New Passit solution 100 ml

Author Ольга Кияница


Amount in a package -
Product form Solution
Manufacturer IVAX Pharmaceuticals (Czech Republic)
Registration certificate UA/1830/01/01
The main medicament Novo-Passit
morion code 66255


Pharmacological authorities. Pharmacologically active components of the drug - gvaifefenezin and extract of із lіkarskih roslin (Div. Warehouse) з is highly sedative dією. Sedative dia ekstrakktu dopovnena anksіolitichnuyu dіyu gvayfenezinu. The drug zmenshuє vidchuttya fear that psihhne napruzhennia, characterize pomirnoyu miorelaksuyuchoyu dіyu (roslablyaє smooth m * yazi).
Pharmacokinetics . Gvayfenezin shvidko vsemoktuyutsya із шлунково-кишкового трату, метабоізується beside печінці шхънція шъюгування з glucuronic acid that is seen in the form of inactive metabolites, the head of the rank із сечею. The biologic period of neuropathy is approximately 1 year old. Pharmacokinetic dosage of complex preparations, which do not exist, has not been performed.

Shows for shampooing. Neurasthenia, scho conduits, draconies, zanopokoevnjam, fear, second, nevazhnnistyu, poslashennyam pam * yatі, psihichnim visnazhennyam; "syndrome of the manager" (the camp of the post psychic naprugzhennia); sleeplessness (lung forms), head bil, zoumovleni nervovim napruzhennyam; мігрень; pidvistchena nervovo-m * yazov zbuudlivist; Functional zahchyovannanny schlunkovo-intestinal tract (dyspeptic syndrome, the syndrome "rose * yatrenogo intestines"); climacteric syndrome; neurocirculatory dystonia; sverbljachi dermatozi (ekzema atopicna i seborine, kropiv * yanka).

Sposib zastosuvannya that dosage. Recognize vnutrishn'no dorislima dityam vkyom vіd 12 rockiv 5 ml (1 teaspoon) 3 times a day. In times of need, a dose can be administered 3 times a day for 10 ml, or for a change of 2.5 ml vrantsi ti day and 5 ml in the evening. Interval між прийомами dosage - 8 year. The drug can be priymati at once with water (tea, tea). At razi it is necessary nudoti a preparation slid priimati pid hour.

Побічна дія. Patiently transfer the drug. At the recommended doses, vin is not zikichayno not viklikayet sleepiness vtrati respect, but allow priymati yogo y denniy hour. However, in individual vipadkah mozhut z * is the onset of nezhazhany retsіії: zapamorochennya, vtoma, drowsiness, sverbizh, ezzantema, bottleneck of the schlanko-intestinal tract (nudot, blueblood, spasm, pechia, perforation, constipation), m * lazov is weak.

Contraindications . Алергія до componів препарату, міастенія, епілепсія, дитячий вік до 12 років.

Overdosing . Peredozuvannya spota is shown to those who want to prignichnya that sleepiness. Pіznіsі tі symptoms mozhut szprovodzhuvativsya nudotoyu, mіzіvuyu slabkіsty mіsta, bolem at suglobah tі vіdchuttyam severostі at the slunk.
Likuvannya vyklychno symptomatic. Specific antidote not існує.

Extremely zastosuvannya . Slid zarezovnistyu zastosovuvati drug with захворюванних шлунково-кишкового a path, at heavy захворюваннях печінки, a brain, we speak on алкоголізм, діабет, at період вагітності, especially stretching I trimester, that in perіod year of a breast.
Пацієнтам, які приймають Novo-Pasit, varto утримуватися vід potentііnno nebezpechnyh vidіv діяльності, що need to pay the respect that shvidkikh ruhovih tah psychic reactions (keruvannya by transport bogeys and mehanizmami). The drug is 11.41% ethanol. The skin dose is set to 0.703 g of methanol.
The skin dose to the drug should be up to 1.5 g glucose and 1.5 g fructose.

Vzaimodіya z lіkarskimi zasoby . Guaifenesin will try to get a galvanic flush of alcohol in those little rivers, which will pry on the central nervous system.

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