Physiological sinus tachycardia

Author Ольга Кияница


Almost every person in his life experienced a physiological sinus tachycardia. Its appearance is associated with external factors of influence and, as a rule, such a violation of the rhythm is considered not dangerous, but a normal option.

Physiological sinus tachycardia is a variant of the norm.Such a violation of the rhythm was experienced by every person in his life. Most often it occurs during fiznogruzki, but there are other causes of the development of a rapid heartbeat, which is not considered dangerous.

In an adult during a physiological sinus tachycardia, the pulse is often within 100-170 beats / min.

There are a number of features that distinguish the physiological sinus tachycardia from pathological. Also, the rhythm disorder is quite simply diagnosed, so learn more about the physiological sinus tachycardia of the heart, what is it and whether special treatment is required for this condition.

Video Causes and treatment of sinus tachycardia

Description of physiological sinus tachycardia

Several mechanisms are involved in the development of the physiological sinus tachycardia of the heart. Some of them are based on the activity of the sympathetic nervous system. Under the influence of external factors, hormones of adrenaline and norepinephrine are excreted, which stimulate the sympathetic part of the nervous system and contribute to the increase in heartbeat


In some cases, the activity of the sympathetic nervous system increases with the inhibition of parasympathetic. There may also be malformations of the sinus node, but this mechanism of tachycardia formation is more likely to occur with organic heart lesions.

The main differences of the physiological sinus tachycardia from the pathological:

  • the appearance of a physiological heartbeat is due to the influence of external factors;
  • after elimination of the stimulus, the frequency of heart attacks comes to normal within 3-5 minutes;
  • The heart rate has an upper limit - no more than 180 beats / min;
  • During a tachycardia, there are no symptoms such as dizziness, pain in the heart, blurred vision, anxiety and fear.

How dangerous is physiological sinus tachycardia? If the disturbed rhythm quickly comes to the normal, then the general condition of a person does not threaten a rapid heartbeat. If, however, the physiological sinus tachycardia is associated with incorrect workouts, enhanced physical work, emotional overload, then through time the physical state may become pathologic, and then the prognosis depends on the manifestation of the disease.

Symptoms of physiological sinus tachycardia

After exposure to the external factor (physical activity, stress, pain), a rapid heartbeat develops, which is expressed by the following symptoms:

  • pulse on the artery is increased;
  • heartbeat amplified;
  • on the carotid artery there is a ripple.

It is important to know that physiological sinus tachycardia can not be accompanied by symptoms characteristic of pathological heart disease: cardiac pain, dizziness, weakness, feeling of fear, shortness of breath.

Causes of physiological sinus tachycardia

Violation of the rhythm, perceived as a physiological, may develop under the influence of various external stimuli.

  • Physical overvoltage. It stands in the first place among the reasons for the appearance of physiological sinus tachycardia, since it most quickly triggers the mechanisms of formation of a rapid heartbeat.
  • Emotional overvoltage. These include both negative and positive stimuli, as well as stresses that are the result of profound negative experiences.
  • Modification of the microclimate. It would not be desirable to admit, but the person still depends on many physical factors of the influence of the external environment: temperature, atmospheric pressure, the amount of oxygen in the air.
  • Increased body temperature. In many infectious diseases, the mechanism of temperature increase acts as a protective reaction. For the same reason, there is a rapid heartbeat that is needed to meet the increased needs of the body.
  • Cardiotonic Acceptance. First of all, these are strong caffeine-containing drinks (tea, coffee, some energy). Also, a number of drugs are not bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse) causes tachycardia, which from the physiological may gradually become pathological.

It should be borne in mind that in childhood the heart rate is higher than in adults, so you do not have to worry if your heart rate is about 140 beats / min. It is enough to look at the table with indicators of heartbeat by age and make sure everything is fine.

Diagnosis of physiological sinus tachycardia

Based on electrocardiography in standard 12 leads. It is advisable that the ECG be performed during an attack, then the following signs of a physiological sinus tachycardia can be determined:

  • in an adult human heart rate greater than 100 beats / min
  • the sinus rhythm is preserved and is characterized by the correct mapping;
  • The heartbeat P is distinct and unchanged in such leads as I, II, aVF, V4-V6.

sinusovaya-tahikardiya-i-normaDefinition on the ECG of the shortened interval PQ, increased amplitude of the tooth P or changes in the amplitude to the large or smaller side of the T wave, transient depression of the RS-T interval indicates a pathological sinus tachycardia. In such cases, appoint additional research methods.

Treatment and prevention of physiological sinus tachycardia

Rhythm disorders related to physiological arrhythmias that are incapable of endangering human health are not subject to medical treatment. Physiological sinus tachycardia, as a rule, passes independently and does not cause tangible discomfort. If the heartbeat continues for more than 5 minutes and there are signs of a pathological tachycardia, then a specific treatment is applied.

Prevention of physiological sinus tachycardia is aimed at normalizing everyday lifestyle so that fewer feelings, stress, excessive physical activity. It is better when any work, study is carried out with pleasure, then there will not arise situations when the physiological sinus tachycardia has become pathological.

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One response to “Physiological sinus tachycardia”

  1. Barb Neumann says:

    What if the tachycardia is being brought on by an autoimmune disease such as dysautonomia?

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