Can I drink with arrhythmia of the heart?

Author Ольга Кияница


Many patients with arrhythmia are interested in the question of what can be drunk with arrhythmia. Get the right answer to it is extremely important, as it will help to maintain well-being at the proper level. In some cases, it is enough to follow the dietary advice to avoid taking antiarrhythmic drugs for a long time, so knowledge in this topic will not be superfluous.

Arrhythmia refers to frequently occurring diseases, and in some cases it is complicated by rather severe pathologies. To prevent repeated attacks, as well as the initial appearance of rhythm disturbance, various methods of influence are used: medicamentous, therapeutic-physical, dietary, surgical.

The most simple and favorable way to treat cardiac arrhythmia is to organize a proper diet, in which a considerable role is played by the use of healthy and healthy drinks.

At an arrhythmia far not all products are recommended to the use. In order to accurately answer the question, what drinks are forbidden to drink in arrhythmia, it is necessary to understand the effect of the cardiovascular system on one or another component of nutrition.

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What you can drink with arrhythmia

There are a number of products that help strengthen the cardiovascular system. With their regular inclusion in the diet can significantly improve health, reduce the frequency of development of attacks of rhythm disturbance.

  • It is important to include more fruits and vegetables in your daily diet. It is especially useful to drink freshly squeezed juices from apples, carrots, grapes, plums, tomatoes, pomegranate.
  • The consumption of fish oil, which is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids.
  • For the cardiovascular system, products containing potassium are useful, so you can use compotes, fruit drinks, decoctions of berries and dried fruits, especially dried apricots, raisins.
  • There are various drinkable vitaminized cocktails, represented as a dietary supplement, but in a liquid form. Their use also positively affects the work of the heart, but before they start taking them should consult with your doctor.
  • Depending on the general condition of the patient, the doctor can allow a soft coffee made from natural grains. It is better to use this drink moderately sweet, then it is considered to be easily digestible. It is imperative that no more than 1-2 cups are consumed per day.

It is important to remember that before taking any little-known product, it is worth consulting with the treating doctor, especially if it refers to medicinal plants (valerian, motherwort). Other conditionally "light" drugs should also be taken only with the consent of the doctor.

What you can not drink with arrhythmia

There are a number of guidelines for avoiding certain beverages that should be performed to strengthen the cardiovascular system.

  • Do not drink strong coffee and strong tea, especially if there is a danger of increasing blood pressure. In some patients, excess caffeine provokes rhythm disturbance, can make arrhythmia attacks more frequent and pronounced
  • Chocolate cocktails should also be limited, as they are high-calorie and contain a high percentage of sugar, which contributes to weight gain, which means worsening of the overall condition.
  • You can not drink fresh juices, decoctions and other drinks, as they can cause disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, which in turn provokes the occurrence of arrhythmia.

It is important to remember that before using any doubtful drink, it is better to consult a specialist than to risk your health.

Alcohol in arrhythmia

Many patients with rhythm disturbance want to know if alcohol can be used during arrhythmia. There is an unambiguous answer to this question - no, and this has its own weighty evidence.

  1. The ingestion of ethanol causes a strong release of noradrenaline and renin.
  2. On the background of the hormonal reaction, a sharp change in the activity of the heart develops.
  3. The arterial pressure rises, which in turn provokes the development of arrhythmia.

With frequent use of alcohol, the body's response to the regulation of blood pressure is reduced. Over time, even a small amount of alcohol can "lead" the heart, and even worse - cause a hemorrhage in the brain due to hypertensive crisis.

Studies have shown that the use of even a small amount of alcohol can increase the risk of arrhythmia by 100%

Under the influence of alcohol, the coordinated activity of the cardiovascular and nervous system is disrupted. Most often, the activity of the autonomic nervous system increases and then tachycardia is observed, with all the ensuing consequences. Vagotonia (activation of the parasympathetic nervous system) can not occur so often, as a result of which the heart rate decreases.

In most cases, patients with arrhythmia who have used alcohol before the onset of the pathology note the only reason for the appearance of a rhythm disorder. Often after its elimination through time there comes a long remission, and after the passed treatment in general the disappearances of an arrhythmia can disappear. Therefore, for the sake of one's health and a strong heart, it is better to stay away from the "green snake"

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