Treatment of atrial flutter

Author Ольга Кияница


Atheism plays an important role in the work of the heart. In case of violation of their functioning, various forms of arrhythmias develop. Some of them require urgent medical intervention. This category includes treating atrial fibrillation, which should be started as quickly as possible.

Atrial fibrillation (TP) is often identified with supraventricular flickering, also considered as a precursor to atrial fibrillation. When TP often, the patient does not feel anxious signals before conducting the electrocardiogram. In some cases, symptoms such as dizziness, discomfort in the area of the heart, and severe weakness may appear.

The tremor of the atrium is accompanied by an increase in heart rate from 200 to 400 times per minute, with the sinus rhythm being not disturbed.

If the conduction factor through the atrioventricular node is correlated as 2: 1 or 4: 1, then the clinical course is considered to be favorable. But TP represents a treacherous disease, since at any moment the flow of impulses may increase, which will lead to an increase in heart rate and a deterioration in the patient's condition.

Video Tremor of the atrium. Violation of the rhythm of the heart

Burning paroxysms of the atrial flutter

There are several ways to stop TP attacks:

  • Medicinal therapy.
  • Atrial Atrial Electrocardiography.
  • Electric cardioversion.


Atrial fibrillation has a relative resistance to the effects of drugs. This leads at the stage of medical care to the creation of certain problems that prevent rapid and effective elimination of the attack. Also, TP is poorly controlled by heart rate using pharmacological methods, so the practice of trembling in the atrial fibrillation is practiced, or efforts are being made to restore normal heart function.

Medicinal treatment of atrial flutter

The choice of the treatment strategy for TP is based on the hemodynamic state of the patient.

  • Electro pulse therapy is performed in cases where the patient is poorly tolerated of heart rhythm abnormalities, severe hypotension, complaints of severe chest pain, or severe breathlessness.

Concentrated medical team resuscitating a patient

  • Adrenergic blockers are used in case of minor violations of hemodynamics, not clearly expressed by shortness of breath and saved consciousness in the patient. Assign amiodarone, metoprolol, propranolol.
  • Stimulation of the atrium using an electrode, which is injected into the atrium through venous access. The procedure is indicated at a reduced blood pressure, in the presence of a patient with chronic heart failure.

To eliminate atrial flutter it is often enough to align the pressure in the left atrium. If it is elevated, then in his cell there was a lot of blood and stagnation. This indicates a weakening of the contractile function of the left atrium, in order to increase it, it is necessary to intravenously enter lasix and stop the intravenous infusion of blood substitutes. Reduced pressure in the left atrium can be increased by intravenous administration of reopolyglucin.

Surgical treatment of atrial flutter

Today, tremor of the atrium is increasingly treated with radiofrequency ablation. The method is based on the creation of a bi-directional block in the region of the lower isthmus (ismus), which significantly improves the contractile capacity of the left and right atrium.


Absolute indications for the RFA:

  • protracted attack of atrial flutter;
  • resistance to taking various antiarrhythmic drugs;
  • intolerance to arrhythmic patients;
  • reluctance of the patient to take antiarrhythmic drugs for a long time.

Conducted research into the efficacy of treatment with RFA and long-term treatment with arrhythmias showed that 36% of patients taking AAP retained sinus rhythm. At the same time, in the past RFA the result was 80%.

Video Operation of radio frequency ablation

Thus, the disease is not easy in its flow, which is why more and more patients prefer RFHA to treating atrial flutter with folk remedies or with antiarrhythmic drugs. Such a choice is quite reasonable, as the quality of life improves and financial losses associated with the regular acquisition of arrhythmics and similar funds are not incurred.

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