Chi allowed phizic activity at sinusovoy tahіkardії

Author Ольга Кияница


There are various rhythm disorders, in which physical activity is not recommended. Sometimes the condition can deteriorate so much that the patient should adhere to a moderate lifestyle. When sinus tachycardia can be considered various options for work and rest, while much depends on the cause of arrhythmia.

Sinus tachycardia (CT) is a faster, than usual, heart rhythm. The human heart has a natural pacemaker, called a sinus node, which generates electrical impulses that transmit through the fibers of the heart muscle and cause it to contract. Thus, the heart pumps blood throughout the body.

Normally, an adult is defined from 60 to 90 beats / min. If the heart rate is 100 beats per minute or more, they speak of tachycardia.

Electrical impulses can be generated faster than normal, without any visible disturbance. In such cases, they speak of sinus tachycardia, and most often it does not cause anxiety to a person. In addition, the variant of norm and pathology is distinguished. It is in the second case that one should exercise caution when exercising.

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Description of sinus tachycardia

There are two variants of sinus tachycardia: physiological (normal) and pathological. Normal CT does not cause any anxiety, because it does not progress and does not worsen the quality of human life. Pathological CT can lead to serious violations of cardiac activity, so its appearance requires the utmost attention from the patient himself, his family and the treating doctor.

Normal sinus tachycardia

In some situations, sinus tachycardia does not cause any concern. For example, the rapid rhythm arises after strenuous exercise or fright.

Other causes that can cause a physiological sinus tachycardia are:

  • anxiety or emotional disorder;
  • fever;
  • some medicines;
  • stimulants such as caffeine or nicotine;
  • The impact of physical factors (high temperature, lack of air, etc.)

Pathological sinus tachycardia

If sinus tachycardia is determined without any known cause or against heart disease and other body organs / systems, this is called a pathological sinus tachycardia. Patients with this form of arrhythmia may experience an inexplicably fast heart rate, even in a restful state or during rest.

In addition to a rapid heart rate (heartbeat), the pathological CT can be manifested:

  • inconsistent breathing;
  • pain in the chest;
  • dizziness or fainting;
  • headaches;
  • anxiety;
  • anxiety.

Causes of pathological CT

Doctors are not sure of the exact cause of the disease, but it is likely that various factors are involved in this, including:

  • Violation of the sinus node.
  • Disorder of nervous regulation, because of what the heart rate increases.
  • Dysfunction of the vagal nerves, which causes an increase in heart rate.
  • Diseases of the heart and other internal organs and systems of the body (in particular, the endocrine system).


The pathological CT is mainly affected by medication, since in the absence of treatment the disease can progress and cause other, more dangerous forms of arrhythmia. Often pathological CT is difficult to completely cure, since the reasons for its development are not fully understood.

Depending on how much the heart rate is increased, the attending physician can prescribe beta-blockers or calcium channel blockers to reduce the heart rate.

Sometimes it may be necessary to make some changes in the way of life, for example:

  • Avoid situations that can cause an increase in the heart rate, such as taking stimulants, drugs or stress.
  • Organization of a full-fledged food for the heart.
  • Maintain a healthy weight.

In severe cases, when medications or lifestyle changes do not help, the procedure of catheter ablation of a pathological focus in the myocardium may be required. It is based on the use of physical factors of influence for the destruction of a tiny patch of cardiac tissue located in the area causing the tachycardia.

Sinus tachycardia and exercises

Physical activity is an important part of maintaining the heart, which has an unusual rhythm, as healthy as possible. In order to use the exercise as part of the treatment for sinus tachycardia, it is important to understand your illness, consult a medical professional about suitable exercises for use and find out the tolerable limits with regard to stress.

It is important to point out that with physiological sinus tachycardia there are no special restrictions on physical activity, except in terms of age and general health. With pathological CT, things are different, because, depending on the cause of rhythm disturbances, some recommendations regarding physical activity may be given.

Preparation for the program of physical exercises

  1. You should consult your doctor. For many types of arrhythmias, exercise is part of the treatment, but during the consultation it should be determined what physical activity can be practiced with sinus tachycardia.
  2. It is important to monitor the activity of the heart to determine the exact type of arrhythmia that exists and the appropriate form of exercise that can be performed. To do this, the doctor, most likely, will offer during the day to vilify a special device (Holter's monitor). With its help, you can most accurately assess the heart rate.
  3. If necessary, a stress test is carried out. This can be a study on a treadmill, which is performed using a special imaging device. Such diagnostics help to determine if the patient has arrhythmia caused by physical exercises or aggravated by physical activity.
  4. New research shows that improving cardiorespiratory fitness and weight loss, if obese, can reduce the chance of irregular heart rhythms, including sinus tachycardia. Moderate physical activity can reduce the burden on the heart and help maintain a regular and regular heart rate.
  5. It is necessary to discuss the implementation of the cardiac rehabilitation program. A physician can also recommend a recovery scheme, which is a controlled exercise for several weeks on a treadmill. During exercise, the heart rate and blood pressure are monitored by ECG.

If the arrhythmia is serious and unfavorable, controlled exercise can be the safest way to conduct physical activity with a view to recovering.

The beginning of the physical activity program

There are various types of exercises that you can do to improve the work of the heart. The main types of physical activity include exercises for:

  • Endurance or aerobics.
  • Strength.
  • Equilibrium.
  • Flexibility.

Stamina is the "most difficult" type of exercise that you need to prepare beforehand. From the very beginning, it is best to perform the basic exercises on strength, balance and flexibility. So do not try to run the endurance marathon in the first week.

Treatment of heart rhythm disorders with the help of physical activity requires individual selection of the exercise regimen. However, whatever type of exercise is chosen, it is necessary that it corresponds to the specific abilities and needs of the patient. Similar categories of exercises can be practiced in many ways, independently and in a group.

Exercise for endurance can include the following activities:

  • run;
  • jogging;
  • bicycle riding;
  • work in the garden;
  • dancing.

Strength exercises usually include lifting weights in various ways.


Equilibrium exercises are different kinds of yoga and tai chi.

Flexibility exercises include stretching in various ways, including using yoga or static stretch marks.

Physical activity should be increased gradually.

We need to set training goals and gradually implement them. For example, if the overall goal for endurance and aerobic exercise should be 30-45 minutes five days a week (or at least 150 minutes a week), you do not need to strive to immediately achieve this maximum time. For a start, you can train from five to ten minutes five days a week, if the doctor did not recommend a different duration.

Gradually, physical activity increases, but you should not lose sight of stretching exercises, flexibility and balance, even if such training is short-lived.

In daily exercises, you can also include walking or climbing the stairs, and use them to begin to increase your stamina.In addition, many types of physical activity can contribute to training both strength and endurance, as well as balance and strength. For example, practicing yoga can help with strengthening strength, endurance, flexibility and balance.

Finally, you should work with a professional exercise specialist along with your doctor to ensure that the exercise program is appropriate, and that the patient has an understanding of how to properly perform training sessions.


High-intensity interval training

High-intensity interval training (still known as HIIT training) is currently the most accessible and effective technique for developing all muscle groups.

Recent studies show that high-intensity interval training improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and can reduce the rate of development of general rhythm disorders by the type of atrial fibrillation. With proper use, it gives good results in patients with pathological sinus tachycardia.

This type of training, in which a person switching between intervals of medium intensity exercises and high intensity exercises (for example, walking and running), can be better than endurance training for patients with heart rhythm disturbances.

An example of HIIT can be a brisk five-minute warm-up, followed by 60 seconds of walking or jogging. Then there is a jogging for 30 seconds, then comes back for a walk of 60 seconds and so on. After 20 minutes of switching between exercises of medium and high intensity you need to be in a calm state for five minutes.

Before starting workouts, you need to talk to your doctor about HIIT and what is appropriate in a particular case (you may have to start with longer intervals of moderate intensity exercises and shorter periods of exercise with high intensity or vice versa).


Strength Exercises

Strength exercises strengthen muscles and improve their tone. Training may include the use of resistant tapes or of varying severity. It is better to start small and complicate the exercises from both groups with greater resistance or greater weight.

Do not necessarily "increase" the turnover, especially if it is not desired. It is better to start with a weight of 1-2 kg and raise your hands above your head or in front of you, repeating the exercise five to eight times. You can also do "curls", bending your elbows, to bring the weight to the level of the shoulders. In addition, you can perform exercises for the upper body with the help of resistant tapes.

Exercise for the lower body - you need to climb a chair or stance and put weight on your ankles or use a rubber band and spread your legs to the side, and then back and forth.

Flexibility exercises

Exercises for body flexibility help stretch, strengthen and tonify muscles and keep them in the range of greater free movement. Stretching can also help reduce joint pain and reduce inflammation. Exercises for stretching can be as simple as stretching the arms and legs before strength exercises or endurance.

Exercises for stretching can be performed on a chair, on the floor or alternatively in both ways. Also, you should always stretch before any physical activity, which will reduce the risk of injury or overexertion.

Exercises for balance

Balance exercises are especially important for the elderly, as they prevent falling and traumatizing. This may be an exercise for the lower body to strengthen the legs. In particular, it is useful to practice standing on one leg or in Taiji pose.

A very simple exercise in balance is a walk on the heel where the heel of one leg is placed on the toe of the leading leg, and then the legs are swapped. Practice such an exercise you can walk around the room.


It is important to monitor the

You can push yourself towards the goals you set by means of self-coercion, but it should be done gently, since it is important not to overdo it. You need to be careful not to contribute to the rhythm disturbance. Arrhythmias are often caused by physical exercises. That is why it is very important to work with the attending physician, take the recommended medications and be aware of any signs of the disease.

If any of the signs of sinus tachycardia is determined, you need to stop and tell your doctor about it.

Exercises and physical activity are great for strengthening the general condition of the heart and they will bring a lot of benefits, but you need to understand the warning signs and work with your health professionals for the best result.

Stamina and aerobic exercise should first be conducted only under the guidance of exercise specialists. There should be constant support of a cardiologist who will be able to identify signs indicating too active performance of the classes.Some of these features are as follows:

  • The heart rhythm is determined above an individually defined index.
  • A palpitations or any sense of irregular rhythm disturbs.
  • There is dizziness.
  • Blurred vision or difficult focus on the subject is determined.
  • Thoracic pain.
  • Loss of consciousness.
  • Inability to take a breath.

If any of these manifestations occur during or after a training session, you should immediately stop and tell someone about the problem. In extreme cases, you should call an ambulance.

Video: Physical activity with sinus tachycardia

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