Pulse rate in women

Author Ольга Кияница


A normal heart rate is important to the health of a woman. The first signs of heart failure are often manifested precisely by changes in heart rate. If you pay attention to this feature in time and take the necessary measures, you can prevent the development of various serious illnesses

The pulse is a push-through oscillation of the arterial walls that arise periodically and have a direct connection with cardiac contractions. During a medical examination, rhythmicity, frequency, and pulse rate are determined, which allows you to get initial information about the work of the cardiovascular system.

Pulse control is the very first and accessible to each health condition, which allows you to prevent the emergence of serious illness.

The female body differs from the male in many ways, and not only in the level and composition of the hormonal background. The pulse also has distinctive features both in the weak and in the strong sex. It is extremely important to know such differences, as it will allow you not to worry anymore or, on the contrary, to take precautionary measures in case of the supposed development of any illness.

Video Which pulse rate is considered normal?


The heart rhythm, like pulse, is fully regulated by the sinatricular node, which in turn is affected by the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. Under the influence on the heart of the sympathetic nerve, norepinephrine is released from the cells of the sinus node, whereas at the action of the parasympathetic department of the nervous system, acetylcholine is also released from the cells of the sinus node.

Stimulation of the sympathetic nerve increases the cardiac rhythm, and the stimulation of the wandering reduces it. [1 - Schmidt-Nielsen, Knut (1997). Animal physiology: adaptation and environment (5th ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge Univ.Press p. 104.]

The normal heart rate for men and women is 50-90 beats / min. [2 - Spodick, DH (1993-08-15). "Survey of selected cardiologists for a functional definition of normal sinus heart rate". The American Journal of Cardiology. 72 (5): 487-88.] Bradycardia is defined at a heart rate below 60 beats / min. However, the pulse is 50 to 60 beats / min. is determined by most clinically healthy people

of people, therefore most often does not require special attention and medical correction. Tachycardia is considered to be a heart rate of more than 100 beats / min.

Normal pulse rate for women

The normal heart rate in healthy adults ranges from 60 to 100 beats per minute. A number of factors determine a greater or lesser pulse rate. For example, in women older than 13 years of age, heart rate is usually higher than in men (about 7-9 units). Factors - such as age, weight and physical activity of a person - also affect the range in which pulse rate can be determined in women.

Everything is different, while it's worth knowing that it's always good to see a doctor before starting the exercise program and check out which heart rate should be for a particular person.

At rest, the pulse in a woman should be lower than that of a man. Under normal circumstances, the pulse rate of a woman who is currently not busy with activity is 60 to 70 beats per minute. Depending on the presence of other factors, the pulse rate in a woman may be greater or less, and similar occurs quite often.

It should be noted that during menopause, the work of the heart muscle may become more intense. This is due to a decrease in estrogen levels, which is why it is considered a norm.

Pulse rate during training

During exercise, normal heart rate (pulse) should increase. For example, in a healthy, regular activity, the adult should be pulsed from 90 to 120 beats / min. during the workout. If the pulse drops sharply during exercises, then it is worth looking at the doctor.

Normal pulse and age of a woman

From birth to adolescence, boys and girls have approximately the same pulse rate. Usually the following indicators are given in this period:

  • 0-3 months: 143 ud / min. (107 to 181 bpm)
  • 3 - 6 months: 140 a / min. (from 104 to 175 beats / min.)
  • 6 - 9 months: 134 bpm. (from 98 to 168 beats / min.)
  • 9-12 months: 128 beats per minute. (93 to 161 bpm)
  • 12-18 months: 116 beats per minute. (from 88 to 156 beats / min.)
  • 18 months - 24 months: 116 beats per minute. (from 82 to 149 beats / min.)
  • From 2 to 3 years: 110 beats / min. (76 to 142 bpm)
  • From 3 to 4 years: 104 ud / minute. (from 70 to 136 bpm).
  • From 4 to 6 years: 98 beats / min. (65 to 131 bpm)
  • From 6 to 8 years: 91 bpm. (59 to 123 beats per minute)
  • From 8 to 12 years: 84 bpm. (from 52 to 115 bpm)
  • From 12 to 15 years: 78 beats / min. (47 to 108 bpm)
  • Between 15 and 18 years: 73 beats / min. (43 to 104 bpm)

In older women, women may notice the following changes:

  • In young women, heart rate usually increases, which in turn contributes to pulse enlargement. Sometimes this is the case if a woman is in a state of rest or exercises.
  • The frequency of cardiac contractions in older women is often lower. If there are problems with the health and level of activity that affect the cardiovascular system, the situation may change.

Video Normal pulse by age. Which pulse rate is considered normal?

Normal pulse rate and female weight

The weight of the body has a direct influence on the work of the heart and blood vessels, so the pulse rate in women of different masses will also be different. A higher pulse rate in a woman is observed in a state of rest. A woman who is overweight may notice a significant increase in heart rate during rest. The doctor, if necessary, determines the normal pulse rate and assigns suitable physical exercises that are consistent with all other parameters.

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2 responses to “Pulse rate in women”

  1. Dharmen says:

    What if pulse rate is 76 per minute

  2. Ольга says:

    Dharmen, what age? For adults, this is the norm

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