Treatment of sinusoidal bradycardia

Author Ольга Кияница


Slowdown of cardiac activity can be expressed in various forms, and one of them - sinusoidal bradycardia. Clinical manifestation of the pathology largely depends on the presence of organic pathology of the heart. At the same time, it is important to recognize in a timely manner the critical situation for the timely call of the emergency aid team.

Sinusoidal bradycardia has the second most common definition - sinus bradycardia. With this pathology, the pulse can lower to 40 beats / min and below. In some cases, they say physiological sinus bradycardia, when the heart muscle is so trained that for normal blood circulation it is enough to contract with a lower frequency. With such a form of bradycardia, there are no clinical signs, the disease does not cause anxiety in the patient.

When a patient develops subjective intolerance to the slow heartbeat, they talk about pathological sinusoidal bradycardia. In such cases, a full examination of the patient is mandatory before treatment.

Electrocardiography is used to diagnose rhythm disturbance. In order to determine the organic lesions of the myocardium, ultrasound of the heart is used. If it is not possible to detect an ECG attack in a standard way, load tests (treadmill test, bicycle ergometry) are performed. Establishing the cause of sinusoidal bradycardia provides an opportunity to carry out effective treatment, which is obligatory appointed by the attending physician.

Video What is bradycardia and how is it treated?

General recommendations

Patients with pathological sinusoidal bradycardia should carefully monitor their health. In particular, it is important to reduce the influence or eliminate the effect of predisposing factors at all:

  • Cardiac diseases (myocardial infarction, myocarditis, ischemic heart disease, heart defects, cardiomyopathy, heart failure).
  • Extracardial pathologies (anemia, hypothyroidism, autonomic nervous system disorders, diabetes mellitus, respiratory system diseases).

It is important to observe the dosage prescribed by the doctor, especially those who are able to slow down the heart rate (antiarrhythmics, muscle relaxants). Otherwise, an overdose can lead to a rhythm disorder and even a cardiac arrest.

Additionally, you need to monitor a number of blood parameters (cholesterol, glucose levels), as well as blood pressure.If there are bad habits from them you should refuse, because the heart muscle is very sensitive to the effects of nicotine and alcohol.

First aid for sinusoidal bradycardia

To start, the pulse is determined, so that you can evaluate the general condition of the patient. If possible, blood pressure is measured. A slight decrease in heart rate should not be anxiety. In such cases, it is usually enough to bring the person to fresh air if he is in a stifling room. You can also drink hot tea / coffee or take a nitroglycerine tablet.

A more difficult situation is with patients who have lost consciousness. With this development of events, one needs to put a person on a flat surface and put a roller under his feet and head, while the lower limbs should be higher than the head. If the patient wears a tight fastened shirt, then it should be unscrewed to release the neck from the pressure.Immediately call an ambulance, after which, in the absence of respiration, a cardiopulmonary resuscitation is performed.

Video Basic CPR

During cardiopulmonary resuscitation, attention should be paid to the following:

  • To start the CPR, it is not necessary to check both the respiration and the pulse, it is quite enough to be guided by the first indicator. If the pulse is still checked, then this is done with the breath.
  • Consciousness is checked tactically and verbally, and it is done for no more than 10 seconds (ideally - the shorter, the better).
  • Hands for indirect heart massage should be applied at the border between the middle and lower third sternum. To identify such faces, four fingers of hands are placed on the sternum and between them there are three conventionally selected areas.

According to the latest recommendations related to CPR, artificial ventilation of the lungs can not be carried out, Such as the first one concerns people without medical education, who by chance were in the vicinity of the victim. At the same time, even unprofessional heart massage can help to avoid the death of the patient.

Medicinal treatment of sinusoidal bradycardia

In most cases, cholinolytics (atropine sulfate) are used, which help to increase the frequency of heart rate in a short time. With the apparent predominance of the parasympathetic nervous system, they prescribe sympathomimetics, which increase the pulse by increasing the tone of the sympathetic department of the nervous system.

Medicinal effect on the root cause associated with the onset of sinusoidal bradycardia:

  • Infectious diseases - detoxification therapy is conducted, combined with electrolyte balance control.
  • Toxic poisoning (nicotine, lead) - is prescribed detoxification treatment with the addition of drugs that help to link the poison and remove it from the body.
  • Hypothyroidism - The effect of the disease on the body can be reduced if substitution therapy (usually using levothyroxine) is prescribed.
  • Hyperkalaemia - excessive potassium in the body contributes to the development of bradycardia. To normalize the condition, diuretics are used, actively removing potassium.
  • Increased intracranial pressure can occur for various reasons (tumor, injury) and urgent treatment is required for each of them.

The continuation of seizures of sinusoidal bradycardia, the presence of a threat of cardiac arrest or the occurrence of frequent syncope is the question of implantation of an electrical pacemaker. Such an operation can improve the quality of life of the patient and reduce the risk of sudden cardiac arrest.

Folk medicine in the treatment of sinusoidal bradycardia

In the presence of a slowed heartbeat with undisturbed rhythm and the unchanged main driver of the rhythm - the sinus node - the following recipe is used from the first-aid kit of folk medicine:

  • The following components for infusion are taken in the same amount: black currant (leaves), dandelion (root), rosehip (fruit), hawthorn (inflorescence), nettle and triticale (leaves).

All ingredients are mixed and taken from a similar collection of 1.5 tablespoons, which pour a glass of boiling water and insist for about three hours. One serving - one glass a day, drinking three times before eating.

In the case of sinusoidal bradycardia of mild degree, the following recipe can be used at home:

  • Tincture of young nettle is prepared in May, for which the fresh shoots are cut in an amount of 20 grams and poured 300 ml of medical alcohol.

The medium should appear in a dark container for 10 days, after which it is taken for 20 drops per night.

With proper treatment sinusoidal bradycardia practically does not complicate and does not bring the patient significant discomfort. It is important that medications, including those from folk medicine, have been prescribed by the attending physician.

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