Why there is a palpitation after eating – reasons and treatment

Author Ольга Кияница


In some people, a heartbeat occurs immediately or after a meal. There are reasons for this and if the unpleasant condition does not pass for a long time or if its progression is observed, treatment is necessarily carried out. Necessary recommendations for therapy are given by a cardiologist or a family medicine doctor.

Palpitation can occur after eating or lying down. Normal heart rhythm in an adult is from 60 to 90 beats per minute, but heart palpitations often exceed this number. As a rule, palpitations (or tachycardia) are not troublesome, but sometimes clinically unfavorable manifestations of dizziness or severe weakness.

Heart palpitations in rare cases can be a serious complication of another disease or develops independently without violations from other internal organs. If the palpitations are accompanied by shortness of breath and pain in the chest, then this is usually an indicator of something more serious.

Diagnosis of the pathological condition is conducted with the participation of a cardiologist, who, if necessary, prescribes additional methods of examination. In particular, the first thing is electrocardiography, which can be supplemented with ultrasound of the heart and other methods of investigation.

Video: Heart palpitations. Clinic NEBOLIT - cardiologist about the speed pulse

Description of heartbeat after eating

Palpitation is a feeling of fluttering of the heart or a feeling that it beats too fast. Palpitation can be felt in the chest, throat or neck. Although anyone can notice a fast heart rate after eating, this is more common in people with obesity or anorexia.

Symptoms accompanying heart palpitations after eating may be as follows:

  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Weakness
  • Thoracic pain
  • Pressure and tenderness in the chest
  • Excessive yawning
  • Sweating and anxiety
  • Abdominal discomfort and heart palpitations
  • Inability to rest easy
  • Inconsistent breath.

In severe cases, symptoms can be very severe and disturb not only after eating, but also under other circumstances, for example after physical exertion or at night.

Causes of a heartbeat after eating

The main reason for the heartbeat after eating is that a lot of food was consumed at the same time. Other factors of increased heart rate after eating are a large number of carbohydrates, sugar or fat contained in food. Products with a high content of sodium glutamate or nitrates can also cause heart palpitations.

To accurately understand which foods lead to rapid heartbeat, you need to write down your daily ration in a notebook for a week or more. The data are then analyzed and predisposing to palpitations are determined.

Other causes of heart disease, in addition to eating, are:

  • Physical activity.
  • Stimulants such as caffeine or nicotine.
  • Other diseases, such as low blood pressure, dysfunction of the thyroid gland.
  • Hormonal changes in women or the use of hormonal contraceptives.
  • Medications, such as decongestants, diet pills.
  • Improper use of biologically active additives.
  • Disbalance of electrolyte exchange.
  • Stress, anxiety, panic attack.

Palpitation can progress if a person lies down on the left side. There are many reasons for this, including:

  • When lying on the left side, the heart becomes closer to the chest and ribs.
  • On the left side, in the supine position, the stomach, left side of the lung and heart are compressed.
  • After eating in the supine position, cardiac flutter may appear, because blood circulation increases due to the flow of blood to the digestive organs, and the load on the heart increases


Principles of treatment of palpitation after eating

Treatment of heartbeat after eating depends on the underlying cause. For example, if a patient immediately after eating takes a horizontal position, then the main recommendation is to give up this habit. If, however, the heart rate increases after a smoked cigarette or a cup of coffee drunk, then these habits also need to be changed.

Some simple and effective options for treating a heartbeat after a meal include:

  • Reduced stress and anxiety.
  • Avoid certain foods and drinks.
  • Avoid stimulants such as caffeine and nicotine or drugs that act as stimulants (decongestants and some herbal remedies).
  • Sufficient and timely sleep, the best option - to lie down with the sunset and get up with its sunrise.
  • Regular exposure to fresh air and sunbathing, it is important not to overdo it with stay in the sun, so as not to promote the development of tachycardia.
  • The use of water of high quality and in sufficient quantity.
  • Passage of physiotherapy procedures by type of massage and manual therapy.

An important part of the treatment of rapid heartbeat is knowledge of the underlying cause and management of the situation. If it is not possible to independently determine such a trigger, you can talk with your doctor and ask him to conduct diagnostic tests.

Sometimes the causes are harmless and easy to deal with. In such cases, no specific treatment is required.

Home remedies for the treatment of palpitation after eating

  • Support of electrolyte balance

Among all home methods of heartbeat control, support of electrolyte balance is one of the most effective. The heart is shortened by the action of electrical pulses generated by the difference in charges of four important ions in the cell: K +, Ca2 +, Na +, Mg2 +. For some reason, the voltage of these ions changes, which can lead to arrhythmia. Therefore, the best way to eliminate or prevent the appearance of a heartbeat is to ensure a balanced and stable concentration of these ions. The movement of these ions through the pericardial membrane of the cardiac muscle causes a transient threshold voltage on the membrane and creates an active tension, leading to muscle contraction. The charge of the electrolyte is maintained at a certain physiological level by means of various mechanisms to ensure the stability of the cardiac function.

To stabilize ions, you need to know what products contain them.

  • Potassium is found in large quantities in fruits, such as apples, bananas, oranges, and it is also abundant in milk and bread.
  • Calcium is found in almonds, oat flour, milk and tofu cheese.
  • Sodium is determined in many types of meat, dairy products or bread.
  • Food sources of magnesium are nuts and cereals.

It is enough to add these products daily to the diet so that the problem with the heartbeat is completely or partially eliminated over time.

  • Cough is a quick way to slow down the rhythm

This method of effective treatment is one of the little-known home remedies for the elimination of palpitations.

Coughing is a natural reaction to the presence of foreign objects or substances in the respiratory tract.

Due to the mechanism of cough, it can slow down the heart rate. This is because when a cough occurs, the airflow expands the alveoli, exerting pressure on the chest wall. This action slows the heart rate. Therefore, when the stress is felt and the heart beats a little faster, you can use this advice.

  • Relaxation

When a fast rhythm becomes a pathological disease, palpitation can occur not only after eating, but also during sleep.This causes the person to be in a frightened and nervous state. In such cases, it is best to sit down and try to relax, or exercise regularly, so that you can slow your heart rate.

  • Regular Exercise

Many people think that when the heart beats fast, it means that the body is working too hard, therefore it is not recommended to engage in charging. In fact, regular exercises help keep the muscles and heart healthy. Today, this is the leading method of preventing cardiovascular diseases and other related disorders.

When it comes to exercises to ease the heartbeat, cardio training and yoga practice are best.

Also, if necessary, a physician can recommend exercise from exercise therapy, which is enough to perform every day for 15-20 minutes to strengthen their health.

  • The Valsalva test

When using this method of slowing the rhythm, you need to close your mouth, close your nose, cover your ears, take a deep breath and exhale (but do not let air out). This method can initially cause the heart to beat faster, but then the heart rate will gradually decrease. You may feel dizzy, but do not worry, just a few seconds the condition returns to normal.

To maintain the stability of the heartbeat procedure must be repeated several times in a row. For the sake of safety, this method is best practiced under the supervision of a specialist, while it is not recommended for people who are threatened with myocardial infarction.


  • Cinnamon

This is one of the little-known home remedies for eliminating the heartbeat. Cinnamon is the most popular ingredient in the range of spices and herbs. Cinnamon contains nutrients such as manganese and potassium, which are useful for the heart. They improve blood circulation, prevent the formation of substandard cholesterol and lower blood pressure.

The effectiveness of dried cinnamon also affects the ability to improve blood circulation, which helps greatly alleviate the pain. Also, cinnamon contributes to the supply of oxygen to the cells of the body and the acceleration of metabolism.Regular intake of cinnamon also helps reduce the risk of heart attack.

Cinnamon is used in many cultures for the prevention and treatment of diseases, including diarrhea, arthritis, convulsions, menorrhagia, yeast infections, colds, flu and other digestive problems.

Method 1: Only cinnamon. You need to prepare 2 teaspoons of cinnamon powder and 200 ml of water. Add the cinnamon powder to the water and mix well. The mixture should be boiled for 20 minutes and then used when feeling palpitations.

Method 2: Cinnamon and honey. You need to prepare 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon powder and 2 teaspoons of honey.Mix cinnamon powder and honey, mix well. Leave for 2 minutes and use the mixture to eat with a feeling of palpitation.
You can take this remedy twice a day.

Method 3: Cinnamon oil . Take 1-2 teaspoons of cinnamon oil.

Whenever palpitation is felt, you can take half of this amount and moisten the cotton pad in it. Put cinnamon oil near the nose and leave for 20 minutes. The smell of cinnamon will help reduce the symptoms of the heartbeat.

  • Honey

In honey, up to 60-70% of glucose and levulose are determined, 20-35% of sucrose. It also contains inorganic salts, organic acids such as formic acid, acetic acid, lipase enzymes, injectin, starch and wax. In addition, recent studies have shown that honey contains antioxidants and helps the body cleanse toxins. Honey protects blood vessels, expands them and improves the elasticity of their walls. This helps to lower the cholesterol level in the blood, especially in the aorta, which leads to better blood circulation. Honey also contains simple sugars that are easily absorbed into the bloodstream and directed directly to the heart muscle, contributing to its contraction.

Method 1: Only honey . It is enough to take 1-2 teaspoons of honey in the morning and in the evening to get a positive result. You can also mix honey with water and add a little sugar for easier consumption of the product.

Method 2: Honey and cinnamon . For preparation take 300 ml of honey and 10 grams of fresh cinnamon. The cinnamon is washed, then cut into small pieces and added to honey. After mixing, the mixture is put in a jar. Leave for 15 days and then drink 2-3 teaspoons with 200 ml of water.


Method 3: Honey and lemon . Take 2 teaspoons of honey, 1-2 lemons and 300 ml of water. Lemons are washed and grinded in a meat grinder. Mix honey, water and lemon together, then mix well. You can use the mixture as described above, take 2 times a day in the morning and evening for better effect.

  • Black beans

The use of black beans is considered one of the best natural home remedies for heartbeat. Black beans provide the body with three flavonoid anthocyanins: delphinidinum, petunidin and malvidin. There are also flavonoids in the form of kaempferol, quercetin and hydroxycinnamic acids. All these flavonoids are very good antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents. Black beans also contain many folates and magnesium, which are good for supporting the cardiovascular system. 200 grams of black beans provide about 64% of the need for folate; 30% of the daily requirement of magnesium and about 180 mg of omega-3 fatty acids in the form of alpha-linolenic acid.

Black beans contain a molybdenum mineral, a component of the oxidized enzyme of sulfates, so it is very effective in detoxification. Sulphates are chemical substances that today are processed in abundance of food products. They are not useful for people, because they increase the frequency of heartbeats, cause headaches or attention disorders.

Method 1: Only black beans. Prepare 200 g of black beans, which are washed and cooked for 5 minutes. Use cooked black beans, as described above, with palpitation, as they reduce the symptoms of high heart rate.

Method 2: Black beans and honey. Take 200 g of black beans and 2 teaspoons of honey.
Beans are washed and dried, and then ground in a meat grinder to make the mixture used for mixing with honey. Use the remedy in the morning before breakfast, if palpitation is felt. Sometimes medication is taken at a frequency of 4-5 days a week for best results.

Method 3: Black beans, sugar and water . Take 400 g of black beans, 4 teaspoons of sugar and 500 ml of water.Black beans are washed and boiled in water for 20 minutes. After boiling, leave for 5 minutes to allow the black bean to cool. Sugar is added to the resulting product, then it is mixed well. You can divide the received portion twice to use it in the morning and evening. This method can be practiced 4-5 days a week to achieve the best effect.

Method 4: Black beans, honey and cinnamon . Take 200 g of cinnamon powder, 300 g of black bean powder and 5 teaspoons of honey. Mix cinnamon powder, black bean powder and honey together, mix so that the mixture formed as homogeneous as possible. The resulting product is divided into small pieces and consumed 1-2 pieces at a palpitation.

  • Spinach / Fish oil

Both spinach and fish oil are abundant in magnesium, a mineral used as an additional tool in the treatment of palpitation. Thus, you can use products rich in this mineral, which besides spinach and fish is still found in bananas, dark chocolate, peanut butter, almonds and pumpkin seeds. Any of these products will help to fill the deficiency of magnesium in the body.

  • Valerian

Among the home remedies for the elimination of palpitations, this herb is quite popular. It is often used to relieve anxiety, since valerian is well known for its soothing properties. The relaxing effect of valerian effectively reduces the symptoms of palpitations. It is enough to drink a glass of water containing a few drops of valerian infusions to bring the heart activity back to normal.

  • Cayenne pepper

Acting as a heart muscle stimulant, cayenne pepper can eliminate cardiac arrhythmias. In addition, it helps to improve heart health, improve myocardial function and balance blood circulation.

  • Motherwort

This herb is another home remedy for the treatment of palpitations. In particular, it helps to eliminate cardiac disorders, strengthens this organ. It is often used when there is a fluttering, fast or pounding beating of the heart, accompanied by nervousness and anxiety. An additional advantage of the motherwort is that it works naturally, without being excessively sedative.

  • Lavender

The use of lavender in herbal baths, aromatherapy or in diffusers is useful for relaxing both the nervous system and cardiovascular.

According to the study, it was shown that lavender oil can significantly reduce heart rate, blood pressure and skin temperature.

In addition, lavender has a more relaxing and less anxious state. Thus, it is possible to use lavender oil as one of the effective home remedies for eliminating the heartbeat.

The above-mentioned home remedies for improving the condition with a heartbeat are desirable to use after consulting a doctor. This will avoid unwanted complications.

Video: Live healthy! Frequent palpitations. How to calm the heart

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