Is the VSD and alcohol compatible?

Author Ольга Кияница


Today, so-called vegetative-vascular dystonia is widespread. In this regard, patients with a similar disease often raises the question of whether it is possible to drink alcohol and other tonic drinks. The answer, as a rule, is given unequivocal and not suitable for many alcohol lovers.

Vegeto-vascular dystonia (VSD) is an outdated and controversial definition, under which various symptoms are combined, often arising for unequal reasons. With a literal interpretation of "vegetative-vascular dystonia" means a violation of the vascular tone. The development of VSD is often caused by stress, poor nutrition and workaholism.

In 75% of cases, VSD is associated with neurology, although in some cases it can occur against the background of cardiovascular and other diseases.

Despite the absence of the IRR in the International Classification of Diseases, some doctors still raise a similar diagnosis. Thus with similar symptoms there can be patients of various ages. For example, according to some assurances, 40% of the adult population determines the IRR. In such cases, there may be related questions as to whether the VSD and alcohol are compatible.

Video: Alcohol. Harm to alcohol. Alcohol and a hangover with VSD. Alcohol and Vegetosovascular dystonia.

Alcohol in the IRR

Alcohol has a serious adverse effect on patients with a diagnosis of vegetative-vascular dystonia, after eating which often occurs a hangover. According to doctors, VSD and alcohol are incompatible. In the end, even with small doses of alcohol - up to 50 ml of vodka or up to 100 ml of strong wine - the pulse and blood pressure can increase by 120-150%.Such a degree of destructive effect on the body is comparable to a severe form of tachycardia or a strong hypertonic crisis. Naturally, the hangover also contributes to its unfavorable mite.

Despite the fact that beer contains a low percentage of alcohol, its use can also cause irreparable damage to the body.This drink is drunk in large quantities, so alcohol enters the body in much the same way as when using a little strong liquor.

It is noted that among those who like to drink, patients with VSD are much more than among those who lead a sober lifestyle.

The walls of the heart and blood vessels, which, after drinking alcohol, are in a state of increased stress, are subjected to a very serious load, so the use of even a small amount of alcohol can lead to a heart attack or stroke. Thus, an extremely high risk of formation of multiple blood clots and rupture of small capillaries is determined, which significantly increases the risk of becoming disabled or prematurely dying.


Alcohol has an adverse effect on the cardiovascular system:

  • promotes first the expansion, and then the reflex narrowing of the blood vessels;
  • violates the coordination of movements;
  • reduces the pain threshold;
  • increases the burden on the heart.

In the presence of dystonia strict control over alcohol consumption is required. Deterioration of the condition in sickly cases of VSD often occurs during the holidays after drinking alcohol.

Vegeto-vascular dystonia can be of several types:

  • hypotonic;
  • hypertensive;
  • mixed.

Manifestations of the IRR

For VSD hypotonic type characterized by a decrease in blood pressure, poor appetite, headaches in the neck and upper parts of the head, apathy, weakness, darkening in the eyes with a sharp change in general condition. There may also be dizziness, loss of consciousness.

VSD hypertonic type is characterized by high blood pressure. Clinical manifestations are similar to hypotonic symptoms, but there are features. In particular, noise in the ears, trembling of the limbs, "flies" before the eyes, increased sweating is possible. The patient can also feel his heart rhythm, lack of oxygen.

Groups of risk are people with a genetic predisposition to the development of the VSD. But the violation of the function of an autonomous system in a child can be facilitated by drinking alcohol and smoking a woman during pregnancy. Bad habits lead to oxygen starvation of the fetus, and then - to insufficient nutrition of brain cells of the child.

Yet many patients with vegetative-vascular dystonia do not want to stop drinking alcohol, because, first of all, it eliminates the constant internal tension and nervousness that one has to experience because of the disease. However, alcohol can do more harm than good, so recommend to give it up, especially if the goal of use is to relax.

Video: How did VSD and ALCOHOL make me a vegetarian?

Alcohol: saves or destroys?

When the vessels with alcohol use expand, then the person suffering from the VSD, feels the disappearance of all unpleasant symptoms. Therefore, many people perceive alcohol as a way out of trouble. But this illusory improvement lasts a very short time. Then comes the hangover, which can torment more than one day. This condition is often accompanied by panic, headache and the development of depression. During this period, all signs of IRR are significantly strengthened.

Getting rid of bad health can be done in several ways, but most often the shortest and most dangerous is to drink again.In addition, with the addiction of the body to alcohol, the dose should be increased.

With the regular action of alcohols on the nervous and cardiovascular system, a huge load is used. Thus, the body quickly wears out and dependence on alcohol develops, therefore VSD and alcohol are incompatible!

Doctors recommend that those suffering from the VSD completely abandon the use of alcohol and smoking. It helps to maintain health. If you can not do it immediately, then you need to limit yourself to a small amount of wine. Thus, it may be possible to avoid problems with a hangover.


Those who suffer from dystonia, and lead a healthy, sober way of life can feel better and reduce the likelihood of exacerbation of the disease. But if you further reduce fatigue, the impact of stress, physical exertion, then the disease can be overcome and conquered!

If you have the following anxiety symptoms, you should consult your doctor:

  • tachycardia;
  • inconsistent breathing;
  • redness of the skin;
  • irritability, anxiety;
  • increase in blood pressure.

To worsen the condition can not only consumption of alcohol. VSD and smoking are also incompatible! A person should force himself to give up the desire to smoke a cigarette after a hard day or stress and organize his day so that there is no time for a devastating habit. Smoking relieves stress, but worsens the symptoms of dystonia. Smoking is especially harmful in combination with alcohol.

What can replace alcohol?

Alcohol acts not only on the physical components of the body. There are psychological reasons, because of which to get rid of alcohol dependence in patients with vegetative-vascular dystonia is much more difficult than others without VSD.But it is still possible and necessary to do so.

First of all, you can win a battle with addiction, such as alcoholism, by using natural beverages from coffee beans. They are no worse than alcohol stimulate the vessels of the brain.

Given that alcohol with VSD, in fact, is used for relaxation, it is often recommended to use sedatives that can be bought in a pharmacy without a prescription. As mentioned above, alcohol causes various unpleasant side effects, including a hangover, so it should be abandoned.

In most cases, the combination of different relaxants and tonic coffee allows patients with vascular dystonia to improve their condition, provided that taking medication and drinking coffee will be conducted within reasonable limits.

In addition, do not neglect the physician, taking into account that an excellent way to combat the symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia can only work if you train at least five times a week for six hours.

Video: VSD, panic attacks and alcohol | Pavel Fedorenko

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