Foods to avoid with mitral valve prolapse

Author arrhythmia


Mitral valve prolapse may be asymptomatic or with manifestations that are often exacerbated while taking the wrong food. Products that should be avoided with mitral valve prolapse are widely used today by many. This often leads to a deterioration in the health of the patient with a similar disease, and therefore to the emergence of various complications.

Mitral valve prolapse (PMK) is a heart disease in which a valve located between the left atrium and the left ventricle is affected. For various reasons, the two valves begin to sag in the left atrium during systole of the left ventricle, and in severe cases this can lead to valvular regurgitation.

Mitral valve prolapse today is quite common and occurs in one in five people, yet in most cases the disease progresses favorably.

To control such a disease as mitral valve prolapse can be done in different ways, and one of them is to eat right. There are products that can exacerbate the condition of patients with PMH, so they should be known and, if possible, excluded (in whole or in part) from the diet.

Video: Mitral Valve Prolapse


Symptoms of mitral valve prolapse can be unpleasant and annoying. Sometimes they can even cause fear and fear for life. Most often, people with PMK are determined by chest pain, heart palpitations, breathing problems, anxiety.

It is important to know that mitral valve prolapse is usually not considered dangerous. Most patients undergo special treatment, after which the symptoms of the disease are partially or completely eliminated.

In some cases, the simple exclusion of certain foods from the diet can significantly reduce the frequency and severity of clinical manifestations. The implementation of such recommendations may lead to the abandonment of some products that are in the usual use, but in fact it is a small price that you have to pay to be able to lead a full and active life. Some products are known to cause and worsen the manifestation of mitral valve prolapse. Avoiding them helps patients improve their overall condition and quality of life.

There are seven main products that, even with occasional consumption, can lead to an aggravation of MVP. In particular, the list includes:

  1. Coffee.
  2. Tea.
  3. Alcohol.
  4. Chocolate.
  5. Sweets / Candy.
  6. Carbonated drinks.
  7. Fruit Juices.

The reasons why these products are subject to the first exception in case of mitral valve prolapse are described in more detail below.

The mitral valve is normal (above) and with prolapse (below).


Most people with mitral valve prolapse do not tolerate coffee. This is especially true of those patients who have extremely pronounced symptoms of MVP. Coffee contains various nervous system stimulants, of which caffeine is the most common.

Depending on the content of alkaloids in a particular coffee bean and the method of making coffee, one cup of this drink can contain up to 300 milligrams of caffeine.

Caffeine stimulates the autonomic nervous system (ANS), which creates an unstable state in the body. This system regulates and controls virtually all systems and functions of the body, including respiration, heart rate and blood pressure. When ANS arousal occurs, body functions are slowed down or improperly accelerated. This can have a significant effect on the clinical course of MVP.

When people with symptomatic mitral valve prolapse drink coffee, heart palpitations usually occur, or a previously fast heart rate becomes stronger and much more palpable. Arrhythmias may also develop, or there is a feeling that “the heart is missing a beat”. These changes often cause panic attacks in patients with MVP, which over time can cause phobias and lead to chronic anxiety disorders.


Tea, like coffee, contains caffeine. In addition, it contains other stimulants, namely theobromine, theophylline and L-theanine, which together can cause health problems. On average, a cup of tea contains up to 60 mg of caffeine and 1 mg of theophylline. Theophylline is as effective as caffeine.

Theobromine is about seven times weaker than caffeine and theophylline.

Although tea, as a rule, contains much less caffeine than coffee, other stimulants contribute to the development of a synergistic effect. Together, all stimulants can lead to an imbalance of the autonomic nervous system, causing or aggravating the symptoms of mitral valve prolapse, such as palpitations, chest pain, and dizziness. That is why tea is included in the list of excluded products, which allows you to avoid exacerbation of mitral valve prolapse.


Refusal of alcoholic beverages usually slows down the progression of symptomatic MVP. The human heart works according to the actions of the pacemaker, which allows it to maintain a constant and correct rate of blood circulation.Alcohol interferes with this process, causing the heart to contract faster or irregularly.

People with mitral valve prolapse should avoid alcoholic beverages, because their use can cause arrhythmias and aggravate the symptoms.

Heavy drinking of alcohol or alcohol can contribute to the development of alcoholic cardiomyopathy. In this disease, the heart grows in size due to an increase in myocardial mass, and the heart muscle can also be damaged, leading to organ dysfunction. The expansion of the cavities of the heart often causes leakage of the heart valve (valve regurgitation) and in extreme cases leads to potentially serious complications.

Alcohol is considered one of the main products to be avoided with mitral valve prolapse.


The main ingredients in chocolate are cocoa and sugar. Cocoa contains a significant amount of theophylline and theobromine type pacemakers, as well as small traces of caffeine. Symptomatic mitral valve prolapse and caffeine intake usually lead to exacerbation of unpleasant symptoms.

It should be noted that a 30-gram bar of milk chocolate contains as much caffeine as a cup of decaffeinated coffee.

Drinking chocolate causes a jump in blood sugar levels, which activates the release of insulin and leads to a sudden drop in blood sugar levels. This can cause an irregular heartbeat, which is amplified by the stimulants present in chocolate. Although some types of chocolate can be beneficial for health, if used sparingly, people with mitral valve prolapse should avoid eating chocolate in general.

Sweets / Candy

Sweets and candies are the first product to exclude when a person wants to avoid the appearance of symptoms of MVP (and health problems in general). Many sweets contain quickly digestible carbohydrates, such as refined flour and sugar. They are characterized by easily digestible nature, which allows the body to absorb them very quickly from the intestine into the blood after ingestion, which affects the level of glucose.

When there is an excess of blood sugar, the pancreas is stimulated to naturally release insulin, which causes a rapid decrease in glucose levels. A sudden drop in sugar concentration can lead to heart palpitations, tremors, or even trigger anxiety attacks.

Sweets and sweets are products that should be avoided with mitral valve prolapse, or even if you want to stay healthy longer.

Soft drinks / carbonated drinks

Soft drinks and carbonated drinks are harmful to health, so they should be avoided, especially for those who have mitral prolapse or any other heart valve disease. These drinks usually contain sparkling water, flavors and colors, as well as 7-12% sugar. Most soft drinks also contain artificial sweeteners (such as aspartame), which disrupt the body’s control over blood sugar levels.

After taking a soft drink or soda, the amount of sugar in the body suddenly rises, which leads to the release of insulin.This is followed by a rapid drop in the level of glucose in the blood, which can cause or aggravate the disturbing symptoms and also other manifestations of mitral valve prolapse. Cola and some sodas also contain 5–7 milligrams (or more if some foods are available) of caffeine, which causes anxiety, panic attacks, and palpitations.

Fruit Juices

Fruit juice contains the liquid component of fruit, therefore it is believed that it is good for health. Most people do not realize that fruit juices also contain a lot of sugar, which can cause all sorts of problems. Sugar is usually contained in the lists of products that should not be used in order to avoid exacerbation of the clinic of mitral valve prolapse.

Even 100% pure fruit juices have a high concentration of sugar. For example, a 350 ml portion of apple juice may contain up to 39 grams of sugar.

The main problem with fruit juice is recycling. Consumers get large amounts of sugar, but do not get fiber and antioxidants that are present in the peel and seeds of fruit sources. In addition, the body absorbs the juice much faster than whole fruits. This affects the blood sugar level, which can cause and aggravate PMK symptoms in patients with this disease.

Additional recommendations

In terms of diet, it is best to limit refined oils and foods high in trans and saturated fats, such as:

  • White bread.
  • Breakfast cereal.
  • Fried food.
  • Fast food.
  • Sweet pastries.
  • Cheese.
  • Oil and so on

These products most often increase blood pressure and increase the risk of symptoms and complications of MVP. In general, it is reasonable to have a diet plan for mitral valve prolapse that a dietitian can help make up.

In addition to food and diet, there are sports activities, and exercises that should be avoided with mitral valve prolapse.Some types of physical activity can cause a greater strain on the mitral valve and the heart as a whole. There are also drugs that are undesirable to use if the valve apparatus is damaged. In particular, drugs such as non-prescription pain medications and diet pills cause heart problems in patients with MVP.

Video: Four Basic Treatment Options for Heart Valve Patients

Sources Framingham Heart Study Cohorts Mitral valve regurgitation Foods To Eat And Avoid With Mitral Valve Prolapse

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2 responses to “Foods to avoid with mitral valve prolapse”

  1. Юра says:

    Проще лечь и умереть сразу, чем жить как в статье указано, ни спортом не заняться (в чем я сильно сомневаюсь) шоколадку не откусить, ещё что? Может сексом нельзя заниматься? Встать в угол как столб и стоять, или лежать не дышать, а то вдруг здохнешь, вообще я уверен что статью составлял совершенно некомпетентный человек в таких вопросах как ПМК.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Бред сивой кобылы!!!

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