Difference in arrhythmia from atrial fibrillation

Author Ольга Кияница


Atrial fibrillation is widespread today, and in some cases it is difficult to understand the difference between conventional arrhythmias and atrial fibrillation. In fact, everything is not so difficult, because flickering is one of the forms of arrhythmia, which has characteristic signs, features of currents and prognostic value.

Inertial arrhythmia refers to a group of cardiac arrhythmias. Its main manifestations can be considered as alternation of fading of the heart and rapid heartbeat. Also, flashing patients often notice sensations in the form of "the heart trembles like an autumn leaf" and "the heart beats like a wounded bird".

The course of atrial fibrillation can be paroxysmal and permanent. During an attack, it becomes difficult for the patient to breathe, the heart rate can increase to 400 beats per minute or more.

It is important to timely and properly diagnose the disease, which is used for electrocardiography, ultrasound of the heart, Holter monitoring, laboratory tests. After specifying the exact cause of the illness (smoking, alcohol use, thyrotoxicosis, frequent stress and excessive physical exertion), specific treatment is prescribed, often in the form of antiarrhythmic drugs. Also today, radio frequency ablation has begun to be widely used, which allows to minimize the manifestation of arrhythmia.

Video Flicker arrhythmia. From what the heart trembles

How to determine arrhythmia

A weakly disturbed rhythm often does not manifest itself. In such patients, the disease is determined after a planned examination, when all electrocardiography is conducted without exception. If the bouts still disturb, then the following symptoms can be determined:

  • irregular heart rhythm;
  • pale skin;
  • unpleasant sensations in the area of the heart.

Incorrect heart rhythm can be defined in such a way: during the heartbeat of the pulse, there are severe blows and weakly noticeable contractions.

With a long course of illness, a person starts to look bad, breathlessness, dizziness, expressed weakness appear. In severe cases, anomalies are observed.

How to recognize arrhythmia

If you are suspected of developing arrhythmia, you should first contact your doctor in the first place. This may be a district therapist, who will then be referred to additional examinations. When applying to a specialized cardiovascular system, a clinic can immediately go to the cardiologist. This will help avoid unnecessary queues.
The course of arrhythmia often passes asymptomatic, when minor rhythm attacks do not allow for an accurate diagnosis. Therefore, different diagnostic methods are used to correctly recognize a crippling arrhythmia.

  • Medical examination - is carried out in a mandatory manner and takes place in the form of a survey, examination and listening of the heart rate.
  • Electrocardiography defines practically all forms of arrhythmias, with a rare exception, therefore, after physical examination cardiologic patients necessarily undergo an electrocardiogram.
  • Ultrasound of the heart - is done to determine the organic pathology of the myocardium and the valve apparatus. Painless procedure, which is relatively fast.
  • Holter monitoring - the method is more suitable for detecting violations of the conducting system of the heart, but is also often used for differential diagnosis of atrial fibrillation with extrasystoles.
  • Load tests - help identify rarely arising or physically dependent arrhythmias.
  • Electrophysiological research - a common method of diagnostics today, which by means of stimulation of cardiac activity in combination with transesophageal electrocardiography allows verifying difficultly diagnosable forms of arrhythmias.

Timely diagnosis will detect arrhythmias at an early stage of development. This gives an opportunity to carry out effective treatment and to significantly improve the well-being of the patient.

How to distinguish crying arrhythmias from extrasystoles

Inverted arrhythmia is considered a non-dangerous disease, although its attacks in some cases are quite annoying to the patient. It is not dangerous to extrasystole, which is often determined not only in patients but also healthy. Is it possible to distinguish between these two illnesses and in fact, do you really need to worry about their appearance?

Inertial arrhythmia from extrasystole is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Attacks are longer and when they occur, there is a "tremor of the heart, like an aspen leaf" or "frequent beating of the heart like a bird". With ECS, extraordinary contractions can cause sensations of a thrust in the heart.
  • The heart rate during flickering increases markedly, sometimes up to 400 bpm / min, which does not happen with extrasystoles.
  • In the case of flickering in difficult cases, blood pressure may change. In this case, the EKS more influence the conductivity of the heart impulse and, in severe course, can provoke blockages.

In the clinic, in some cases, it is difficult to distinguish the atrial fibrillation from extrasystole. Then electrocardiography is done for more information.

  • Extracorporeal contractions, of the same shape and size, even in the presence of altered ventricular complexes located nearby, are clearly visible.
  • In case of atrial fibrillation, the characteristic signs are defined - an increase in heart rate of up to 400 ud / min and more, a wave-f (of different shape and height), while it is important that the tooth P is not determined.

If there are still questions about the specific differences between arrhythmia and atrial fibrillation, then more information can be obtained from the attending cardiologist.
Video Flicker arrhythmia

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4 responses to “Difference in arrhythmia from atrial fibrillation”

  1. Наталья says:

    Постянное замирание сердца, вызываешь скорую, говорят, что кордиограмма в норме. Но седце бьется с перебоями при давлении 120 на 80 и пульс 70-65 ударов в минуту. Сильный дискомфорт в груди, чувство как будто на груди чтото туго затянули. Была у кордиолога она сказала что от этого не умирают, если сильно беспокоит пить биол, но часто пить боюсь может быть брадикордия. Такая аритмия по несколько раз в день. Незнаю куда обращаться и что делать.

  2. Ольга says:

    Наталья, аритмия может быть и на фоне неврологических расстройств, поэтому может понадобиться консультация у невролога.

  3. Наталья says:

    Добрый день. Делала много раз ЭКГ с нагрузкой мониторинг сердца, на одном зафиксировали короткий эпизод мерцалки и в последующем не было по скорой говорят норм экстросистолы. Сердце не болит. Есть всд.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Не понятно

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