Treatment of left ventricular tachycardia

Author Ольга Кияница


There are such forms of rhythm disturbances that are poorly subjected to standard treatment. At the same time they are considered dangerous for health and sometimes - the life of the patient. Left ventricular tachycardia is one of these cardiac disorders. When determining her, it is very important to follow the medical recommendations.

The left ventricular tachycardia is more commonly known as verapamil-sensitive tachycardia. It is most often determined from a number of other forms of idiopathic tachycardia developing in the left ventricle. Pathology often develops in men between the ages of 15-40, while it is not necessary that structural changes be observed in the heart.

Ventricular tachycardias, developing without damage to the heart muscle are called idiopathic. Of all cases of NT, their share accounts for about 10% .

Diagnosis of the disease is rather complicated as there is a significant similarity to supraventricular tachycardia during ECG examination. The only thing is that there are a number of peculiarities that, when supervised, may imply the development of left ventricular tachycardia. This is the presence of drain and grip complexes, atrioventricular dissociation, the lack of response to standard treatment.

Video Ventricular tachycardia. Symptoms, Symptoms and Treatment Methods

Drug treatment of sinatricular tachycardia

During standard treatment with adenosine or lidocaine there is no positive reaction. Also, attacks are not stopped by vagal tests, that is, there is no reduction in the frequency of heart rate.

After the introduction of verapamil, as a rule, there is an improvement in the patient's well-being.

In some cases, even after the administration of verapamil, there is no improvement in the condition. Similar is often observed in a complicated clinical picture, accompanied by fainting and pre-anxious conditions.


Non-diabetic treatment of sinatricular tachycardia

According to some researchers, left ventricular tachycardia is successfully treated with radiofrequency catheter ablation.This technique is combined with mapping and verification of the destruction zone, resulting in an effectiveness of 80-100% after the treatment.

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