What are the drugs to reduce the heart rate?

Author Ольга Кияница


Drugs to reduce the pulse can improve the patient's condition, especially if apart from the rapid rhythm disturb other symptoms by the type of dizziness, weakness, feelings of heart popping out of the chest. It is important to adhere to medical recommendations so that complications and side effects do not arise.

Increase in heart rate often indicates the development of tachycardia, which can be observed in various conditions, physiological and pathological. Also, this sign can act as an independent disease, then sinus, orthostatic tachycardia, or even atrial fibrillation can be diagnosed.

If normal in an adult can be determined from 60 to 90 beats / min, then with tachycardia, the heart rate is 100 beats / min and above.

Depending on the cause that caused the increase in the pulse, medicines may or may not be prescribed at all. In the latter case, it is sufficient to adjust the lifestyle, diet, physical activity, so that the general condition is normalized. If all the same prescribed medications to reduce the pulse, they must be taken strictly according to the prescriptions of the doctor, in order to avoid serious complications.

Video: Medications for tachycardia

Description of increased heart rate

A fast heartbeat, or a high heart rate , is when the heart beats faster than usual.

  • If a person trains or exercises any physical load, the heart will be reduced more often. This allows the body to pump blood throughout the body so effectively that all cells and tissues are provided with oxygen.
  • If a person experiences fear, anxiety, or emotional stress, the heart rate will also increase.

Such variants of tachycardia are considered physiological or functional and in most cases pass independently, that is, special treatment is not performed.

People who can feel their heartbeat or fluttering heart, often have an increased heart rate. If it is often determined or symptoms of tachycardia do not come for a long time, then you need to inform your doctor about it.

Other causes of rapid heart rate:

  • Infectious lung diseases, such as pneumonia.
  • Infectious diseases of the blood that can cause fever.
  • Anemia (anemia).
  • Low blood pressure.
  • Dehydration.
  • Drinking alcohol or caffeine.
  • Use of decongestants or appetite suppressants
  • Thyroid disorder
  • Heart disorders, including irregular heartbeats (arrhythmias).

Symptoms of rapid heartbeat

  • There may be no signs of rapid heart rate, or a rapid pulse is felt .
  • Anxiety or an attack of fear.
  • The feeling that the heart is not right in the chest.
  • Pain or mild discomfort in the heart area.
  • The heart "trembles", and it seems that it is abbreviated incorrectly.
  • With concomitant anemia, there may be a feeling of fatigue, weakness.
  • It may be difficult to perform any routine activities.


Some patients complain of chest pain in addition to the flutter of the heart, which can range from painful to mild discomfort. The severity of the pain may be different, depending on the severity of the damage to the heart muscle.

If a fast heartbeat is associated with lung problems, then dyspnea may occur, either at rest or during any activity. The condition can deteriorate while walking on the street or while climbing the stairs. With a rapid heart rate caused by shortness of breath, there may be problems with night rest, because of what will have to sleep on two or more pillows.Also, shortness of breath can cause the patient to wake up in the middle of the night.

In addition, if there are problems with the heart, the legs may be swollen, especially in the area of the feet and ankles. In severe cases, weight significantly increases, up to bloating due to the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity.

Drugs to reduce heart rate

There are different pharmacological groups of drugs from which one or more drugs are selected according to the indications for their use.

It is important to note that the independent use of any medication is fraught with serious complications, therefore, the use of a medication to lower the heart rate is possible only after consultation with the attending physician, cardiologist or arrhythmologist.

Much depends on the cause that caused a frequent pulse, because if it is a physiological tachycardia that occurs due to physical stress, fear, emotional stress, then special drugs are not prescribed.

Depending on the condition of the patient and concomitant diseases, the doctor can prescribe drugs from the following pharmaceutical groups:

  • ACE Inhibitors

These drugs reduce the pulse by expanding the arteries. They also reduce blood pressure and improve the flow of blood to the kidneys and its circulation throughout the body. The doctor can also prescribe these medicines if the patient has diabetes or determines the protein in the urine, which will protect the kidneys. Some examples of this group of drugs are Enalapril Maleate (Vasotec®), Lysinopril (Zestril®) and Fosinopril Sodium (Monopril®).


  • Tranquilizers

If the rapid pulse is caused by anxiety, the doctor may prescribe an antidepressant drug called anxiolytics. These drugs help to relax, get rid of fears. It is important to take such medicines only when anxiety is felt. It is important to take them, not to use heavy equipment and not drive a car.

  • Beta-blockers

Can be used to slow heart rate and improve blood flow throughout the body. Drugs of this group are often taken when the patient is diagnosed with irregular heartbeats or high blood pressure. Some examples of drugs: metoprolol (Lopressor®), propanolol (Inderal®) and atenolol (Tenormin®).


  • Calcium channel blockers

These drugs can be prescribed for the treatment of chest pain, high blood pressure, or irregular heartbeats. As a result, the drug slows the heart rate. Several common agents from this group are Verapamil HCL (Calan®) and Diltiazem (Dilacor XR®).

  • Cardiac glycosides.

The most commonly used digoxin, which is also called a digitalis drug. Its action is aimed at slowing the heart rate and increasing cardiac output. As a result, blood is better pumped throughout the body. The brand name of the product is Lanoxin®.

  • Diuretics

They are also known as "diuretic tablets", because their action is due to the prevention of the development of heart failure due to a more intense removal of fluid from the body. Some examples of these drugs include Furosemide (Lasix®) and hydrochlorothiazide.


Any of these drugs can not be stopped suddenly, since serious side effects can occur.

Non-medicamentous ways to reduce the pulse

It happens that the palpitations occur suddenly, whereas it is not immediately possible to visit a doctor. If previously prescribed drugs to reduce the pulse , then you can take them according to the prescription of the doctor. With a primary tachycardia, you should not take any medications on your own. It is better to use non-drug ways of exposure.

1. Deep breathing exercises

Deep, slow breathing is the easiest way to lower the heart rate when it is elevated. To do this, you need to sit down or stand upright, preferably in a quiet place, close your eyes and focus your attention on your breathing.

Breathe should be slow, smooth and deep. You can even hold your breath after inhaling.

Counting numbers when inhaling and exhaling can also help calm your heartbeat. For example, you can count slowly to 6 at inspiration and also slowly count to 4, holding your breath, and again repeat to 6 slowly when you breathe out. To repeat such an exercise is necessary several times, until there is no rest.

The breath control method quickly reduces the heart rate. It's important to remember that it's not enough just to breathe - you need to breathe deeply until you get to breathe more air inside.

2. Reception of Valsalva

This method quite effectively slows down the heart rate. To perform it, you must follow several steps:

  • Take a deep breath.
  • Close both nostrils, holding them with your fingers.
  • Close your mouth and at the same time strain your stomach.
  • The voltage should be maintained for a few seconds (ideally, while it does not get to breathe).
  • Slowly release the air.
  • Repeat all over again a couple of times, then relax.

It should be noted that this method can cause dizziness, so it is better to perform it in a sitting position.

3. Cold to face

The face can be chilled with cold water or air - this simple method can reduce the heart rate during exercise. You can stand in front of (or under it) a fan or fill a container with cold water and immerse the person in it. Before using these methods, make sure that a deep breath is taken.

Alternatively, you can attach a package of cold vegetables or frozen packaging to your face, but you first need to wrap them in cloth. Similarly, you can hold on your face a cloth soaked in cold water.


4. Drink a cold drink

Drinking a cold drink is another proven method of reducing the heart rate at any suitable place, even during training. To do this, choose a drink with ice. It should be avoided too sweet, since sugar, as a rule, causes the heart to beat faster.

5. Use products to reduce heart rate

It is known that many products reduce the pulse. Omega-3 fatty acids found in walnuts, salmon, sardines and mackerel can directly affect the heart rate and reduce it. You can also eat other nuts, or give preference to vegetables and fruits with a high content of potassium, such as bananas and avocados. All of them are known to significantly reduce the heart rate.

6. Cause a vomitive reflex

This method is not suitable if the tachycardia occurred after eating. In other cases, you can attach one or two fingers to the back of the throat and cause a vomitive reflex. Too often, this should not be done, because you can seriously damage the stomach and esophagus.

7. Make entries in the diary

If the heart rate rises several times a day, it is recommended that you make diary entries to document the signs and triggers that cause the heart to beat more often. It's important to pay attention to what you had to do / eat / drink. Other causes of frequent heart rate may be identified. When you visit a doctor, you need to show your notes.

It should be added that it is necessary to practice some of the above methods several times a day, then you will see positive results, especially if you often suffer from an increased heart rate over a short period of time. It is not necessary to use all methods at once. It is better to try each method 2-3 times, and then apply the one that is best perceived and works. Once you can get good results using any of the methods, you can first use it the next time your heart palpitations begin.

If the heart rate remains very high for more than 20 minutes, you should immediately seek medical help. A friend or family member can help to take the patient to the emergency center, where they can do an initial examination and give drugs that reduce the pulse.

Video: Doctor's advice. How to reduce the heart rate (heart rate, reduce heart rate).

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One response to “What are the drugs to reduce the heart rate?”

  1. Эмма says:

    Для одновременного снижения давления и сокращения частоты сердцебиения мне назначили Моксонидин-СЗ. Так как у меня параллельно с повышением АД учащается и ЧСС. Хорошо помогает

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