Progressive tachycardia

Author Ольга Кияница


Not all rhythm disturbances are considered relatively favorable. There are such cardiac disorders, which are terrible symptoms of deterioration of the general condition. A progressive tachycardia is precisely such a pathology, whether the disease is really dangerous, will be described in more detail.

Progressive Tachycardia (PT) is more commonly known as malignant ventricular tachycardia. The disease develops more often in men than in women, and especially the dependence of pathology with cardiovascular diseases is often noted.

Today, in clinical practice, there are two forms of tachycardia - benign and malignant. The classification presented is considered to be relatively approved, as it is not commonly accepted by the international community.

Pathology diagnostics uses standard research methods. It is important to have a clinical picture, in addition to analyzing the data of laboratory tests. Some patients immediately appoint drugs that help with various heart disease, including tachycardia.

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Description of progressive tachycardia

The disease is a complication of another pathology, most often cardiovascular. When under the influence of various factors a heart muscle is formed, it triggers a number of compensatory mechanisms, including an increased heartbeat.The main task of this manifestation is to provide the brain and heart with the necessary amount of oxygen and nutrients.

The more damage to the heart muscle due to ischemia, destruction, dystrophy, the stronger the tachycardia is expressed and its negative dynamics develop more quickly.

What is the progressive tachycardia? This pathology contributes to the wear of the heart muscle, the faster transition of the underlying disease from the stage of compensation to decompensation. If the measures are not taken on time, then a tragic end is possible.

Symptoms of progressive tachycardia

Patients, as a rule, immediately notice a strong heartbeat, when the heart as if "jumps out of the chest" or "trembles like an aspen leaf". The second sensation is more suitable for atrial fibrillation, but with progressive tachycardia, when it is often observed irregularity of the rhythm, a similar feeling can also occur.


Additional signs of progressive tachycardia:

  • pronounced weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • feeling of hard breathing;
  • shortness of breath
  • pulsation of carotid arteries.

In severe cases, a semi-bad or faint state may be observed. Sometimes the disease progresses so quickly that the patient can not really say what disturbs him. Therefore, in such situations, it is necessary to call an ambulance without long explanations.

Causes of progressive tachycardia

Pathology is often associated with cardiovascular disease in the form of cardiomyopathy, heart failure, hypertension, coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction.

Risk factors that increase the probability of developing progressive tachycardia:

  • abuse of strong tonic drinks, especially alcoholic;
  • improper lifestyle, hypodynamia or, conversely, excessive physical activity;
  • smoking and the presence of other bad habits.

Diagnosis of progressive tachycardia

First of all, they conduct an electrocardiogram, which immediately shows the increase in heart rate more than the upper age parameter. If you take, for example, adults, then heart rate can be 100 bp / min or more.


To determine the function of the left ventricle, echocardiography is performed. According to its results, the fraction of ejection, the state of the ventricles walls and other structures of the heart is estimated.

Treatment and prevention of progressive tachycardia

It is very important to start medical treatment on time. In this connection, with the suspicion of a progressive tachycardia that is malignant, one should get in touch with the ambulance team as soon as possible.

Anti-arrhythmic drugs, the same beta-blockers, or slow-calcium channel blockers are used to cushion the tachycardia attack. In severe cases, defibrillation is performed, especially this procedure is shown when there is a risk of developing ventricular fibrillation.

Prevention of progressive tachycardia consists of eliminating risk factors, as well as maintaining a healthy lifestyle, taking antiarrhythmic drugs prescribed by the doctor.

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