Nutrition with arrhythmias of the heart: what can and can not be

Author Ольга Кияница


A person can use not only a dozen years for the food he likes and at the same time not to know about her harm or benefit to the heart. If the diseases of the cardiovascular system have been determined, then first of all, you should pay attention to your diet. Otherwise, even medical treatment will not be as effective as consuming all the same harmful foods.

Nutrition with arrhythmia must be dietary, as it helps to improve the prognosis of the course of the disease, and sometimes to prevent the recurrence of rhythm disturbances. For example, the exclusion of a single cooked salt can reduce or completely refuse the use of drugs.

When arrhythmia is often observed as the increase in heart rate, and its restoration. In a number of cases, the pathology proceeds asymptomatic, but sometimes careful medical treatment is required, which is supplemented with dietary supplements for greater efficiency.

Different research methods are used to determine the shape of the rhythm disturbance. At the very beginning an electrocardiogram is made, after which a daily monitoring of the ECG, ultrasound of the heart is performed, and an electrophysiological examination is performed if necessary. After a precise installation of a variety of pathology, treatment is prescribed, necessarily supplemented by dietary nutrition. But not everyone knows which products are most useful for arrhythmia.

Video Nutrition with Heart Diseases (Part 1)

Proper food intake

Before the name of the most useful products of the heart, mention should be made of the rules of food intake. They need to be kept constantly, as this will help maintain or maintain health at the proper level.

  1. You need to eat about 3-4 times a day.
  2. It is necessary to sit down only when there is an appetite.
  3. The reception of food should be in a calm condition. It is inappropriate to eat with bad mood or excitement.
  4. The food should have a comfortable temperature. You can not "on the run" there is overcooked or hot food.
  5. While eating, you can not read, watch TV, engage in a gadget or speak loudly. The best digestibility of food passes with its concentrated use on the background of positive thinking.
  6. Food should be chewed thoroughly.
  7. To end the food in a timely manner means to leave the table a bit hungry.

The diet should be based on the ratio of varieties of foods. The share of vegetable food - up to 60%, carbohydrate products is consumed no more than 25%, and protein - no more than 30%. In addition, it is important not to overdo it with the consumption of liquid, the volume of which needs to be halved.

What foods are most useful for arrhythmia?

During the treatment of arrhythmia, often prescribed drugs of potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, which is especially relevant in their lack of. If there is no critical condition then you can limit the use of useful products for arrhythmias.

  • Potassium - a large amount is found in bananas, parsley, potatoes, pumpkin, cabbage of all varieties, dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes, raisins).
  • Magnesium is defined in cucumbers, spinach, legumes, buckwheat, avocados, walnuts and other nuts.
  • Calcium is available in sour-milk products and black currant.
  • Iron is a part of such products as beef liver, mollusks, white beans, buckwheat, tuna, tomato juice.

Recently, various researchers have ranked the most useful products of the heart. Some of them include the following foods that are common to many people, but which are also most beneficial to the cardiovascular system:

5 products useful for arrhythmia

  • Grape juice - must be natural, made of red varieties. The effectiveness of this pleasant drink is several times greater than that of aspirin. It is useful to drink for the prevention of myocardial infarction, and in order to prevent thrombosis, one drink a glass of juice a day.
  • Cheese, cottage cheese, various beans - it is very useful to include in the daily diet, as these products are rich in vitamin E, an indispensable ingredient, which is extremely important in maintaining the cardiovascular system in working condition.
  • Low-fat milk - it should not be a store, but the "real", ideally - steam. On the day you need to eat two glasses, which will prevent the development of a number of heart diseases, including arrhythmias.
  • Fish is especially highly prized among nutritionists. Marine fatty varieties of fish such as salmon, mackerel, herring, cod due to the presence of omega-3 fatty acids help to best prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases.

Danish scientists have found that the use of fish rarely increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease among women twice.

  • Walnuts are well-proven foods that are enough to take 5 pcs a day to fight cholesterol more effectively.

Eating fruits with heart arrhythmia is also very helpful. The most popular are apples, which are rich in flavonoids that can strengthen the heart muscle. To eat fruits is desirable in fresh form, then they contain the most amount of useful substances.

Video The Best Products For The Heart!

What can not be eaten with arrhythmia

Depending on the general condition of the patient, as well as the forms of arrhythmia, the physician may recommend to exclude certain foods. For example, when overweight you need to eat more low-calorie foods. A similar situation is with an increased amount of cholesterol in the blood.

Products that should be excluded from the diet:

  • Caffeine-containing beverages (tea, coffee) should not be consumed at all, or in a very limited amount, so that there is no excessive stimulation of arrhythmias and against this background, heart rhythm disturbances.
  • Smoked and sausage products, as well as fat and bacon, which are excessively saturated with spices, salt, preservatives, dyes and stabilizers. Such substances cause considerable damage to the human body, especially the cardiovascular system and the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Marinades and pickles are irritating to the mucous membrane, due to which the cardiac activity begins to change reflexively. With arrhythmia, this effect often provokes a rhythm disturbance.
  • Overeating is unacceptable, as the above-mentioned mechanism of action causes arrhythmia, which in some cases is difficult to stop.
  • Fried dishes, as well as various types of by-products, are strictly forbidden because they contain substances that adversely affect the work of the heart.
  • Fast food and semi-finished products are very harmful to people who are prone to excess weight., Obesity, after which the disease develops the cardiovascular system, including arrhythmia.
  • Alcohol should be discontinued, even in small quantities, especially in those cases where food is interested in atrial fibrillation. If you break the ban, then under the influence of an alcoholic beverage, vessels will narrow, which causes the heart to lack oxygen and increases the risk of myocardial infarction.

Abundant fluid intake also contributes to the development of arrhythmia. The patient should drink less than 1.5 liters a day, which will help to avoid excessive loading on the heart.

An approximate menu for 7 days

1 day:

  • Breakfast - buckwheat porridge with milk and flaxseed, grapes or grape juice.
  • Dinner is a vegetable soup with black or whole grain bread.
  • Dinner - rice with vegetables and boiled chicken breast.
  • Before bedtime - a cup of braids.

2 day:

  • Breakfast - bread or toast with jam and herbal tea, moderately sweet.
  • Lunch is a baked chicken breast, with vegetable salad, black bread.
  • Dinner - baked potatoes with boiled vegetables.
  • Before bedtime - a glass of mutton broth.

Day 3:

  • Breakfast is a fruit salad, a cocktail filled with yogurt or a low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Lunch is spaghetti, filled with light tomato sauce and sprinkled with sesame seeds, apple-grape juice.
  • Dinner - a salad of corn, kolrabi and boiled turkey breast.
  • Before going to sleep is a cup of yogurt.

Day 4:

  • Breakfast is a cereal blend in the form of flakes with yogurt or non-fat milk.
  • Lunch is a salmon made from tuna or herring with boiled potatoes, dried fruit compote.
  • Dinner - vegetable stew with rice or vegetable soup.
  • Before bedtime - a glass of herbal tea.

Day 5:

  • Breakfast - unsalted brynza, vyzhivkovy bread and a glass of compote from dried fruit.
  • Dinner - baked salmon with vegetable salad.
  • Dinner - vegetable cutlets with herbal tea.
  • Before going to sleep is a cup of yogurt.

Day 6:

  • Breakfast is porridge made from oat flakes, with the addition of nuts and dried fruits.
  • Dinner - toasts with pieces of baked salmon, sprouted wheat grains.
  • Dinner - home-made noodles, cream sauce with champignons.
  • Before bedtime - a glass of mutton broth.

Day 7:

  • Breakfast - Milk-cereal porridge, orange juice.
  • Dinner - mashed potatoes, baked mackerel and black bread.
  • Dinner - cottage cheese casserole with sour cream.
  • Before bedtime - a glass of kefir.

This menu is ideal for patients with cardiovascular diseases, including arrhythmia. Herbal teas are prepared from melissa, mint, and other soothing herbs. If desired, you can add some honey instead of sugar, which is more beneficial for the heart and blood vessels.

Video 5 products useful for the heart

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2 responses to “Nutrition with arrhythmias of the heart: what can and can not be”

  1. любовь says:

    Šспасибо. Будем придерживаться вашей диеты.

  2. Karunovva says:

    Спасибо, буду знать. У меня пока с этим все в норме, но холестерин повышался регулярно, доктор сразу предупредила, что до добра это не доведет. Стараюсь больше пешком ходить, работа у меня не далёко от дома, вот утром и вечером прогулка. Ем больше овощей, эваларовский концентрат рыбьего жира Омега-3 принимаю, помогает поддерживать уровень холестерина в норме.

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