increase the volume of blood. These changes ensure that blood pressure remains normal, with a simultaneous pulse increase. During the fourth month, the heart pumps blood 30-50% more than usual.

Third trimester

During the last trimester, the heart is at the peak of blood transfusion. It has pumped 40-90% more blood than during pregnancy during the last three months of pregnancy. This is all for the fact that the fast-growing fruit receives the necessary oxygen and nutrients. Participating pulse also prepares the woman's body for the work she will have to undergo during childbirth.


Can accelerated pulse be damaged during pregnancy under normal pressure? A feeling of a quick heartbeat during pregnancy is usually a good sign of a healthy pregnancy. This means that the body makes every effort to get the baby oxygen and nutrients necessary for his healthy development. If the accelerated heart rhythm is not accompanied by other serious symptoms, do not worry because it is a normal physiological response of the body of a pregnant woman.


Many people have no symptoms that have helped immediately discover that there is a fast heart rate. Most often, the change is noted with a purposeful check of the pulse rate, or during the measurement of blood pressure.

Some patients may feel:

  • fatigue;
  • frequent breathing;
  • dizziness;
  • weakness

If the heart rate is more than 200 beats / min, then you may notice a thrill or a heartbeat from your chest. Excessive pulse (250 and more ud / minute) can cause loss of consciousness.

With some forms of arrhythmia, the pulse increases and then normalizes at unpredictable time. In such cases, an intermittent palpitation and weakness may occur. Some patients experience chest pain during a pulse, which most often indicates heart disease.

When should I contact a doctor when determining a fast heart rate against normal pressure?

If you are taking beta-blockers to lower your heart rate (and lower blood pressure) or to monitor abnormal rhythm (arrhythmias), your doctor may ask the patient to monitor and record the heart rate. This can help the physician determine whether to change the dosage or whether to switch to another medicine.

If frequent episodes of unexplained rapid heartbeats are observed, especially if they cause a person to feel weak or dizzy, you should report this to a doctor who can decide if this is an emergency. Thus, pulse is an important biomarker and one of the tools that helps to get a picture of human health.


The history of the disease . During a conversation with a sick doctor, the doctor first of all collects the history of the disease, which helps to find out if there is a relationship between symptoms such as palpitations, tiredness, dizziness or arrhythmia, as well as chest pain and shortness of breath. Also, the pulse rate, its discontinuity or constancy is determined. In some cases, symptoms appear only when the heart rate is increased. If at an accelerated rate the arterial pressure does not increase, then this is one situation, more favorable, and when combined hypertonia with a fast pulse - completely different, less benign. Also, the relationship between pulse rate and physical activity is important.

Physical examination . A thorough physical examination of the patient may indicate other systemic diseases, often associated with the thyroid gland or other organs. Sometimes edema of varying degrees of severity is determined.Particular attention is paid to the color of the skin, which in pathological conditions may become pale or cyanogenic.

Electrocardiography . Standard ECG is a key method for the study of patients with high pulse rate. The maximum of ECG information is provided during a heartbeat, as this may help to identify the underlying cause of the disorder, especially if it is associated with cardiac pathology.

ECG monitoring . Often, the pulse rate is not constant but intermittent, which does not allow the ECG to be removed during an attack. When monitoring ECG, the patient carries with him a special device that records all changes in cardiac activity. This allows you to catch a heartbeat and heart rate, and then characterize it with a subsequent diagnosis.Monitoring can take 1 day, several days, several weeks or even longer if the device is implanted.

Laboratory analyzes . The main blood tests are performed to eliminate anemia or lack of electrolytes. Thyroid function tests may be performed or tests performed on other biomarkers.

Echocardiography . This is an ultrasound scan of the heart that helps to consider the structure and function of the heart. Often used to evaluate the function of the valves and find out other parameters of the heart and the adjacent large vessels.

Electrophysiological study . If the diagnostic methods listed above failed to accurately diagnose, then an invasive EMF study is used. With its help it is quite accurately established the presence and nature of cardiac violations.



Special therapy is performed only with pathological rate of pulse or subjective intolerance of such a condition. If the frequent heart rate is restored in a calm condition, then it should not be worrying.

Basic strategies for treating fast heart rate:

  • Determine the cause of frequent heartbeat
  • Changing lifestyle (you may need to stop using coffee or alcohol, sleep more and quit smoking)
  • Depending on the state of the nervous system, a physician may recommend sedative medications
  • For frequently occurring and subjectively intolerable heartbeats, preparations from the group of arrhythmias (mainly using beta-blockers) can be used.

In the extreme case, when arterial pressure does not increase, but the pulse often increases because of the presence of ectopic foci in the heart, catheter ablation can be performed. After its completion, in most cases, arrhythmias cease, and along with them goes away a frequent heartbeat.

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