After food – arrhythmia, what are the causes?

Author Ольга Кияница


When visiting a doctor, some patients complain that after a meal they have a frequent heartbeat or a feeling of jumping out of the heart from the chest. All these are symptoms of arrhythmia, but can it really manifest itself after a meal, and if so, what are the causes of this pathological condition?

Arrhythmia is well known among a wide range of cardiologic patients. Many do not bother at all, in other cases it manifests itself as severe attacks of rhythm disturbance. But one of the variations in the course of the disease is the appearance of a heartbeat after eating. This does not happen as often, but requires extreme attention to prevent more severe illnesses.

The onset of arrhythmia after eating is characteristic of the elderly, women with labile psyche, abusive alcoholic beverages and malnourished patients.

With the use of modern diagnostic methods, the form of arrhythmia is quickly determined. First of all, electrocardiography is carried out. If there are any doubts about the final diagnosis, other methods of diagnosis are used: Holter monitoring, electrophysiological examination, ultrasound examination of the heart, etc.

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Why eating causes arrhythmias

Gastrokardialny syndrome - precisely under such a term in medicine refers to the state expressed in the irritation of the cardiac stomach, which subsequently causes arrhythmia, pain in the heart, stenocardial seizures. As a result, the patient has a strong anxiety and a serious illness affecting the heart. In fact, everything is not so scary if you follow the medical recommendations.

Mechanisms of arrhythmia after food intake:

  • Abundant food intake provokes blood flow to digestive organs, including the stomach.
  • The intensified digestion process causes increased activity of the parasympathetic system fibers, in particular, the vagus nerve.
  • Under the action of the vagus, the heart rhythm changes, which tends to slow down.

In some cases, instead of bradycardia, patients, on the contrary, experience frequent palpitations or extrasystoles. This is due to the fact that the activity of the parasympathetic department of innervation decreases with time and the sympathetic nervous system begins to act on its replacement. This leads to a sudden rise in heart rate, which usually takes place during the afternoon period. Therefore, having done a good job, such patients begin to strain instead of relaxation due to a violated rhythm.

Symptoms of arrhythmia that develop after eating

All arrhythmias manifest violations of the rhythm of the heart, the appearance of "failures" in the palpitations, worsening of general well-being. But with arrhythmias that arise after eating, there are more specific signs that are not encountered in other cases.

  • Sometimes it may seem that the heart stopped.
  • Uncomfortable sensations in the region of the heart, often manifested by pain and its spread along the left hand.
  • Consciousness can be "lost" for a short time.
  • A feeling of nausea and overflow of the stomach.
  • Pituitary glands are beginning to act more actively.
  • The whole body feels weakness.
  • Periodic vertigo.
  • Body temperature rises.
  • In the mouth often dry.

Arrhythmia after a meal has recently become particularly popular, as many people overeat and little moves. An especially important role in the development of the pathology is obesity, which refers to endocrinological disorders. Therefore, not always a rhythm disturbance is observed in cardiac patients. There are also other risk factors that, if any, increase the likelihood of developing a pathology.

Risk factors

Arrhythmia after a meal in itself does not pose a danger to the health or life of a person. But sometimes the disease develops against the backdrop of organic heart disease, which can worsen the course of the disease. Therefore, when determining the rhythm disturbance after eating, it is not necessary to relax, but first of all, you need to re-examine your lifestyle and check whether these or other risk factors are determined.

  • Abuse of alcohol - stands in the first place, as many modern people do not imagine a feast without a boil. In fact, alcohol easily and quickly stimulates the work of the heart, but with its frequent exposure, the conducting heart system ceases to generate electropulse in normal mode. After receiving the food, the heart, as described above, is experiencing a load, therefore in severe cases it even ceases to cope with it, resulting in arrhythmia.
  • Frequent meals - these are just meals, not a normal meal. During the meal a lot of things are eaten, even without normal chewing. The abundance of food is filled with a large number of different drinks. All this negatively affects cardiovascular activity, as well as other organs and systems, so it is not surprising that arrhythmias arise from overload.
  • Stress situations - today worry practically every person. Only if there are certain skills can it not be possible to react to many irritating factors. The heart responds very sensitively to any experiences and excitements, therefore excessive emotionality can also aggravate the flow of arrhythmia that occurs after eating.
  • The passage of rehabilitation after a serious illness - this factor is practically impossible to eliminate, but if desired, its influence can be minimized. In particular, various practices aimed at improving the health and general well-being of the patient help.

Arrhythmia after a meal may be the first call of a more complex disease, so it is very important, after determining it, to seek advice from a doctor in order to be given appropriate treatment measures.
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4 responses to “After food – arrhythmia, what are the causes?”

  1. Надія says:

    Добрий день! Після видалення жовчного міхура почалось прискорене серцебиття,не сильно ,але я його відчуваю.
    Стараюсь їсти часто і дієтичну страву,але привикла скоро їсти і знаю ,що вже неможна,але якось само собою виходить.
    Робила кардіограму все добре. Але при аритмії , так в мене тривога не можливо заснути,а сьогодні і вночі теж відчувала.
    Правда на роботі теж є свої тривоги і ще сидяча робота.Стараюсь ходити 40хв-1годину пішки .Чекаю поради.Дякую.
    ел.пошта моя робоча вдома зломався компютер.

  2. Anonymous says:

    It’s interesting!!!

  3. Ксюша says:

    Здравствуйте! мне 38 лет, не давно у меня после еды появился сильная пульсация в областье желудка. По утрам тоже бывает на пустой желудок. Стоит что не будь перекусит, сразу начинается тяжесть желудка и как будто желудок переполнен. Сердцу сделала узи, нет проблем. 2016 году сделала Эндоскопию. Результат: Эзофагит рефлекс, дуодонит. Ну и у меня всегда было такая проблема как волнение, переживания. Может ли быть от стресса? Кому обращаться, чтобы поставить правильный диагноз?

  4. Anonymous says:

    Здравствуйте , стараюсь выполнять все рекомендации не пю не курю мало ем , но после приема пищи одышка и перебои а когда не ем то нормально подскажите пожалуйста это навсегда?

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