Glycine with VSD: the effectiveness and effect of the drug

Author Ольга Кияница


Glycine is an amino acid that affects the metabolism in the brain tissue. It is prescribed for functional disorders of the activity of the nervous system, in particular, with VSD. Also this substance is a part of complex therapy of various kinds of encephalopathy and stroke.

Glycine with VSD

VSD, or somatoform dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system, is accompanied by a violation of the regulation of the functions of internal organs. Glycine helps to restore the balance of the processes of excitation and inhibition in nerve cells. It interacts with receptors on the membrane of neurons, including NMDA, and due to this reduces excitability, soothes, has an antidepressant effect.


Glycine is prescribed for both children and adults with VSD:

  • stitching pain in the region of the heart;
  • instability of blood pressure;
  • irritability, anxiety;
  • nausea, upset of stool;
  • headache;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • sleep disturbance and others.

Glycine: general information

The drug is prescribed in the form of sublingual or buccal tablets. Also this amino acid is a part of the drug "Eltacin", which additionally contains glutamic acid and cysteine.

Pharmacological effects of glycine:

  • improvement of brain metabolism;
  • sedative (soothing);
  • antidepressant;
  • antioxidant;
  • antitoxic.

The drug reduces the severity of vegetative disorders - headache, palpitations, sweating, feelings of heat, including in women with pathological climax. It stabilizes blood pressure, preventing its sudden increase. Under the influence of glycine, sleep and mood improve, and the nervous system is more resistant to stress. The brain cells are cleared more quickly from toxins, which is useful for chronic poisoning, including those caused by environmental ill-being.

Video: GLYCIN, instruction, description, application, side effects

When should you take the medicine?

Indications for the use of glycine:

  • frequent stressful conditions;
  • vegetative disorders (pain in the heart, instability of blood pressure, abdominal pain, sweating, heart palpitations, dizziness, headache);
  • intensive psychoemotional load, for example, during examinations in children;
  • deterioration of mental performance, fast fatigue, inattention;
  • impaired behavior in children - capriciousness, excessive activity, aggression;
  • alcoholism;
  • neurosis, neurasthenia, depression, decreased emotional background;
  • organic brain diseases - trauma, encephalopathy, the consequences of ischemic stroke, epilepsy.

What are the functions of glycine?

This substance is not an essential amino acid, however maintaining its sufficient quantity is very important. Functions of glycine in the human body:

  • control of the level of protein metabolites in the brain, including ammonia;
  • modulation of activity of nerve cells not only of the brain but also of the spinal cord;
  • control of motor functions, elimination of muscle spasm, maintenance of muscle tone and inhibition of muscle degeneration;
  • increased pH of gastric contents, antacid effect;
  • activation of the synthesis of growth hormone, responsible for the growth of children and the restoration of cells and tissues in adults;
  • participation in the processes of formation of glycogen - a source of energy in the body;
  • activation of cognitive (cognitive, mental) functions.

How effective is glycine in IUD

Glycine regulates the formation of nutrients, which the nervous system uses as a source of energy. It helps to restore the balance of processes of excitation and inhibition, which go not only in the brain or spinal cord, but also in the parts of the autonomic nervous system.
Together with taurine and gamma-aminobutyric acid, glycine acts as a braking neurotransmitter. With VSD, this means that the patient's internal organs will not be pathologically triggered by stress factors. At the same time, sleep, mood, and memory improve, which positively influences the psychoemotional state of the patient with the VSD and, by the feedback mechanism, normalizes the work of his nerve centers.
The effectiveness of glycine in autonomic disorders has been proven by many studies. This substance is a part of biological supplements, which are offered for constant admission to patients with VSD, for example, Glycine Forte Evalar.

How to apply?

Used sublingual (sublingual) or buccal (buccal) tablets, containing from 50 to 200 mg of the active ingredient. Adults are prescribed 100 - 200 mg per reception 2 - 3 times a day, children - 50-100 mg with the same frequency of reception per day. Tablets quickly dissolve in the oral cavity, so they can be used regardless of food and do not drink with water.
The course of treatment is determined individually, on average it is 2 - 3 weeks.

Contraindications and special instructions

Glycine can not be used only with the individual intolerance of this remedy. It can be expressed in the swelling of the oral mucosa, skin itching, rash, headache after taking medication.
If the patient is inclined to lower blood pressure, it is recommended to reduce the glycine dosage by a factor of 2, and with the development of hypotension, cancel this drug.
When combined with tranquilizers, antipsychotic and sedatives, their inhibitory effect is enhanced.

Interaction with alcohol

Glycine does not change its properties with the simultaneous use of alcohol. Moreover, it is part of the complex drugs used to stop alcohol abstinence and hangover syndrome. It is also indicated for patients with chronic alcoholism and alcoholic encephalopathy.

Is it possible to cure the VSD forever?

If the manifestations of the disease are associated only with functional disorders and are not caused by physical damage to the parts of the autonomic nervous system, you can get rid of pathology. To do this, it is necessary to exclude its provoking factors.
Some forms of VSD, for example, orthostatic hypotension, have a poorer prognosis. With this variant of the disease, accompanied by dizziness when the position of the body changes, the risk of stroke increases.
In severe cases of pathology of the autonomic nervous system, such as Guillain-Barre syndrome or multiple systemic atrophy, complete cure is impossible. Therapy in these cases is aimed at maintaining the work of the brain and other organs.
Whether it is possible to get rid of a dystonia depends on the age of the patient, the symptoms of the disease, the severity of the complications. In young people under 35 years of age, who have signs of pathology associated with intense stress on the nervous system, treatment can be completed after 1 to 2 courses of complex therapy.
In older people, with concomitant diseases to eliminate the symptoms of VSD may need a regular course of medication 2 - 3 times a year, including glycine. Physiotherapy methods, acupuncture, balneotherapy, sanatorium treatment are also recommended.

Provoking factors VSD

In order to recognize the manifestations of the VSD at an early stage, when it is well treatable, it is necessary to remember its provoking factors:

  • severe acute stressful situations;
  • long painful experiences, constant stress;
  • chronic mental and physical overwork;
  • hormonal changes - puberty in adolescents, pregnancy and postpartum period, perimenopause, pathological course of menopause, thyroid disease;
  • neurasthenia, neuroses, obsessive fears, anxiety, emotional instability;
  • consequences of traumatic brain injury;
  • the focus of chronic infection (caries, tonsillitis, adenoids, chronic cholecystitis, adnexitis, etc.);
  • impact of vibration, noise, other hazards in the workplace;
  • abuse of alcohol or drugs;
  • hereditarily conditioned features of temperament - quick temper, a tendency to experience.

With all these conditions for the prevention of the first signs of the VSD the doctor can recommend a course of glycine.


VSD develops when the functions of the autonomic nervous system are violated or if it is organically affected and is accompanied by symptoms from the internal organs - the heart, lungs, digestive system. The disease is provoked by stressful situations, hormonal disorders, traumas, infectious diseases, and prolonged intoxication. For its treatment, different methods are used, one of which is the course reception of the amino acid glycine, which improves the metabolism in the nervous tissue and has a mild sedative effect.
Glycine is well tolerated and has virtually no side effects. It can be used to treat VSD at any age.

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