The main ways to quickly reduce the pressure

Author Ольга Кияница


In hypertension, an increase in blood pressure can occur suddenly - under the influence of physical activity, stress, weather changes or insufficiently selected therapy. In these cases, the risk of complications increases, including an attack of chest pain or stroke. Therefore, it is important to know how to quickly reduce blood pressure at home. It is recommended to check with the cardiologist beforehand which medications can be taken in this situation.

How to quickly reduce the pressure in the home

Arterial pressure can increase not only in a patient with hypertension, but also in a person suffering from NDC, or somatoform dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system.In order to detect this condition in time, such people should regularly (preferably twice a day) measure BP and record it in a diary. If the average values are exceeded by 20 mm Hg or more, you can take advantage of these methods of reducing blood pressure:

  • taking medications that rapidly reduce blood pressure;
  • use of non-pharmacological agents;
  • appeal to the recipes of traditional medicine.

In the absence of the effect of using these methods for an hour or the appearance of menacing symptoms, it is recommended to call an ambulance.


Symptoms of high blood pressure

Measure blood pressure and determine whether it is normal or high, it is necessary when there are such symptoms of high blood pressure:

  • cardiopalmus;
  • redness of face and neck;
  • a rush of heat;
  • heaviness in the nape of the neck;
  • sudden sweating;
  • unexpected nightly awakening;
  • an attack of dizziness;
  • nose bleed.

Not always an increase in blood pressure is accompanied by unpleasant sensations. Many people can find out that they have hypertension, only by the results of tonometry (pressure measurements).

There are symptoms in which it is advisable not to engage in self-medication, but immediately consult a doctor:

  • Strong headache;
  • anxiety, anxiety, fear of death;
  • pain in the heart or behind the sternum;
  • deterioration of vision or loss of a part of the visual field;
  • Shortness of breath, especially worse when lying down.

Means for the treatment of hypertension

For the treatment of hypertension, several groups of drugs with different effects are used. Many of them do not have the ability to quickly reduce blood pressure. However, their regular intake will avoid hypertensive crises.

Drug Group Main characteristics
Diuretics Stimulate the secretion of sodium in the urine, followed by water. As a result, the volume of circulating fluid and cardiac output decreases, as well as the resistance of blood vessels to blood flow.
ACE Inhibitors The reaction of the transformation of angiotensin I into a potent vasoconstrictive agent - angiotensin II - is inhibited.
Angiotensin II receptor blockers Block the action of the formed angiotensin II on the vascular wall.
Beta-blockers Reduce the heart rate, reduce the contractility of the heart and the release of blood into the vessels. Suppress the secretion of renin in the kidneys, blocking the reaction of formation of angiotensins.
Calcium antagonists Relax the muscles of the walls of small arteries, expand them, reduce resistance to blood flow.

Treatment with a single medicine (monotherapy) for hypertension is rarely used. Usually, a combination of 2 to 3 agents or a combined preparation comprising several active agents is prescribed.

How to lower the pressure at home with drugs

To quickly reduce blood pressure at home, short-acting drugs of the following pharmacological groups can be used:

  • ACE inhibitors (captopril);
  • beta-blockers (propranolol);
  • calcium antagonists (nifedipine);
  • preparations of central action (clonidine).

They are taken under the tongue (with the exception of clonidine), the pressure decreases within 20 - 40 minutes depending on the medicine chosen. Supplement therapy can be soothing drugs, such as corvalol. If there is no effect for an hour, you should call an ambulance. The doctor will assess the risk of complications of the disease and introduce a drug that lowers blood pressure, intravenously.

Video: How to quickly reduce pressure at home - with drugs and without drugs

Simple and effective non-pharmacological methods of lowering the pressure

It is almost impossible to stop an attack of hypertension without medicines. However, there are methods that enhance the effect of medications taken:

  • to stop physical stress, stressful situation, conflict, calm down;
  • Ensure access to fresh air, better cool;
  • Unfasten tight clothing, especially the collar and waistband;
  • take the position of reclining by lowering your legs down;
  • put on the back surface of the feet mustard plasters or apply any heating ointment;
  • to make an easy massage of the neck-collar zone;
  • it is easy to massage the scalp, forehead, the back surface of the neck with the pads of the fingers;
  • perform respiratory gymnastics: after a slow inspiration on exhalation count to 10, repeat for 3 minutes;
  • make for the feet contrast baths: first immerse them for 2 minutes in warm water, then for half a minute - in a cool, repeat 5 times.

How quickly to lower pressure by national means

If you do not have the necessary medicines at hand, when increasing blood pressure, especially moderate (up to 150/100 mm HG ), you can use some phytotherapeutic recipes:

  • make compresses for feet based on apple cider vinegar (not essences!), attach them for 15 minutes;
  • take 30 drops of tincture of valerian or motherwort;
  • drink a soft sweet tea with mint, melissa;
  • drink a glass of kefir with the addition of a teaspoon of cinnamon powder;
  • take vegetable diuretics - infusion cornflower, decoction of berries cranberries, kidney tea;
  • dissolve in 3 liters of water at room temperature 6 tablespoons of salt, make a compress on the waist, the back of the head, or simply soak the handkerchief and put it on the forehead.

Composition of the first aid kit for hypertension

To help yourself or someone close with increasing pressure, you need to properly assemble a first aid kit. Beforehand, you need to read the instructions to medicines to know their effects. Regularly check the expiry date of medicines and replace them if necessary.

What should be in the first-aid kit of a person with hypertension:

  • a tonometer of any model that the patient can use;
  • prescribed medications for constant use; it is convenient to make a table on which it is necessary to take medicines daily;
  • suitable for the rapid reduction of blood pressure medication (captopril, nifedipine, propranolol);
  • soothing agents - Corvalol, Valocordinum, tincture of valerian and others;
  • tablets or nitroglycerin spray, which should be taken with the appearance of chest pain or dyspnea in the prone position;
  • Acetylsalicylic acid - a quarter of the pill will help reduce the risk of complications of severe hypertensive crisis, if you take it before the arrival of the "First Aid";
  • glycine - 2 tablets under the tongue should be taken if there are signs of cerebral circulation disorders - dizziness, difficulty speaking, asymmetry of facial expressions or movements in the limbs.

What can not be done at high pressure

If a person suddenly has increased pressure, he should not:

  • Self-medication

Even if the level of blood pressure was stabilized, in the near future you need to visit a cardiologist or therapist. With properly selected therapy, there should not be any crisis states.

  • Smoking, let alone drinking alcohol

The effect of harmful substances contained in tobacco tar and smoke, causes a spasm of small vessels, which further increases blood pressure. Alcoholic beverage, although for a time and can expand the blood vessels, after a short time will cause a back reaction, much more pronounced. In addition, many formulations of pressure can interact with ethanol, as a result of which their hypotensive effect decreases or becomes unpredictable.

  • Being physically or emotionally stressed

With high blood pressure, you must stop any activity. The patient needs rest and rest, limiting external stimuli (bright light, loud music, etc.).

  • Eating salty foods

Salt, getting into the bloodstream through the walls of the stomach, and also sucked from the primary urine in the kidneys, leads to fluid retention in the body. Especially it affects the increase in diastolic pressure. When hypertension is desired, a complete refusal of food dosing is desirable.

  • Drink plenty of fluids

Water, which enters through the walls of the stomach into the bloodstream, increases the volume of blood, which complicates the work of the heart. In severe cases, it can lead to acute heart failure and pulmonary edema. In addition, excess fluid volume in combination with spasm of peripheral arteries leads to a mechanical increase in blood pressure.

Self-administration of medications without consulting a doctor can lead to the development of dangerous side effects - from dizziness and fainting to a sharp slowing of the heartbeat, increased blood sugar, an anaphylactic reaction.

Causes of hypertension

The increase in blood pressure can develop in different situations, and the reasons for this often remain unknown.However, there are risk factors that increase the likelihood of hypertension:

  • smoking;
  • overweight;
  • insufficient physical activity;
  • excess salt in the diet;
  • alcohol abuse, including beer;
  • stressful situations;
  • elderly age;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • chronic diseases of the kidneys, adrenals and thyroid gland;
  • pregnancy;
  • sleep apnea syndrome.

In 95% of cases, the cause of elevated blood pressure remains unclear. Such a disease is called primary (essential) hypertension or hypertension.

At 5% of people with constantly high pressure the reason is covered in other diseases and conditions. The most frequent of them are atherosclerosis of the renal arteries, chronic kidney diseases, adrenal tumors. Often, the pressure rises in women taking combined oral contraceptives.

Prevention of hypertension

Since the true cause of hypertension is usually unknown, the effect on the risk factors of this disease is used to prevent an increase in blood pressure:

  • Maintaining a normal weight. Reduction of excess body weight almost always leads to a decrease or normalization of blood pressure.
  • Managing emotions. Increase stress resistance can be through a full rest and sleep, as well as using special relaxation techniques, respiratory gymnastics, yoga, auto-training, meditation.
  • A balanced diet. It is necessary to eat more fruits and vegetables, especially those rich in potassium, and to limit the consumption of excess calories, fats and sugar.
  • Restriction of table salt. Refusal of food dosing in many people leads to a decrease in edema and blood pressure level.
  • Regular exercise. Walking at a moderate pace for 30 minutes 3 - 5 times a week is a good way for patients with hypertension to prevent a crisis.
  • Refusal to smoke and drink alcohol.
  • Regular monitoring of blood pressure. Raising it to 130/85 mm Hg is the initial sign of hypertension, which already requires a lifestyle change.

Such lifestyle changes that have become a habit will help to prevent hypertension in healthy people or reduce blood pressure in patients with already existing hypertension.



Every adult should regularly read blood pressure and, when he increases, consult a doctor. The first step in normalizing blood pressure is to change the way of life. In many cases, regular medication is necessary. With a sudden increase in blood pressure, you can use non-drug methods and take the necessary drugs. If such measures proved ineffective - it is necessary to call a doctor.

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2 responses to “The main ways to quickly reduce the pressure”

  1. Тома says:

    При тенденции к повышению давления съедаю грейпфрут (или лимон), но давление измеряю, при отсутствии эффекта принимаю уже моксонидин-сз, При таком подходе осложнений никогда не бывает.

  2. Римма says:

    Когда на настоящий момент времени нужно понизить внезапно или просто повысившееся артериальное давление, то Моксонидин-СЗ это сделает просто, но эффективно. Важно отметить, что при этом побочные эффекты проявляются очень редко. Особенно востребован препарат при гипертоническом кризе.

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