Treatment of heterotopic arrhythmias

Author Ольга Кияница


For some types of arrhythmias, no specific therapy is required, since hemodynamic disturbances are not determined. If the patient does not tolerate attacks, then the treatment of heterotropic arrhythmias is prescribed, as well as with organic heart disorders.

Heterotropic arrhythmias (GA) are relatively rare. As well as other forms of rhythm disturbance can cause a number of unpleasant symptoms: palpitations, a feeling of lack of air or fading of the heart. They can develop for various psycho-emotional reasons, or they are diagnosed with organic lesions of the myocardium.

Heterotropic arrhythmias are divided into several forms: lower atrial rhythm, atrioventricular rhythm and idiometric rhythm. Between them, they, in general, differ in the localization of the ectopic focus.

Infringement of the rhythm is determined using a standard ECG and does not cause a change in the blood circulation.For this reason, there is often no need for specific treatment for heterotropic cardiac arrhythmias, since they are self-resolved.

Arrhythmia or heart rhythm disturbance

General recommendations

All patients should be treated independently of the severity of the disease. Helps to get faster in the norm, increase the effectiveness of medical treatment.

  • A diet should be observed that involves the minimum consumption of fatty foods and the maximum - fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Stress situations should be avoided or self-pacifist training.
  • Rest must be observed full-time and daily, along with the permissible physical activity.

Patients with heterotropic arrhythmias may be referred for physiotherapy, acupuncture courses and psychotherapy.

Drug treatment of heterotopic arrhythmias

With cardiac rhythm disorders, antiarrhythmic drugs are often used, but in this case, heart rate does not increase, but decreases, in adults there is a pulse of up to 60 beats or less. In such cases, antiarrhythmics do not help, as well as ineffective metabolic and vitamin drugs and drugs for the treatment of heterotopic arrhythmias.

Possible strategies for the treatment of heterotropic arrhythmias:

  • implementation of general recommendations without the use of medicines;
  • the abolition of beta-blockers, if before the occurrence of heterotopic arrhythmia the patient took them, and to take advantage of the presence of an antidote;
  • pacemaker installation.

Patients with arrhythmias are registered to the cardiologist and periodically (approximately once a year) go to the scheduled diagnosis.

When antiarrhythmic drugs are prescribed:

  • in the case of determining heart rate above normal values;
  • if an accelerated idiowentricular rhythm is diagnosed;
  • atrioventricular rhythm with increased heart rate.

It is impossible to take drugs independently without the knowledge of the doctor, because only after a full examination and conducting of the necessary analyzes the doctor is appointed the necessary medicine. Also, in each particular case, the dose of the medication is calculated, so it is best to first consult a cardiologist.

Treatment of heterotopic arrhythmias with folk remedies

The use of phytotherapy in heterotropic arrhythmias is often futile, but vitamin complexes can be used to strengthen the heart muscle

  • Lemon-honey-garlic mixture - five lemon scraped boiling water, squeeze out juice from them. The teeth of five heads of garlic finely grind and combine with 500 ml of honey. The lemons are added to the mixture and all are folded into a container for insistence. Take half an hour before eating for 3-4 h. The course of treatment - 1.5 months and after a break the new course.
  • Lemon-nut mixture with sesame oil - four liners are washed and cut into 4-5 parts, after it is poured with water.Then they are crushed together with a peel in a blender. A half kilogram of walnut kernels are ground and mixed with one glass of sugar and a glass of sesame oil. All ingredients are mixed and folded into a sterile jar. Store in a refrigerator. Take a tablespoon before eating. Course - a month of admission and a month break.

Such simple recipes can be prepared by everyone. The main thing is to apply phytotherapy systematically and according to prescriptions, then the heart will receive the necessary vitamins.

Heterotropic arrhythmias often do not require specific therapy. They arise against other pathologies and therefore, in the treatment of the underlying disease, they pass quickly. Only in rare cases, a pacemaker is required. If you need to strengthen your heart you can use folk recipes.

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