Disability after myocardial infarction: which group is given?

Author Ольга Кияница


Myocardial infarction is an insidious disease that can have a different prognostic conclusion. One patient manages to recover more or less after a heart attack, while others suffer persistent disability. In such cases, the question arises whether a disability is formed after a myocardial infarction and what group is given?

Myocardial infarction (MI) is a serious disease, which is a serious complication of coronary heart disease. The larger the vessel is plugged, the greater the area of the heart muscle is deprived of oxygen, and then talk about the extensive myocardial infarction. Often this leads to the development of other even more severe conditions, so it is extremely important to pass timely comprehensive therapy.

Myocardial infarction most often die patients. For example, in the United States, about one million patients with acute myocardial infarction are registered each year, of which 213,000 are lethal.

The disease requires a long and thorough rehabilitation period. Then the patient, in some measure, manages to restore the disturbed state of health. In other cases, a heart attack leads to severe complications (heart failure, cardiogenic shock, pericarditis, ventricular arrhythmias, etc.), which in turn reduces the patient's ability to work.

Video: Who is given a disability after a heart attack?

What is disability?

Acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and coronary heart disease (IHD) are the most common causes of death and the fourth most common diseases worldwide (1 - Global Atlas on cardiovascular disease prevention and control. Edited by: Mendis S, Puska P, Norrving B. 2011, Geneva: World Health Organization].

In 2008-2009, IHD was diagnosed in 22.9% of the entire German population aged 65 years and over. 2 - Robert Koch-Institut: Coronary heart diseases, diagnosed by a physician (percentage of the respondents). Classification: years, region, age, sex, level of education. German Health Update - Telephone Health Survey (GEDA)]. Short-term mortality from MI in industrialized countries is at a stage of decline due to the use of new methods of treatment and prevention, while in general the aging of the population is observed. This leads to an increase in the number of elderly people who survived AMI.

Disability is the loss of a person's ability to perform the actions necessary for daily life due to previously received trauma or complications that developed against the background of the underlying disease.

In case of disability, a person can not perform self-service and satisfy basic needs such as washing, cleaning, cooking, mobility, etc. Insufficient work capacity indicates a decrease in independence and a greater dependence on other people's help in everyday life, which in turn leads to the need for care for patients and / or for performing other activities related to their care.

While heart diseases, such as IHD, have been associated mainly with disability in the elderly in several studies, only a few have so far shown the association of disability with the increase in the number of patients surviving after MI.Indicators of whether there are differences in the causality and development of disability among the general population and survivors of AMI are still unknown.

Predisposing factors of development of disability after MI

Disability in myocardial infarction is most often due to the presence of the following complications:

  • Angina pectoris
  • Recurrent myocardial infarction
  • Heart Failure
  • Arrhythmias
  • Risk of sudden death

Psychological disorder is a recognized concomitant pathology of myocardial infarction, which can initiate vicious circle formation in patients, delay or complicate the process of recovery.

Clinical depression is also often observed after AMI and, similarly to psychological disorders, aggravates the course of the disease.

Numerous studies have shown a direct negative correlation between the severity of myocardial infarction and a return to habitual activity.

The increased stay in the hospital after myocardial infarction subsequently contributed to a lower rate of return to work.

Some studies have shown the direct impact of cardiac rehabilitation programs on the increase in the percentage of patients returning to work and working for a long time.

Features of registration of disability after MI

Myocardial infarction requires a long period of treatment and even more takes time to rehabilitate after a heart attack. In general, under favorable circumstances, recovery takes up to six months, but often more time is needed. The main thing is that all patients after MI are strictly advised to avoid physical and emotional stress, which under certain working conditions is simply impossible to fulfill. That is why the attending physician after the treatment and rehabilitation sends such patients to VTEK.

VTEK (or ITU) is a medical and labor expert commission (medical and social expertise), which deals with long-term and permanent disability issues. It is with her consent that patients are assigned a particular group of disabilities or are given a refusal altogether.

Disability is given in view of strict requirements, among which one of the important values is the degree of disability to patients. It also takes into account the fact that a person can work at the place where he stayed before the IM.Sometimes the occupation is associated with physical or psychological stress, and harmful working conditions can also be determined, which allows the patient to receive a disability group.

Documents required for disability registration after MI:

  1. Referral to ITU, which is provided by the attending physician
  2. Original and photocopy of the passport
  3. Copy of work record book, notarized
  4. Outpatient card
  5. Original and photocopy of hospital discharge
  6. Application for survey

In addition, you may need a certificate of income and characteristics from your workplace.

What kind of disability group can I get after MI?

There are three groups of disability, which are given to patients in accordance with the degree of their loss of ability to work. The decision to assign the group is given by VTEK after studying the patient's medical history, results of tests and studies before and after treatment, as well as analyzes of medical reports given during the examination of the patient during the medical and social examination.

  1. The first group is the heaviest, because it is assigned to those patients who need constant care of themselves due to severe complications arising against a background of previously transferred MI (angina pectoris, heart failure, severe arrhythmia). Patients with the first group of disabilities are considered incapacitated.
  2. The second group - characterizes the patient's state of moderate severity. Such patients require supportive therapy, but they can perform work with little load. Such a group of disabilities is often appropriated after an operative intervention related to the restoration of blood supply to the myocardium.
  3. The third group is assigned in the case of small violations of cardiac activity, which do not allow performing the previous duties due to the limitation of physical activity.

Disability can be perpetual, but such a conclusion is established if there is evidence of absolute impossibility in the rehabilitation of the patient. Otherwise, the disability group is fixed for one year, after which the patient needs to go through a commission again to confirm the group or to refuse to provide it.

Video: What documents are needed for disability registration? Cycle 2

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4 responses to “Disability after myocardial infarction: which group is given?”

  1. Ирина says:

    Бедные люди, мало того, что им пришлось испытать такой тяжелый недуг, быть на грани между жизнью и смертью, так еще двадцать врачей обойти и, чуть живому, выпросить себе у ВТЭК разрешение на инвалидность…!Мне стыдно, что я живу в том обществе, где человеку не дают шанс на жизнь, а всеми способами, причем унизительными, стараются приблизить его кончину…!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Я сотрудник внг РФ острый инфаркт миакарда, подскажите мне какие документы собирать

  3. Юрий Николаевич says:

    Мне 65 лет, работаю. В октябре перенес операцию шунтирования после перенесенного повторного инфаркта миокарда, а затем операцию на ногу после забора из нее сосуда. В январе 2019г обратился в Бюро №83 за получением инвалидности, но получил отказ. Правомерно ли данное решение

  4. Андрей says:

    В России живём ЛЮДИ ПОСЛЕ 2 Х ИНФАРКТОВ НЕ МОГУТ ГРУППУ ПОЛУЧИТЬ И куда министерство здравоохранения смотрит??? Пазор Тёрёхину
    город Скопин

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