Treatment of sinus bradycardia

Author Ольга Кияница


A rare pulse is often seen in clinically healthy people, but in some cases this condition represents a threat to human life. To prevent complications, timely treatment of sinus bradycardia and similar forms of rhythm disturbance should be performed.

During sleep, in a state of tranquility, people with a physically trained bradycardia are often observed - a reduction in the heart rate when the pulse decreases below the age limit (in adults it is below 60 beats per minute). A similar condition is considered physiological as it does not cause disturbances from the work of the cardiovascular system. If, on the background of a reduction in the heartbeat, discomfort appears in the chest area, dizziness is felt, or semi-abnormal conditions are observed, then talk about pathological bradycardia.

Sinus bradycardia is the result of a decrease in the sinus node's automatism or the development of cardiac blockades against extracardial or intracardiac diseases.

The risk of abnormal bradyarrhythmia is that the heart does not properly bleed organs and tissues. Particularly to the disturbance of the rhythm, the brain is sensitive, therefore, when observing signs of arrhythmias, it is necessary to start taking medications and medications for the treatment of sinus bradycardia in time. Then the recovery will come as soon as possible.

Video Facts about the heart. Bradycardia

General recommendations

Among all arrhythmias, sinus bradycardia is perhaps best corrected by general recommendations. In the absence of a hemodynamic disorder, it is enough to perform the following tips to establish cardiac activity.

  • The mode of the day should be metered with physical activity and full rest.
  • The stresses should be kept to a minimum, for which it is useful to engage in excitement during autotraining.
  • Correction of nutrition will allow the body to saturate with the necessary nutrients.

The diet should take light carbohydrates and use vitamin products more.

  • Smoking is very harmful to the heart and the whole organism as a whole, therefore it is important to refuse from this habit.
  • To monitor your condition better, you should keep a diary of blood pressure and heart rate.
  • Everyday walks are useful to the heart, so they must be included in daily routine.


First aid for sinus bradycardia

During a sharp decline in heart rate, a person is very close to a state of wasting, which is why in such a situation it is necessary to act quickly and correctly. It is important to do the following:

  • The patient is placed on an even surface, after which a roll or pillow is placed under his feet.
  • An ambulance brigade is called.
  • The face can be wiped off with a wet towel, and if the person is unconscious, you need to pat your cheek to bring it to the senses. Ammoniacal alcohol should be used with extreme caution, as the situation may only deteriorate (there is a risk of bronchospasm or stopping breathing).
  • If possible, one needs to be covered with a blanket or warm coasters, especially if it is not possible to bring him to a feeling in an unconscious state.
  • In the case of the presence of medicines prescribed by the doctor beforehand, they should be given to the patient.
  • The pulse is measured at the patient, for which the radius artery is probed on the wrist. With a weak pulse, heart rate can be calculated on the carotid artery.
  • Physicians from an ambulance team detail all the actions performed.

Medicinal treatment of sinus bradycardia

A pronounced clinic is a direct indication for the medical treatment of sinus bradycardia. At fainting of a person on the background of a reduced heartbeat (in the range of 50-30 beats per minute in an adult), the following drugs are used:

  • Atropine is administered intravenously at intervals of three hours.
  • Alupent - is bred in isotonic solution and administered intravenously drip.
  • Isoproterenol - intravenous administration is dripping.
  • Isadrin - used with glucose solution.
  • Ephedrine hydrochloride is used in the case of intolerance of atropine or isadrin.

The introduction of atropine is not advisable for a previous transplant of the heart. Moreover, the paradoxical block of the atrioventricular node may develop.

Hospitalization of the patient for bradycardia is carried out in the case of primary acute pathology development. The hospital determines the reason causing the violation of the rhythm, followed by the treatment tactics.

  • If bradyarrhythmia is associated with aging of the body, then electrocardiogram is performed.
  • In the case of ineffectiveness of previously prescribed drugs, the question of implantation of a pacemaker is considered.
  • The cardiologist's consultation is obligatory, especially in the presence of a history of fainting conditions that increase the risk of heart failure.


It is important to assess the risk of development of the asystole, that is, heart stops. For this patient, with the absence of hemodynamic disorders, at least one of the following conclusions must be given:

  • In the recent time, the asystole was already observed.
  • A complete transverse blockage with an enlarged ventricular complex is defined.
  • There is a blockade of AB of a second-degree unit of Mobility II with an enlarged ventricular complex.
  • Ventricular activity stopped for 3 seconds or more.

If the patient's ventricular complex is not expanded, even with a complete blockade, often refuses to pacemaker, since such patients respond positively to the administration of atropine.

In the presence of the risk of development of the asystole of the patient, they are sent to the department of resuscitation or call a specialist to perform heart stimulation.

Surgical treatment of sinus bradycardia

Some patients have a malignant course of sinus bradycardia, which at any moment threatens heart failure. In such cases, a variant of implantation of the pacemaker is considered.

Direct indications for surgical treatment of sinus bradycardia:

  • Syndrome of weakness of the sinus node.
  • Arrhythmic disturbance of heart rhythm.
  • Blockade of an atrioventricular node.


Installation of EKS (pacemaker)

Operative intervention is a minimally invasive surgical procedure, which is often performed without general anesthesia, but under local anesthesia. The device is most often implanted on the left, although in some cases the right side is chosen (if there is a scar on the skin or a patient's personal preference). The pacemaker is mounted under the large thoracic muscle and electrodes, which are located on the other side in the chambers of the heart, are brought to it. Next, the parameters of the device are checked, after which it is fixed to the surrounding tissues. Patients after implantation can begin to move the next day. An extract in the absence of complications is also carried out very quickly.

Treatment of sinus bradycardia by folk remedies

It is useful to use folk remedies for medication sinus bradycardia. For example, an unpresented clinic often uses:

  • Beauty treatments are combined drugs of bellatamine, lendenren, solutan, tableted forms of bacarbonate, bezalol, betazal, belgalgin, and also a leaf of plants for the preparation of extracts, tinctures.
  • Eleutherococcal extract, ginseng - the dosage should be selected by the physician according to the individual characteristics of the patient.

Additionally, the following folk recipes are used for the purpose of anti-remitting treatment:

  • Radish with honey - vegetable is taken and the tip is cut off to cut the honey, the core is cut out. Honey fills the entire cavity, closes from above to the top and is left in that state for the night. In the morning, 1/3 of the formed juice are taken on an empty stomach, the other two parts for lunch and in the evening.
  • Walnuts are a unique cure for many cardiovascular diseases. For the treatment of sinus bradycardia, folk remedies take half a kilo of pure nuclei, add a glass of sugar (better, honey) and the same amount of sesame oil. Next, four lemons are cut into four parts and poured in a liter of boiling water. Everything is mixed up and taken half an hour before eating a tablespoon three times a day.
  • Pine shoots - from the younger tops of pine branches produce alcohol tincture. For this, 70 shoots are taken, which pour 300 ml of alcohol and insist 10 days under the influence of sun rays. Take 20 drops at a time.

Video Bradycardia and treatment

Treatment of sinus bradycardia in children

In childhood, a diagnosis of sinus tachycardia is also established, but unlike adult heart rate, children in the area of 70-80 beats per minute are already considered braydarmitiya. In other aspects (disease progress, clinical manifestations, treatment), bradycardia in children is not much different from that developed in adults.

When determining a child with sinus bradycardia, drugs are prescribed for the following purpose:

  • improve carbohydrate metabolism;
  • to support the normal balance of electrolytes;
  • to activate the saturation of the brain with oxygen.

For this, vitamin and mineral complexes are used, favorable conditions for rest and study of the child are created, physiotherapy procedures are carried out, which are shown at its state.

It is important to determine the cause of bradycardia and if it does not significantly affect the condition of the child'sbody, then bradycardia will not pose a threat to the health of the child and specific treatment is not required.

The diet of cardiovascular disease is important. With the help of the inclusion of not too expensive products in the form of vegetables, fruits, non-fatty varieties of fish, sea cabbage can significantly improve the well-being of the patient.Particularly important is the positive mood, because medicines are better perceived precisely on a positive wave.Moreover, cardiologists often note that the child does not have complicated bradycardia with age.

Video Bradycardia. What is that What to do Tips for parents.

Treatment of bradycardia in the fetus

Modern medicine allows you to assess the condition of the baby during fetal development. One of the important indicators of this assessment is heart rate. In normal, the fetus is 120-150 beats per minute. In some non-hazardous conditions, heart rate can decrease to 110 beats / min, but at a rate of 80-90 beats per minute, doctors carry out an immediate treatment of the fetus because the baby is at risk of developing development early in pregnancy or damage to the central nervous system in the later. In severe cases, the baby's fetal death occurs.

The treatment of bradycardia in the fetus is carried out by the mother receiving the necessary medications. The system of the general blood circulation supplies the medicinal substances to the child. Additionally improves placental-blood circulation.

When choosing medications, the following points are taken into account:

  • what type of bradycardia has developed in the fetus;
  • how much cardiac activity is expressed;
  • at what term of pregnancy is a woman

Women with intrauterine hypoxia of the fetus must be hospitalized and prescribed drugs intravenously. This can be cocarboxylase, calcium gluconate, sodium hydrogen carbonate, glucose with ascorbic acid. It is also useful to carry out oxygen therapy through oxygen masks.

In some cases, during labor, fetal bradycardia is determined. Atropine is administered to prevent complications immediately after birth.

Treatment of sinus bradycardia during pregnancy

Lungs of arrhythmias do not require specific treatment. Pregnant women should adhere to general recommendations and follow the doctor's advice to improve their condition. If there is a disturbance in breathing, dizziness, anxiety and the case goes to fainting, then the necessary measures are taken to prevent the progression of bradycardia.

It is important to know that all antiarrhythmic drugs undergo a hematoplacental barrier, while lidocaine, etazicin, acetobutolol, and sotalol are among the drugs with the least fetotoxicity.

According to vital signs, when other drugs do not help, atenolol, phenytoin, amiodarone may be prescribed, although they are regarded as dangerous for the fetus by the results of the studies.

Tactics of prescribing antiarrhythmic drugs during pregnancy:

  • the medicine should be selected with the least harm to the mother and the child;
  • doses should be assigned a minimum of effective;
  • It is better not to take several arrhythmia at once;
  • long-term therapy should be accompanied by a re-examination of indications and regular dose correction.

In some cases, an urgent implantation of the pacemaker can be performed. A similar case occurs when determining heart rate of less than 40 beats per minute, the presence of anamnesis of half-abnormal and faint states, as well as the appearance of a pronounced clinic of the Morgani-Edens-Stokes attack.

If a woman is diagnosed with a congenital atrioventricular block of the third degree with an asymptomatic course, then pregnancy is not contraindicated.

Video to Live! Weakness of the sinus node

Existing methods of treatment of sinus bradycardia today allow to get rid of painful attacks of "fading of heart" rather quickly. At the same time, most of the manifestations of this form of arrhythmia do not require specific treatment.Therefore, even pregnant women with some congenital disturbances of conductivity are quite capable of enjoying the charms of motherhood. The only thing to do is to immediately contact a doctor when determining heart rate in adults from 40 strokes or below, and in children from 70 strokes or below. Emergency care is also required for semi-impaired and abnormal conditions indicating acute cardiac impairment.

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