Menovalen capsules number 20

Author Ольга Кияница


Amount in a package 20
Product form Capsules
Manufacturer Borschagovsky HFZ ZAO NPC (Ukraine, Kiev)
Registration certificate UA/5279/01/01
The main medicament -
morion code 88516

The expansion of the design according to the customs

Warehouse of Likar's health

(10-15-14.8 ): 1) (Menthae piperitae extractum spissum); 1 capsule (Menthae piperitae extractum spissum); 1 capsule (Valerianae radices extractum spissum) (10-15): 1) (Valerianae radices extractum spissum), in the case of pereharnu on dry rheochin - 50 mg, m'yati pepper's complex of lipofilnogo ((10,8-14,8): 1) (Menthae piperitae extractum spissum), in the case of re-dry on dry peat - 25 mg;
dopomizhny rechovini: cellulose microcrystalline, starch kartoplaniiy, silicium dioxide colony anhydrous, magnesium carbonate light. To the warehouse of the croissant and the body of the capsule enter the baritone of the diamantium chornius BN (E 151).

Likarsky form

Capsules. Hard gelatin capsules of cilindric form, with napivsferichnymi kintsy, z kryshechyu green and hull bіlogo s siruvatim vіdtіnkom koloru.

Vmist Capsules - Masa greenish-brown coloura in viglyadi powder abo granulovanogo powder, with a weak specfic odor.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Снодійні та седативні засоби. ATS code N05C M.

Combinations drug roslinnogo pokhozhennya m'yakoyu sedative dіyu, zoumovlenuyu efektami componentov, scho enter before the yogi warehouse - valeriani m'yati pepper. To repair a weak zaspokylivy efekt, indications for zmenshenny weak transient nervous naprugzhennia with rozumovyh navantazhenney, zbudzhennomu stenni, draktivlyusti.

Valeriana repair the sedative day, positively vplivaye on samopochutty with symptoms draktivlyusti, such yak: nespokіy, zbuudzhennya napruzhennya vaslidok nervovogo perevranatzhennya. The drug resists shvidshomu zasinannju.

M'yata pepper is traditionally zastosovuyutsya poyednanni z valerianu in zaspokiylivyh preparations.

The drug zastosovuyut with neuroses, if priyomom vzryadnyuchih zaspokіilivih zadobiv nedotsilny.

Shows for leavening

Neurosis, scho ssprovodzhayutsya such symptoms:

    • nervo zbudzhennya;
    • nespokіy;
    • znizhenya concentrates of respect;
    • Have a sleep.


    • Pidvitchena chutlivist up to valeriani, m'yati pepcevoi abo to the other components in the drug;
    • virazhena arterialnaya gipotenziya;
    • depreciation, abnormal stanis, scho saprovuzhuyutsya prignichchennyam diyalnosti nerovo system, virazhena sleepiness.

Належні заходи безпеки при застосуванні

Do not relieve rehab is recommended dose to the drug.

With medicated preparation, slid urimuvatisya vid vzhivannya alcoholic nayiv.

Пацієнтам, які мають тяжекі порушення функції печінки чи have transferred the grief of zahchyovannya pechinki in the past, the patients with zhovchokam'yanuyu hvoroboyu priomyi drug slid bouti oberezhnimi.

Oskilki to the warehouse of the drug enter pepceva m'yata, we speak with gastroesophageal reflux, achlorgirdry, grizyu stravodnogo divorce diafragmi slіd unique zastosuvannya drug through mozhlove posinyennya simptomіv zahshovuvannya. Сlід з обережністю застосовувати with bronchial asthma.

Valeriana can chiniti pomirny depressive efekt, that is not recommended sumisny prijom a preparation z syntheticheskimi sedativnimi zasolami through potentciyuvannya efektu.

With virazhenomu atherosclerosis cerebral sudin the drug can be zastosovuvaty tilki pіd control lekar.

Може мати місце специфічна чутливість to the smell of valeriani, m'yati.

Zastosuvannya u perіod vagіtnostі abo year of breastfeeding

Do not recommend zastosovuvati drug in period vagitnosti abov govorennya breasts through lack of dannii schodo bespeki yogo zastosuvannya v tsi periodi.

The built-in vividness on the shvidkіst retsіії at kerуvаnnі by motor transport, the robotі іншних механізмами

When the drug is medicated, dissipate the caravan by motor vehicle using robotic physicians in a seizure drug.


The drug does not zastosovat detiam vіkom up to 12 rock.

Sposib zastosuvannya that dose

Doroslim ta dіtyam vіkom vіd 12 rockіv слід застосовувати Menovalen for 1 capsule 3 times per dow for pіvgodoni up to приому їжі.

In the case of coughing forms of sleeplessness, the preparation should be crammed with 1-2 capsules for 1-1.5 years before bedtime.

Trivalist likuvannya vstanjustlju lіkar іndivіdualno, ale call the won to become 3-4 tizhni.

Yaksho in the course of 14 days, the head of the camp has not been polished, it is advisable to consult with a lecturer.


Symptoms: mozhnivі pidvitchena vtomlyuvannost, zagalna slabkist, svitlotchutlivost, golovny bil, zapamorochennya, drowsiness, spazmi ta bіl at bellyi, nudota, vidchutty stisnennya for porkinoyu, tahіkardіya / bradikardіya, tremtіnnya hands і rozshirennya zіnits, znizhennya gostroti rumor taoru.

Лікування: припини зашасування a preparation that обов'язково to zvernutisja up to lekarja.

In times of need to push the slippers, to acclimatize the vaccine, to conduct a symptomatic therapy.

Побічні ефекти

Nervous system: the head bil, zamorochchennya, v'yalist, solnivist, prignichennia emotsitsnyh reaktsiy, depressiya, zagalna slabkist, znizhennya rozumovoy ta phizic pratsedzatnosti, concentration of respect; in okremih vipadkah - psihichne zbudzhennya, trivoga, sleeplessness.

Sertsevo-sudinnaya system: arterialnaya gipotenziya, vidchutty stisnennya for porkinoyu, vidchutty sercebititya, bil u sertsi, pozhrashenya sercevuyu rhythm (the number of bradikardіya, tahіkardіya).

Travniy tract: dispeptichesh yavishcha, pechiya, nudota, diarei, spazmi ti bil u cherevnіy porozhninі, with trivalovala zastosuvanni moglivi prignitschennya process etching, constipation.

Hepatobiliary system: can develop hepatotoxicity.

Алергічні реакції: могуливі реакви reactіі гіперчутливості, beside that number of shkіrnі висипання, свербіж, кропив'янка, гіперемія, набраки, задишка.

Pobichnyi reaktsii vinikayut rikod, оборот werewolves, rozvivayutsya zazvicha with zashosuvannyy drug stretching trivalogo hour that valued advised doses.

At different times, be-so-do-not-so-people reaction to the sedentary priiniti priayom drug that obovzyazkovo zvernutisya to lekar.

Vzaimodiya with the least likarskimi zakobami ta інші виза взаємодій

Preparation Mauger posilyuvati dіyu trankvіlіzatorіv (in addition chislі hlordіazepoksidu, dіazepamu), sedatives, snodіynih (in addition chislі fenobarbіtalu, zopіklonu, zolpіdemu) anksіolіtichnih, spazmolіtichnih preparatіv, antigіpertenzivnih zasobіv tsentralnoї dії, analgetikіv, neyroleptikіv, alcohol etilovogo, nootropic zasobіv, zasobіv for anesthesia, curare podobnih miorelaksantiv.

Sumisne zastosuvannya іz synthetic synthetic sedatives are not recommended.

Takozh slіd unique one-hour zastosuvannya etanolu.

Термін придатностіі

2 rock. Do not zastosovuvati drug pislya zakinchennya terminu podatnosti, marked on the packaging.

Kill the zberigannya.

In the original packaging at a temperature of 25 ° C. Зберігати in the inaccessible for дітей місці.


10 capsules for blister; on 2 blisteri at the back.

Contribution Category

Without recipe.

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